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He's a Chain-Smoking Detective. He's a Robot on the Lam. Together, They Fight Crime!


First Post
I wanted to take a moment to thank those who had provided the kind words above. I truly appreciate the comments and I hope you will continue to enjoy the storyhour.

While I am not familiar with Alfred Bester, I am huge fan of Jack Vance, specifically the "Dying Earth" stories. Although his works inevitably color all my campaigns to some degree, I really wanted to emphasize that this world is a fantastically ancient one and has seen untold numbers of civilizations rise and fall. I am glad this influence is evident and I hope it will become increasing so as the story unfolds.

Lastly, I am happy the footnotes seem to be working out.

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I have to throw my hat into the corner and agree with all of the above. Awesome title, excellent writing and a very evocative world you've got here.

Meta-game questions, though:
What level were your 2 PCs when they started Sunless? Was this the first adventure you ran, or did you play out their meeting in the city? I'm guessing Human Rogue 2 and Warforged Fighter 2 at this point?


First Post
Both characters began at second level: Dirk as a Human Rogue 2 and Case Nine as a Warforged Fighter 2.

The Sunless Citadel was the first adventure for the group and a lot of the back-story was worked out during the first few games. The players came up with the idea of a private eye agency on their own, including the title of the series: "The Case Files of Chance and Nine".


First Post
Session 3: Chasing the Dragon

The robot slammed the trunk shut, the red glow of the setting sun turning his armor to flame. Looking to the darkening sky, the Lud-Man could see the scarred face of Big Moon1 shimmering on the horizon, its little sisters nowhere to be seen. The first of the great constellations burned brightly in the approaching twilight. The Eye-Tyrant, its eleven baleful star-eyes glimmering with malice, watched as Case Nine gathered the mismatched boxes he had removed from the trunk. Giving one more glance to his surroundings, the warforged made his way back to the deep ravine.

Working down the treacherous path, Case Nine reentered the kobold territories of the ruins. He found Dirk, a cigarette dangling from his mouth, in the room they had first encountered Meepo in, the rogue binding his wounds with white gauze. The ground in front of him was littered with spent bottles and flattened tubes of various tinctures and ointments, all of which bore the logo of Bertik and Company. He looked up, "We got banged up pretty bad, huh?" The robot nodded, "Anyway, I got them to give you a room off to the side. I am no engineer, but I figure you got quite a bit of work ahead of you." He thumbed behind him, "In the back, to your left."

Shouldering his gear, Case Nine entered the sparse room, spreading out the boxes and opening them. Each was filled with strange tools and spare parts stripped from other warforged or scavenged from the ruins of Old Lud. Self-repair and diagnostic routines cycled up and the robot began his work, repairing the damage he had sustained in the battle with the spiders and goblins.

* * *​

They left the kobold territories two days later, retracing their steps through the citadel. Once more they came to the room with the stone door that Case Nine had begun to smash down. Dirk nodded to the door, "Case, want to have a second go around with the door? I figure all the spiders are dead and goblins didn't hear the ruckus last time." The robot nodded and drew out his greathammer as Dirk activated a sunrod and tossed it down the hallway. The rogue then drew his gun and both he and Meepo peered out, keeping watch.

After three massive blows, the door gave way, blowing inward and sending stone fragments skittering in all directions. As the dust settled, the Lud-Man stood ready as Dirk and Meepo joined him at the shattered frame. From within the room, a dim light could be seen and Dirk waved his free hand to clear the air. Five massive sarcophaguses stood upright against the walls of a small room, each of their lids graven with the images of humans garbed in flowing robes, their features idealized and regal. On the far side of the room was a small altar of black stone and atop this were three dust-covered items: A vial, a small glass whistle, and a candle that flickered dimly.

It was candle that caught Dirk's attention, "We may have just hit the jackpot! Cover me."2 His gun in one hand and a sunrod in the other, the rogue crept into the silent chamber, his eyes everywhere, seeking traps left to guard the dead and their treasure. Seeing none, he continued until he reached the basalt altar. Using the hand that held the sunrod, he ran it above the flame of the candle, feeling no heat and the flame of the candle did not sway as it passed. Magic. He turned to the others, "We got a winner ... ". His voice faded off as the entire group heard a loud click.

