
Soldiers Attacks Of Opportunity

[sblock=Meta Actions Attacks Of Opportunity]
Duncan Dropping 2 points into Combat Expertise and attacks the prone rising giantess M1.
Attack Roll (6)+15=21 Damage 1d8+7 (7)+7= 14

Travis Dropping 1 points into Combat Expertise and attacks the prone rising giantess M1.
Attack Roll (5)+10=15 Damage 1d8+4 (4)+6= 10

Lenny Dropping 1 points into Combat Expertise and attacks the prone rising giantess M2.
Attack Roll (13)+10=23. Damage 2d4+4 (8)+6= 14

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
As the Giantess maids start to rise, Thallok, Duncan, and the others begin to clobber them, trying to ensure that they do not make it to a standing position!

Duncan Dropping 2 points into Combat Expertise and attacks the prone rising giantess M1.
Attack Roll (6)+15=21 Damage 1d8+7 (7)+9= 16

Travis Dropping 1 points into Combat Expertise and attacks the prone rising giantess M1.
Attack Roll (5)+10=15 Damage 1d8+4 (4)+6= 10

Lenny Dropping 1 points into Combat Expertise and attacks the prone rising giantess M2.
Attack Roll (13)+10=23. Damage 2d4+4 (8)+6= 14

Thallok: first roll was 35, confirmation for crit was not confirmed. Damage from that roll was 12. vs. M1.

Koralynn: vs. M1: (11) = Miss.

Both Giantesses manage to stand, although Snoggrella takes several brutal wounds as she does so! She is in HORRIBLE condition!

Lenny uses his axe to chop Greenmuggella in the left thigh as she is rising, giving her a nasty gash!

In her excitement, Koralynn mis-judges her swing against Snoggrella, and achieves only an insignificant, glancing blow!

Snoggrella has taken a total of 96 pts. of damage.
Greenmuggella has taken a total of 46 pts. of damage.

As Snoggrella gets to her feet, she snarls at Sir Duncan, as she brings her massive rolling pin to bear!

Duncan AC 21 Base
+2 Combat Expertise
+1 Ebony
+2 Shield Wall
Total AC: 26
Snoggrella: (19) Miss

Sir Duncan is expecting the blow, and brings his shield up to not only block it, but to change the direction of the blow, deflecting it harmlessly away from him.

Greenmuggella growls at Lenny, who gave her the nasty gash, and attempts to break his skull open!

Lenny Base AC: 18
Combat Expertise: +1
Ebony: +1
Shield Wall: +2
Total AC: 22
Greenmuggella: (15) Miss

Lenny is also expecting the blow, and shouts, "WHOOP! HOO-AHH!" as he sidesteps into the Shield Wall, turtling up, and allowing the overlapping shields to absorb the blow! Lenny smiles with satisfaction as he notices the effectiveness of his group's formation.

Lenny says to Travis, "Priority Target to your left! LEFT FACE!"

Travis replies, "Priority Target Left! HOO-AHH!"

Hill Giant #6 continues to bleed out.

Hill Giant #4 follows his commander, heading South down the Western Hallway.


RESPEN: It's your turn! Nosnra looks to be in REALLY BAD condition! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

8th Round:

Respen: 25 [9 Damage]
Nelvandra: 21a

Hill Giant Prince (Kraven): 21b
The Drow: 21c
The Troll: 21d
The Beautiful Giantess: 21e

Dewydd: 20a [30 Damage]
Koralynn Copperstrike (D1 / K): 20b
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [5 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [8 Damage]

Priestess Vulka (W): 19d1
Chief Nosnra (N): 17a

Duncan: 17b
Ebony: 17c
Lenny: 17d
Trav: 17e

Dire Wolves: 17f
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b

Thallok: 16c [2 Damage]

Hill Giant Guests (The Two Prone Brothers) (9 and 18): 16d
Hill Giant Guests (Dying / Bleeding Out) (#12): 16e
Hill Giant Guests (Surrendered) (10,13): 16f

Someone Mysterious: 16h

Kleborn: 15b

Remaining Hill Giant Commander (#3): 13

Valoran The Axe: 10a
Vale: 10b [49 Damage; Seriously Injured!]

