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Heroes #13:Duels/Dec.2008


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Anyway, that's all- at least LightPhoenix can go back to thinking the ep was pretty good and now nitpick free!

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :)

I assumed they were the lavender top vacutainers that were sitting on the shelf. My bad.

On another Matt/Daphne/Ando note... I like that Matt pointed out how powers were related to condition. It makes a lot of sense that Ando has always wanted to help powered people (Peter, Hiro, Matt/Daphne), and so his power is a reflection of that.

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Has anyone considered that Peter might not actually be "reset?"

My theory is that the serum gave him the power of flight. We've seen that power types can run similarly in bloodlines. Nathan was different because his powers were fake. Now that Peter's powers are fake too, perhaps he was just gifted with the same power as his brother. So instead of being set up as a foil for Sylar, Peter is instead being set up as a foil for Nathan.

I think that's a pretty seriously large departure for the show. I doubt it.

The mythos of the series is that the hero serum gives you a power that is already encoded in your genes. You get what your latent dominant power is.

Peter's dominant power of absorption is already present; ergo, that's what he gets. Peter's immediate power of flight in the presence of Nathan is certainly consistent with that - though it does not rule out a redirection. What you suggest is possible I suppose. But...

I doubt that the writers will let go the possibility of nerfing Peter's powers with this reset though. They seem to go to great efforts to nerf them otherwise throughout the arc of the series.

It is possible, however, that they don't go that route. "We'll see".

The big surprise was leaving Hiro without his powers. We'll see how that works itself out. My guess, as stated earlier, is that there is some vestigial power left, but without Ando there, it's not enough to manifest. Alternatively, Vol IV is a quest for the return of Hiro's power. (Or both).

We do know that the formula has existed before and was used on at least Nathan and Nikki/Tracy/Barbara. Samples from that original formula may well be locked up in the Company's Vault in Odessa as that seems to be where they kept the other dangerous viral samples. That Vault was not disturbed by the fire outside NYC, so presumably it's still there - and would allow Hiro to get his full powers back at some point.
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(By the way, spoilers aplenty in this post and I ain't bothering to cover them up. I'm assuming that if you're this far through this thread that you've seen the episode already.)

I feel almost cheated by this season. It was enjoyable, but I feel like they set up a lot of prophesies and we saw not one of them come true. Not even a little. I was waiting to see little hints or signs or warnings that we were coming up on the future that everyone wanted to prevent, but we didn't even get close. I got a little excited when Peter got slashed across the face, thinking "scar!" but then I realized it was in the wrong place.

It's like they prevented that future so early in the season that the rest of it wasn't even worth going through. I'm hoping that maybe they'll pull some of that forward into next season, but doubt it.

The first season (by far the best - they could've ended it there and I would've been happy) felt very circular. It was complete. I saw the ending coming from a mile away (Peter exploding and Nathan carrying him up to where he couldn't hurt anyone) but felt... I guess the best word would be "fulfilled" to see it come through. Nothing like that in this season. It's like they didn't even make an effort to close the loop this time - like there was no thought for the ending when they started writing the beginning.

Regarding Ando's powers: I will bet money that in the next season we see Hiro being jealous of Ando having powers. It's a complete turnaround for the duo, with Hiro powerless and Ando powered-up. That's bound to come up at some point, at least once.

Regarding future use of the formula: The catalyst seems to be gone. I doubt that even if Hiro hadn't torn up the formula (and somebody get a lighter, please! tearing up a piece of paper does not make it unreadable) that it could be used again simple because the catalyst died in Pa Patrelli.

Oh, and about Peter getting his powers back and them being reset... did anyone else notice that at the end of the episode when Nathan and Peter were talking in the forest (or wherever that was) that Peter's cheek wound was no longer visible? Was that just the lighting, or did he heal it?

Just out of curiosity... why does everybody keep referring to Noah Bennet as HRG? It's been a very long time since he's been the mysterious man in the horn-rimmed glasses. It actually took me a while reading these threads to figure out that HRG=Noah.


On another Matt/Daphne/Ando note... I like that Matt pointed out how powers were related to condition. It makes a lot of sense that Ando has always wanted to help powered people (Peter, Hiro, Matt/Daphne), and so his power is a reflection of that.
It was Daphne who said it, not Matt. And I've been saying that powers are linked to desires since season 1.

  • Niki is being beaten by her dad, so she develops super-strength to defend herself.
  • DL was in prison and needed to get out.
  • Nathan was in a car being chased by thugs, and needed to get out.
  • Matt's a cop and wants to know other people's secrets (though in his case we also have the bloodline thing).
  • Hiro, from what I can tell, just wanted to manipulate time and space.
  • Micah was interested in tech stuff.
  • Claire was trapped in a burning building as a baby and needed to survive.
  • Mohinder talked about how his formula could give him wondrous abilities like strength or speed, and those were the abilities he got (together with some side effects).
  • Maya hated her brother's wife and wanted her dead dead dead.
I'm still thinking that other supers in the series could probably expand their powers as well, but Syler and Peter (and now Arthur) are the only ones who have developed an ability that lets them do so on a somewhat intuitive level. Peter has the empathy thing going, and Syler has the ability to figure out how things work.

Relique du Madde

Just out of curiosity... why does everybody keep referring to Noah Bennet as HRG? It's been a very long time since he's been the mysterious man in the horn-rimmed glasses. It actually took me a while reading these threads to figure out that HRG=Noah.

Because Noah turns into HRG when he enters into butt-kicking mode. It's like his alternate identity.


I actually do not assume that Peter was reset. But I might be wrong.

It makes sense for his powers to be reset. In the "science" of the Heroes universe the formula was supposed to give you your innate power. Peter's innate power was being able to mimic the powers from others. There was nothing innate about his ability to fly, or heal, or shoot lightning, or telekinesis, or any of the powers he picked up along the way. So logically it should only give him his mimic ability back and he'd need to pick up a new repertoire of other powers.

Like other people have said, it seems like the writers are always looking for ways to nerf the time traveling angle. From that point of view it also makes sense for Peter's powers to be reset because it means that no major character has time travel powers anymore.

Edit: One thing I wondered, though... and I feel like I had this same thought earlier in the series... why didn't Nathan fly himself? Those flames obviously didn't reach the ceiling. He really has no instinct for when to use his abilities.

Brown Jenkin

First Post
In the "science" of the Heroes universe the formula was supposed to give you your innate power.

Except for the whole eclipse angle. But then I find things go better when I start ignoring large chunks of Volume 3 and especially anything to do with the eclipse episodes.


did anyone else notice that at the end of the episode when Nathan and Peter were talking in the forest (or wherever that was) that Peter's cheek wound was no longer visible? Was that just the lighting, or did he heal it?

First thing I looked for when they showed his face: the cut/wound was there. No healing for Peter... yet.


Slight threaddrift -- but did anyone watch the webisode that just started on nbc's website, "The recruit" that partially takes place at the same time pinehurst is getting blown up?

While the power shown isn't necessarily new for the show, the implementation had a cool factor ...
Nightcrawler style "Bamf!" and smoke cloud

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