The lids of the five sarcophagi shuttered and fell forward, cracking on the stone floor of the citadel. From each, a skeletal form came lurching out, bony claws held outstretched and grasping. Dirk backed into a corner and dropped his sunrod, his pistol held in both hands as his gun thundered in the small room. Case Nine swept into the room, his massive greathammer smashing the bones of the undead with great efficiency. Even Meepo, who had previously run from battle, stabbed at one of the skeletons with his spear. As Dirk was reloading his pistol, he happened to look over at Meepo as a skeleton raked the kobold, the bony claws repelled by a mysterious field of crimson energy that flared into sight as contact was made.

Bones shattered by hammer or bullet, the last of skeletons was quickly defeated by the group. Dirk glanced at Meepo, who said nothing and suddenly found one of sarcophaguses deeply interesting, and shrugged. He would have to ask the kobold some questions later, but for now he had more important tasks to accomplish. Blowing the dust off the items of the altar, he quickly rifled through them. The vial had a thick liquid in it and was marked with a rune of fire in the tongue of dragons. The whistle was shaped in the form of a dragon and was cold to the touch. The candle flickered dimly and the rogue carefully packed this away once he determined that it was not truly burning. After searching the room and finding a few other minor treasures, the group continued on.

* * *​

Continuing through the hallways, they made their way back to the first of the goblin outposts, Dirk and Case Nine discussing their plan of attack in whispers. Once they arrived at the door, Dirk quickly disabled the lock and peered through the keyhole. Although his vision was limited, the rogue could see that the goblins had rebuilt their barricade at the end of the hallway and their outpost appeared to be manned, as the hallway was dimly lit by a flickering fire.

Dirk relayed the information to Case Nine and took out his pistol. Readying himself, he nodded at the robot. Case Nine kicked in the door and charged down the hallway, the alarm bell hung on the door clanking once before slammed into the wall. The Lud-Man burst through the barricade, startling a trio of goblin sentries, who had been lounging by a small cook fire. The greathammer swung, bringing death with each blow, and by the time Dirk and Meepo had run up the hall, the goblins were slaughtered, the robot splattered in gore.

Dirk yelled to Case Nine, "Go, go, go!" and the robot responded, running down the hallway into the great room that they had been forced out of before. Behind another barrier of junk, the goblins were just rising to their feet, their eyes wide with fear and alarm. Charging forward once more, the warforged burst through the barricade, five goblins screaming in terror. They swarmed at the Lud-Man with crude maces, denting his armor and causing some damage, but the robot stood and his hammer swung. Goblins died, their broken bodies flung in all directions, as Case Nine went about his work.

Suddenly a door behind the goblin sentinels flung open, four more goblins pouring out, javelins at the ready. One of these crumpled to the ground as Dirk, who had run up to the barrier, took a shot with his pistol. He ducked as the goblins returned fire, javelins rattling off the barricade. He quickly reloaded his gun, taking another shot and sent another goblin to the ground. Meepo, who had joined the rogue at the barrier, launched his small spear, skewering a goblin through the chest. The last of the goblins turned and bolted through the door he entered, letting out a high-pitched screech.

Giving no quarter, the warforged chased the goblin down a short hallway with two doors. He kicked in the first of these doors, finding a small chamber whose floor was scattered with filthy sleeping mats and was lit with a cooking fire that was down to smoldering embers. From the shadows, a javelin shot out and shattered on the thick armor of the Lud-Man. Stalking across the room, Case Nine grabbed the goblin that cowered in the corner and held him aloft by the neck of the goblin's filthy armor. The robot called back, "I have a prisoner, Dirk."