Ogre Sous Chef (Ogre #2): 9
Orc Servants: 7
Giantess Maid #1: 5
Giantess Maid #2: 4
Remaining Hill Giant Guards (4 & 6) [#6 is Bleeding Out]: 0 (DEAD LAST)

Someone Mysterious =Severely Wounded / Bloodied (108) Not visible

Prince Kraven = Moderately Wounded (67)
Snoggrella (M1)= GRIEVOUSLY Wounded (96)
Greenmuggella (M2)= Moderately Wounded (46)
Ogre Chef (Ogre #1) = Dead
Ogre Sous Chef (Ogre #2) = Moderately Wounded (34) + (9 Non-Lethal = 43 Total) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Ogre Sous Chef (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Dead
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 = Dead
Tiny = Dead
Tim = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider = Dead
Nosnra = Gravely Wounded (129) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs
Vulka =Severely Wounded (192) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3)
H1 =Dead
H2 = Dead
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs; Current Move Rate: 45 ft. (Potion)
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs
H5 =Dead
H6 = Dying (-7)
H7 =Dead
H8 = Dead
H9 =Severely Wounded (71) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Dead
H12 = Dying (-8)
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Dead
H15 = Dying (-5)
H17 =Dead
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Dead
H20 =Dead
H21 =Dead
H22 =Dead

[sblock=Remaining Durations of The Party's Buff Spells:]
This total is as of the Eighth Round of combat:

Dewydd's Buffs:
Abjurant Armor [+8] 10 hours [6,000 Rounds] = 5,975 Rounds Remaining
Alter Self 50 minutes. [500 Rounds] = 475 Rounds Remaining
Shield [+8] 12 minutes. [120 Rounds] = 95 Rounds Remaining
Protection from Evil 10 minutes. [100 Rounds] = 75 Rounds Remaining
Blur 5 minutes. [50 Rounds] = 25 Rounds Remaining
Sheltered Vitality 6 minutes. [60 Rounds] = 51 Rounds Remaining

Interfaith Blessing (Everyone) 6 minutes. [60 Rounds] = 35 Rounds Remaining

Bull's Strength (Lathir) 11 Minutes. [110 Rounds] = 85 Rounds Remaining
Cat's Grace (Lathir) 11 Minutes. [110 Rounds] = 99 Rounds Remaining

Greater Invisibility (Tam) 11 Rounds. = 2 Rounds Remaining.
Haste (Everyone Except Tam & Lathir) 11 Rounds. = 2 Rounds Remaining

Shield (Nel) 4 Minutes. [40 Rounds] = 31 Rounds Remaining.

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #17: Orc Servants, Dire Wolves

Doing Things In Room #1: Someone Mysterious, Sous Chef Ogre #2

The Dungeon Master said:
(on 12-16-2017, Chapter 4 Thread, pp. 27, reply #270)

For the sake of continuity, I am going to say that the following party members had the following amounts of arrows:

Tam = 2 Quivers
Thallok = 1 Quiver
Kleborn = 1 Quiver

It seems that I messed up; Sylvar shouldn't have the Elven Arrows on him. So I will say that the arrows had been split differently; instead of two quivers, Tam-Tam is only carrying one; that makes sense anyway, since he's a little guy.

Elven Arrows Remaining (Tam): [16] Fired so far: 8 (8 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.
Elven Arrows Remaining (Thallok): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Kleborn): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Sylvar): [20] Fired so far: 6 (14 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.


Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Posted on behalf of Respen (email submission)

~ Filthy place. Filthy inhabitants. ~

Respen is disgusted by the trophy room. He never hunted for trophies. He certainly had hunted for sport in the past, but he never had much use for trophies.

It always seemed macabre and vain to him. He had encountered giants before, but not like these cretins. The stone giants to the west of the Enllaves sent representatives to his uncle’s funeral. They were a dignified people. Small in number, but large in heart and hope. This rabble was a foul and revolting lot.

Surveying the battle at either end of the trophy room, the irony of the giants being the hunted produces a wry smile. The lightning bolt from the south startles him, the crackle of thunder and the smell of ozone overwhelm his senses for an instant. He turns his attention toward the south. Seeing the struggling Nosnra reeling from successive blows from Kleborn and Vale, Respen resolves to end this particular threat. Without saying a word, he sprints toward Vale, notching his bow, and slides with arrow ready next to Vale, 25-30 feet from Nosnra and one of the stone elders.

