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Heroes of Shadow Table of Contents


The binder starts to sound really interesting.
Can you say if it feels more like a wizard/invoker/psion/old warlock?
Has he summoning powers (dailies)?

I only know the 1st level Binder Daily and it is total crap as the target can avoid it completely - there is also no Effect line. So I took a different Daily. They could get a Summon on 5th - dunno. Hopefully the Daily will be changed in final print.

What really shines is their At-Will Close Burst 5 Fear power that pushes, does psychic dmg and is a Fear attack. If you MC Assassin, you can slide with it if you miss! You can also target one or TWO targets. Awesome power!

They do not get Striker dmg. So it kinda feels like a Telekinetic Psion because they get so many push powers.

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Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
The Heroes of Shadow preview article is up at wizards.com.

Fluff and crunch info on Vampires. Fluff info on Assassins, Paladins, Warlocks, Clerics, and Wizards.

I logged in to read the article, but hopefully this link will still get you there.


Another cool idea for a blackguard build half elf with commanders strike and mount summon for his level six utility power. Use your commanders strike with your encounter power so that you deal that damage and then your dragon mount does a basic attack as he is an ally according to RC. Add Holy Steed feat to add charisma mod to mount attacks. Wish I knew if servant of vice's creature has an attack.

A really fun twisted idea to shake up a slayer, play one as Shade/Slayer/swordmage/mythic slayer/loreseeker then focus on intelligence and intelligent blademaster instead of strength. Take Shade utilities at every opportunity. Use loreseeker to make two daily utilities into encounter powers, like say the shades shadow monsters utility power. Take a background that gives you religion and history as class skills taking both. You can even use the shades free stealth trained sklll as Slayer don't get it as class skill. So far a slayer with Arcana, Religion, History and stealth as trained skills, plus one other. You even really good at them. Add ritual caster and or vistani hertiage feats for weirdness. Dump stat strength. Want to add insult to injury take the skill power feat and take Arcane babble so that you can be of use in social encounters as well. Heck take a familiar as well liker that gibberling thing that has 360 vision and the feat that allows you to see like it does and vis virsa, so now you have eyes in the back of your head as well as Darkvision which you grant to you familiar. Cast Familiar Mount on it as well. You won't even miss the surge because your a striker with defender surges and hps.
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Yeah, its my solution to people complaining the slayer is just hit, hit harder, hit with no replay value as well a, people complaining that the shade is too fragile and useless. Once you get passed the expectation of Rogues and Assassins the Shade is pretty cool. Maybe alittle eratta to tweak it, but still has cool potential to add shadow powers to classes that don't get it, that's were it shines. People think it supposed to be like the Shadar-Kai and they ask well why do we need this when we already have shadow people. They don't get that the Shade is the intelligenasa/elites to the Shadar-Kais prolatarite. Most Shades don't want to dirty themselves with being thieves and assassins, they have shadar-kai and monsters for that. It the acculation of mystic might and temporal power that interests the shades. Shades are shadow by will while ShadarKai are shadow by blood.
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Thanks for the comment Klaus, although I wonder how you did that? I'm not sure if this post counts as a double post or not honestly. Anyway now that I feel like I understand Shades better. There are no medicore Shades. Shadar Kai can be farmers, blacksmiths, or common soldiers, but the very act of becoming a shade is difficult and dangerous so to thier perpective it makes then elite, better then everyone else. Even heroic Shades would have elements of that even if they didn't put in those terms. The elitism of Shades isn't that of the noblity though (although a noble who becomes a shade might have that as well) its the elitism of meritocracy where power is earned not simply inherited by the unworthy.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Thanks for the comment Klaus, although I wonder how you did that?

he gave you xp.

See the little green thumbs-up icon under people's icon? click on that to give xp to someone and leave a comment (e.g. if you are particularly pleased by something they posted).

There are some restrictions, but that should get you going.



Oh cool thanks for the info. And thanks for the xp Klaus.

I love thinking up cool\weird builds that may not be perfectly optimized but offer a unique play and rp experience. The intelligent slayer shade above for example I imagined grew up in a vistani clan to family with a strong slayer tradition of fighting to protect thier clan. Unlike his father, uncles, and brothers and even his sister he was born kind of weak, but smart. While his family encouraged him to pursue intellectual studies believing that being a slayer was not in the cards for him realistically, he refused to remain the family disappointment. He experimented a little with swordmage magic in the hopes of finding an edge, but found that despite his intellect and speed he had little talent for combat magic although he excelled in rituals passed down from his mothers side of the family. It was from them that he at least learned how to use his smarts when fighting as well as the ritual to become a shade which his greated grandmother had attempted to use, but destroyed herself with. When the clan was appoaching a shadowcrossing to get to a rare market in the shadowfell that would play top coin for wares from the swamps of the Feywild that they had collected, he took his chances and cast his ritual to transform himself into a Shade in the hopes that it would be the edge he needed to thrive as a slayer. He was right it gave him an edge and he found that his unique combination of intelligent blade mastery with slayer might and innate shadow magic made him the best slayer in the clan as well as a repected sage and shadow mystic. The price was high though as the part of his soul that the shadowfell took as brideprice for power was his connection to his family, he lost his ability to connect and understand them, not because he violated a taboo, his clan was practical about such matters, but because the previous ingrained feelings of belonging and kinship to his family were ripped away with that part of his soul. He can't even recall the memory of those feeling although his memories of those experiences are otherwise still in tact. He still remains a member of his clan, not out of love, of which her retains the capacity for even if the previous emotional connections are gone, but out of a mixture of possesiveness and an unnatural drive to prove his suppiorority to all of them, far beyond his previous desire to belong and prove his worth. He still jokes with his clans men and women, but while he is as witty as ever, his humour has a darker edge to it and his words have hidden barbs were before there was only playful teasing and an open heart.
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