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Heroes of the Day [Dawnforge] Part 1: Attack in Ebernath!


Ellawyn summons another bolt of lightning down from the sky incinerating a frogman. The dwarf it was fighting looks relieved.

The other frogman battling one of the townspeople stabs the lowlander he was fighting in the side. The man cries out, but is only wounded and continues to fight back. The creature fighting Kellix aims a clumsy stab at the tiefling who barely moves to avoid it. Flanked as he is, S'sebek sustains wounds from two of the frogmen around him. Neither are serious, but he is starting to trickle blood from multiple wounds.

Targ is still ensnared by the sorcery of the disgusting woman.

Kellix again can't get his rapier past the frogman's spear, but his short sword gets through and pierces its chest. It moans and collapses.

Tervelyn casts swift expeditious retreat on himself and charges back into the fray. One of the frog creatures attacking S'sebek has his back turned and before it realizes that a new threat is upon it, the elf's sword slashes down, cutting into the beast's back.

S'sebek counterattacks in a fury. His spear skewers the creature through its fat gut and, seizing the momentary opening, the yuan-ti's jaw opens and snaps down on the frogman's neck, killing it.

Between the townspeople and the militia soldiers running in, the last few frogmen are quickly dispatched. One of the militia groups jogs off to the south to see if there are anymore attackers to deal with. The leader of the group looks around at everyone standing there and says, "I am Princepales Augurn. Are you all right?" His men have all ready begun to examine the fallen.

S'sebek took 7 more points of damage.

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Kellix looks over the bodies of the fallen to make sure they are all dead. What a bunch of ugly, smelly creatures. Why would they attack the town like this?

He then looks over his comrades, seeing a few of them wounded. Kellix is relieved he was not injured or wounded. He took a lot of chances and was very lucky.

And typical no thanks for what we have done. Kellix will walk over to the leader of the group. "I think we are okay for the most part. A few stab wounds and such, but overall we are okay. We could use medical attention if you have any available? Why would they attack the city like this?" Kellix will mention to the Princepales.


Guest 11456

Ellawyn, female gnome shaman & Molly, female wolf

Ellawyn casts healing spells on S'sebek, Molly, Tervelyn, and Targ.

OOC: Healing Spells: CMW on S'sebek: 15, CLW on Molly: 9, CLW on Tervelyn: 11 & CmW on Targ: 1. That should heal everyone to full except Targ.


Everyone feels much better after the healing spells cast by Ellawyn. Everyone except Targ. The big ogre is still just standing in the water staring at nothing and unmoving.

Augurn kicks at one of the frogmen. "They're kuo-toa. Nasty creatures. They've been making raids over the last month on the town along with other sea creatures. We can't figure out what the purpose of it is, though. They never come in too many numbers and they never seem to have a purpose other than killing as many people as they can. The Druids have been trying to find out the meaning behind this, but have been unable to, so far."


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"Strange indeed that sea creatures are attacking." Kellix will state to Augurn "It looks like my friends are feeling better except the big one here."

"We are looking for an Orc Wizard named Grimnoth, have you heard of him?" Kellix will ask.


Augurn nods toward the ogre and the one soldier in his group not carrying a short sword and only wearing leather armor hops into the water next to Targ. The soldier looks him over and asks, "Did you guys fight anything other than the kuo-toa?"


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"Yeah we fought some old woman with yellow skin covered in scars and warts. She had blue and green hair that kinda looked like seaweed. Why?" Kellix will state to the soldier. Curious as to what the creature was and why the soldier wants to know.


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S'sebek returns to his normal, much less intimidating size after the combat, and quietly thanks Ellawyn for her kindness. Between Kellix handling the communications and the soldiers handling the wounded, he feels comfortable taking the opportunity to wander into the water and check on Targ, who seemed to be in a pretty rough spot for the duration of the violence.


The soldier nods. "Mmmhmm. Sounds like a sea hag." He reaches into a pouch and pulls out a scroll. Chanting, he reads the spell off the scroll and touches Targ. Ellawyn recognizes it as a remove curse spell. The ogre blinks a few times and then looks around and moves his arms slightly. He seems to be back to his normal self. "Feel better?" the solder asks Targ.

Augurn shakes his head. "Like I said, the kuo-toa have been the most numerous attackers, but there have been plenty of others, like sea hags." The Princepales is tall with shoulder-length dark hair curling out from under his helmet. He takes off the helmet and wipes his sweaty brow.

"Who did you say you were looking for? Grimtooth? The name doesn't sound familiar. If he's a wizard, though, you may wish to speak to someone from the Panthic Order. They would know more about such things than I."


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"Thanks we will have to check that out. Is there someone specific to talk to about locating Grimnoth. If so where can I find them?" Kellix will state to Augurn.

"Thank you for helping my friend out. How long would he have stayed like that? And what caused it?" Kellix will state to the man in lather armor, curious to the cause of Tarq's unusual situation

Voidrunner's Codex

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