“Adieu géant,” he says as he releases the arrows; it is the last thing Nosnra sees, and he is dead before his head hits the ground. The arrow sticks shaft deep into his right eye, breaking his cheekbone, gouging his eye, lacerating his ear canal, and burying itself deep into his brain. The puncture leaves little blood as it pools internally. To Vale and Kleborn, as well as the giants in the room, the visual and auditory effect is instantaneous. There is no confusion; the hill giant king is very dead.

Before Nosnra’s head hits the ground, Respen releases his second attack against the stone giant closest to him (S2). The arrow also strikes home with a “snikt” sound, piercing the stone giant long-ways in his forearm like an elongated splinter.

OOC: Respen moves 35 ft to space R8 and attacks twice: 1st attack on Nosnra: Attack is Critical Hit (roll 36; confirm w/24); 38 points damage; 2nd attack on Stone Giant Elder (S2) (roll 29) 17 points of damage

[sblock=If you speak Elvish] Goodbye giant. [/sblock]

+1,000 xp to Respen, for the spectacular, critical, bow shot which ended Chief Nosnra's reign of terror!
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Vulka Warns The Party!

Respen moves up, and makes a spectacular bow shot, catching Nosnra squarely in his right eye!


Nosnra has taken a total of 167 points of damage. Nosnra is killed! (-18 Hit Points)

As the Hill Giant Chief topples to the ground, his wife, the Priestess Vulka, wails in agony!

Vulka says, "Немає! Мій коханий Носнра! Усі ви платите за те, що ти зробив цього дня! Лорд нагородить своїх вірних слуг перемогою навіть у смерті!"

[sblock=if you speak Giant]"No! My beloved Nosnra! You shall all pay for what you have wrought this day! Lolth rewards her loyal servants with victory, even in death!"[/sblock]


Nelvandra sneers at Snoggrella, and says, "Be still, witch!" as she invokes a spell!

Two, searing motes of light speed toward the ailing Giantess, slamming into her with a modicum of deadly force! Somehow, likely through sheer force of will, Snoggrella remains standing, despite the immense pain caused by Nelvandra's spell!

Nelvandra casts Magic Missile. Snoggrella takes 5 points of damage.
Snoggrella has taken a total of 101 points of damage. Snoggrella is trembling, teetering on the edge of collapse!

Prince Kraven, sensing that things are very quickly going awry, spits in anger, and then charges South down the hallway at full speed, moving impossibly fast! He quickly passes up his slower-moving colleagues (H3 & H4) and disappears from view!

Prince Kraven base move: 40 ft.
Pursuit movement (x4 Run): 160 ft.
Kraven moves South at pursuit speed, opening the door at Area #1 as part of his move action.
Prince Kraven is now in Room #1, along with the Ogre Sous Chef and the Mysterious Someone.

Move Action: Glimval retrieves scroll from pouch.
Standard Action: Glimval activates a spell scroll.
Caster level check: (vs. DC 10) (21) (Success)
Haste Action: Glimval does something else.

In the room to the North, the big Drow invokes a scroll! A Wall of Stone suddenly appears, blocking off access to the Northern room, as it melds into the load-bearing, Northern wall! You hear his muffled shouts to his comrades, as they all do things and move around. Their exact actions are uncertain.

The Troll does something.

The Beautiful Giantess does something.


DEWYDD: It's Your Turn! Kraven has run off to the South! The gaps in the stone wall to the North have been filled in with a spell! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

8th Round:

Respen: 25 [9 Damage]
Nelvandra: 21a

Hill Giant Prince (Kraven): 21b
The Drow: 21c
The Troll: 21d
The Beautiful Giantess: 21e

Dewydd: 20a [30 Damage]
Koralynn Copperstrike (D1 / K): 20b
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [5 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [8 Damage]

Priestess Vulka (W): 19d1

Duncan: 17b
Ebony: 17c
Lenny: 17d
Trav: 17e

Dire Wolves: 17f
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b

Thallok: 16c [2 Damage]

Hill Giant Guests (The Two Prone Brothers) (9 and 18): 16d
Hill Giant Guests (Dying / Bleeding Out) (12,15): 16e
Hill Giant Guests (Surrendered) (10,13): 16f

Someone Mysterious: 16h

Kleborn: 15b

Remaining Hill Giant Commander (#3): 13

Valoran The Axe: 10a
Vale: 10b [49 Damage; Seriously Injured!]

Ogre Sous Chef (Ogre #2): 9
Orc Servants: 7
Giantess Maid #1: 5
Giantess Maid #2: 4
Remaining Hill Giant Guards (4 & 6) [#6 is Bleeding Out]: 0 (DEAD LAST)

Someone Mysterious =Severely Wounded / Bloodied (108) Not visible

Prince Kraven = Moderately Wounded (67)
Snoggrella (M1)= GRIEVOUSLY Wounded (101)
Greenmuggella (M2)= Moderately Wounded (46)
Ogre Chef (Ogre #1) = Dead
Ogre Sous Chef (Ogre #2) = Moderately Wounded (34) + (9 Non-Lethal = 43 Total) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Ogre Sous Chef (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Dead
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 = Dead
Tiny = Dead
Tim = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider = Dead
Nosnra = Dead
Vulka =Severely Wounded (192) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3)
H1 =Dead
H2 = Dead
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs; Current Move Rate: 45 ft. (Potion)
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs
H5 =Dead
H6 = Dying (-7)
H7 =Dead
H8 = Dead
H9 =Severely Wounded (71) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Dead
H12 = Dying (-8)
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Dead
H15 = Dying (-6)
H17 =Dead
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Dead
H20 =Dead
H21 =Dead
H22 =Dead

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #17: Orc Servants, Dire Wolves

Doing Things In Room #1: Someone Mysterious, Sous Chef Ogre #2, Prince Kraven

The Dungeon Master said:
(on 12-16-2017, Chapter 4 Thread, pp. 27, reply #270)

For the sake of continuity, I am going to say that the following party members had the following amounts of arrows:

Tam = 2 Quivers
Thallok = 1 Quiver
Kleborn = 1 Quiver

It seems that I messed up; Sylvar shouldn't have the Elven Arrows on him. So I will say that the arrows had been split differently; instead of two quivers, Tam-Tam is only carrying one; that makes sense anyway, since he's a little guy.

Elven Arrows Remaining (Tam): [16] Fired so far: 8 (8 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.
Elven Arrows Remaining (Thallok): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Kleborn): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Sylvar): [20] Fired so far: 6 (14 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.

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I howl with laughter, "Kraven's CRAVEN! Look at him run! What a fitting name!" My mirth quickly subsides though and I give chase after Kraven. Upon seeing that he has linked up with two more giants, I shrug and instead continue further south down the main entrance hallway to determine what all of the ruckus is.

OOC: 23 Sense Motive check - requested by DM

GM: DM NOTE: Dewydd surmises that Kraven probably isn't fleeing---he's trying to circumnavigate around the Main Feast Hall, in order to avoid all of the spells. By heading South along the Western Hallway, he probably hopes to turn East at some point. That would bring him in the party's direction, and also in the direction of the ruckus near the entrance. Dewydd thinks that by heading South from the Main Feast Hall, down the Grand Hallway, he will probably meet up with Kraven, eventually. And it's a better idea than running by the other two Giants, and giving them a free swipe each.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
The Grand Hallway and the Entry Foyer: SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE!

Dewydd flies to over to the Western Hallway, at first intending to pursue Kraven directly, but changes his mind when he sees that he will need to fly directly past the other two Hill Giants (H3 & H4); he then reverses direction, and moves South through the Main Feast Hall, into the Grand Hallway, hoping that this path will intersect with Kraven's.

Base movement when Flying: 60 ft.
With Haste bonus: 90 ft.
You cannot run while Flying. Therefore, instead of pursuit (x4) movement, Dewydd must rely instead upon double move.
Double Move = 180 ft.
DM NOTE: (This is going to be an OTTER rule variant): when flying, there is no extra cost for diagonal movement.

It will take Dewydd 85 ft. worth of movement to reach the Western Hallway, and notice the straggling Hill Giants.
Starting from that position, he heads back into the Feast Hall at a Southward slant.
60 more feet worth of movement will put Dewydd at the bottom-most portion of the main battle map, in the middle of the Grand Hallway. Dewydd will have 35 ft. worth of movement remaining.
Dewydd will not have enough movement to reach the double doors at the end of the Grand Hallway; he will end up being about 30 feet short.

However, the doors are slightly ajar, and being this close, Dewydd can see and hear much better.

As Dewydd moves closer to the end of the Grand Hallway, approaching the Entry Foyer, he notices that one of the double doors is askew enough for him to peer into the room...

In the entry foyer, Dewydd notices the stairway that leads up, into the watchtower, and a huge gong on the South wall...

Littering the room are the corpses of 6 Hill Giants and 2 Ogres!

Fighting tooth and claw with the Sous Chef (and obviously winning) is a HUGE Gold Dragon!


The Dragon looks to be about 18 feet in length, from nose to tail, although it is standing on its hind legs, coiled up like some massive snake. Its head hangs about 10 feet in the air, slightly above that of the Ogre Sous Chef; your guess would be that this Dragon is extremely young, to be so small, but judging by its deadly wake, it is still quite dangerous, and extremely deadly.

The Dragon is not unblemished, however; vanquishing this many foes has taken a toll, and the Dragon wears many bruises, scrapes, and gashes. It still has a lot of fight left in it, but you can tell that it will not be able to continue this way indefinitely.


Somewhere out of Dewydd's line of sight, a voice shouts out in the Draconic tongue! It sounds like Prince Kraven's voice!

Kraven says, "Itaque paulo Collin, video te relinquo vobis nidulo crevit satis fortis. Ubi est adipem, deformis mater tua? Turci occidere parum vobis est ut vix operae pretium erat, quia parum quod opes vos have verisimile est in mammam scriptor servatione. Adhuc, alterum occidere te erit percutiens adversus eam! Tulit vita soror mea, ut non possit facere ad minus accipere in vita eius filius reditus!"

[sblock=If you speak Draconic]"So, little Collin, I see you've grown brave enough to leave your little nest. Where is that fat, ugly mother of yours? Killing a little turd like you is hardly worth the effort, because what little wealth you do have is probably in mommy's keeping. Still, killing you will be another strike against her! She took the life of my sister, so the least I can do is take the life of her son in return!"[/sblock]

In the Eastern Hallway, Koralynn attacks Snoggrella, chopping viciously at her with the Hand Axe that Dewydd lent her!

GM: Attack Roll: 13 (Miss)

Although the blow connects, it is not solid enough to penetrate the thick, leathery hide of the Giantess. Snoggrella sneers at Koralynn with mocking contempt!

TAM-TAM: It's your turn! There are no foes left in the main Feast Hall; the four remaining Hill Giants do not look as if they plan to move any time soon. Dewydd has moved down the Grand Hallway to the South, and looks intent upon continuing! You can't be sure, but you think you hear Kraven's voice to the South, shouting in an unknown tongue! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

8th Round:

Respen: 25 [9 Damage]
Nelvandra: 21a

Hill Giant Prince (Kraven): 21b
The Drow: 21c
The Troll: 21d
The Beautiful Giantess: 21e

Dewydd: 20a [30 Damage]
Koralynn Copperstrike (D1 / K): 20b
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [5 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [8 Damage]

Priestess Vulka (W): 19d1

Duncan: 17b
Ebony: 17c
Lenny: 17d
Trav: 17e

Dire Wolves: 17f
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b

Thallok: 16c [2 Damage]

Hill Giant Guests (The Two Prone Brothers) (9 and 18): 16d
Hill Giant Guests (Dying / Bleeding Out) (12,15): 16e
Hill Giant Guests (Surrendered) (10,13): 16f

"Collin" The Gold Dragon: 16h

Kleborn: 15b

Remaining Hill Giant Commander (#3): 13

Valoran The Axe: 10a
Vale: 10b [49 Damage; Seriously Injured!]

Ogre Sous Chef (Ogre #2): 9
Orc Servants: 7
Giantess Maid #1: 5
Giantess Maid #2: 4
Remaining Hill Giant Guards (4 & 6) [#6 is Bleeding Out]: 0 (DEAD LAST)

"Collin" The Gold Dragon = Severely Wounded / Bloodied (108) Not visible

Prince Kraven = Moderately Wounded (67)
Snoggrella (M1)= GRIEVOUSLY Wounded (101)
Greenmuggella (M2)= Moderately Wounded (46)
Ogre Chef (Ogre #1) = Dead
Ogre Sous Chef (Ogre #2) = Moderately Wounded (34) + (9 Non-Lethal = 43 Total) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Ogre Sous Chef (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Dead
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 = Dead
Tiny = Dead
Tim = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider = Dead
Nosnra = Dead
Vulka =Severely Wounded (192) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3)
H1 =Dead
H2 = Dead
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs; Current Move Rate: 45 ft. (Potion)
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs
H5 =Dead
H6 = Dying (-7)
H7 =Dead
H8 = Dead
H9 =Severely Wounded (71) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Dead
H12 = Dying (-8)
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Dead
H15 = Dying (-6)
H17 =Dead
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Dead
H20 =Dead
H21 =Dead
H22 =Dead

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #17: Orc Servants, Dire Wolves

Doing Things In Room #1: "Collin" The Gold Dragon, Sous Chef Ogre #2, Prince Kraven

The Dungeon Master said:
(on 12-16-2017, Chapter 4 Thread, pp. 27, reply #270)

For the sake of continuity, I am going to say that the following party members had the following amounts of arrows:

Tam = 2 Quivers
Thallok = 1 Quiver
Kleborn = 1 Quiver

It seems that I messed up; Sylvar shouldn't have the Elven Arrows on him. So I will say that the arrows had been split differently; instead of two quivers, Tam-Tam is only carrying one; that makes sense anyway, since he's a little guy.

Elven Arrows Remaining (Tam): [16] Fired so far: 8 (8 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.
Elven Arrows Remaining (Thallok): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Kleborn): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Sylvar): [20] Fired so far: 6 (14 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.

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Tam curses under his breath, "Feck and Gefahl!", as he sees Dewydd fly down the south, great hallway. Not being dim-witted, Tam can guess that Dewydd is trying to catch Kraven. He really wanted to save the halfling cutie; but, there was absolutely no way he could reach her to help, even with his Jump spell. After he had tried it, he may have been able to have cut her loose, but they would both simply crash to the ground, the magically spiked ground, and come to a pointless and nasty end. He was going to have to trust that these remaining giants who had surrendered were not going to go back on their word. Pretty sketchy considering that they were flesh-eating creatures.

It couldn't be helped, Tam had to see this battle to the end, no matter where it migrated to.

Tam takes the quickest way around the fire pit and drops to the clear space at the south end and takes the small five foot jump with relative ease. He then tries a good running start and leaps once more, using the full power of the potion to propel him further than he could run in the same amount of time.

Though far behind Dewydd, Tam was in hot pursuit of this villainous giant --- Kraven.

Tam, retrieving the potion and un-stoppering it is a Move Action.
Drinking the potion / causing it to activate is a Standard Action.
If you drink the potion this round, you won't be able to move.
However, I have looked at the map, and there really isn't a need for the potion at this point.
Despite the fact that you, the player, were uncertain about this, your character would know better.
Therefore, I am amending your action (see resolution post below) to allow you to run after Dewydd,
which was your character's original intention in the first place.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tam Follows Dewydd Into Danger!

Tam gets a running start, leaping down from the fire pit, and launching himself over the spikes!

In the map below ("Tam's Jump" Spoiler Tab), the pink squares indicate the path of your run, for a distance of 20 ft.
The "X" indicates the change in elevation, when you come off the lip of the fire pit, onto the floor.
You will need to make a Balance check, DC 10, to avoid falling. (12) = Success.
You will jump at the end of your run. You need to cover a distance of 5 feet in order to avoid the spikes.
The base DC for that jump will be DC 5. Changing the angle of your jump slightly will increase the DC by 5. (Total DC: 10)
Jump check: (17) = Success.
Distance covered: 12 ft. (Round down to 10.) = 2 squares. The black square indicates the square in which you landed.
Your jump was made as part of your first move action. That means that you're now in the clear, and may move an additional 20 ft. (i.e., you may take your second move action.)
Your second move will put you 15 feet into the Grand Hallway. You're still behind Dewydd, but you're catching up.

[sblock=Tam's Jump]

GM: Tam's position on the new map, after completing his second move:


LATHIR: It's Your Turn! What do you do?


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Lathir looks to the far edges of the room where the real action is still at play, quickly determining a course of action.

~I hope I do not crowd this situation from better fighters.~ He thinks to himself.

Already having spear in hand, Lathir moves toward Thallok's side to attempt to thrust it into the giantess there.

OOC: base roll 1d20 = 9, at work... out of time
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Sylvar B.

Sylvar fires on Snoggerella and overgrown galley wench next to her.

OOC: hit rolls...20,31,32...damage rolls 8, 3,12
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Voidrunner's Codex

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