From the hallway, Dirk and Meepo came into the room, the kobold shutting the door behind him. Dirk moved across the room, bring his pistol to the squirming goblin's forehead, "I don't have time for games. You understand Pell-Mell?" The goblin went very still and started to babble its native tongue. Dirk looked back to Meepo, "You speak Goblin right?" The kobold nodded and he turned back to the goblin, "Good. First question: Where is the dragon?" The goblin whined and howled and Dirk pressed the barrel of the gun into his temple, the goblin breaking and screaming something. Meepo translated, "He says it is down the hallway at the next door." "Second question: Anything guarding it?" The kobold translated and the goblin answered, "He says it is locked up alone."

Dirk nodded and jammed the gun into the waist of his jeans, fishing a long rope of out his pack, and trussed the goblin and shoved a rag into his mouth. He looked back at Meepo, "Tell him to keep still and maybe he will get out of this alive." The kobold did, but the goblins' eyes were still wide with panic.

* * *​

The captured goblin slung over his shoulder, Case Nine made his way down the corridor with Dirk in lead. Dirk crept forward, triggering a pit-trap in front of the door, but the agile rogue leapt back before the floor gave away completely. Glaring at the goblin, Dirk quickly disabled the trap and then checked the door, finding no more sabotage. The door was locked, but he quickly picked the lock with a set of long metal implements. He looked back, taking out his gun, "Ready?" Case Nine and Meepo nodded, "Okay. Here we go." He pushed the door open, rusty hinges protesting loudly.

The room beyond was large and judging from its shape, must have been some form of chapel or theater. In the chemical light of the sunrod, the group could see a thick layer of broken furniture and other debris lay scattered all about the parameter of the room. The center of the room was clear but had a suspicious sheen and a definite chill hung in the room. On the walls hung ill-made, gruesome trophies: heads of men, kobolds, and animals.

Case Nine entered the room first, sensors sweeping the debris for signs of the dragon. As he entered the center of the room, he suddenly fell and sent the bound goblin flying. Ambulation and balance subsystems activated, calculations of unfathomable complexity firing, as the robot attempted to right himself upon the icy floor. From within the piles of trash came a tittering laugh and in a flash of white, the dragon was aloft. The dragon was no bigger than a house cat and flew about the room, taunting the warforged, who continued to struggle to stand. Dirk entered the room and grabbed a leg of a broken table and doused it with a bit of lamp oil from his pack. He flicked his lighter out and it flared to life, lightening the makeshift torch. Without taking his sight from the dragon, he said, "Meepo, close the door."

Calcryx did a whirl about as he heard the rogue, its eyes narrowing with hatred as it saw the kobold, its former keeper. Fluttering down, the dragon hissed and opened its mouth, releasing a shimmering spray of deathly cold. Dirk ducked and rolled under the attack, sliding on the ice to come up behind the dragon. He brought up the flaming club and struck, Calcryx screaming in pain.

The dragon clawed and bit at Dirk, but the rogue was far too fast, countering each attack with one of his own, his smoldering club striking again and again. The dragon grew enraged and breathed another gout of freezing air, this time catching the rogue. Calcryx gave a haughty laugh at Dirk's misfortune and in its arrogance failed to notice that the subroutines of Case Nine had corrected for the presence of ice and the robot was on his feet again. Dirk smirked and nodded at the Lud-Man, "Looks like the cavalry is here." The dragon hissed and turned to see what the rogue was talking about. Taking advantage of the dragon's distraction, Dirk flipped the club, driving the butt into the small monster's skull and it fell limp to the ground. The rogue looked at the warforged and shrugged, "Oldest trick in the book. Didn't think he would go for it. Now let's out of here before we attract any more attention."

Case Nine nodded and grabbed the dragon, which was alive but unconscious, and the group ran from the room back to the kobold territories, leaving the bound goblin sniveling in a corner.


1 Big Moon is scarred from the actives of an elder culture of man, one that left this world and explored the void between planets and stars. Their fate is unknown, but it is widely known they strip-mined the moon extensively and the scars are their work. Modern astronomers note that they or some other creatures are still active on Big Moon, as new, smaller scars occasionally appear on the moon's surface.
2 The continual flame spell is not available in this campaign. These magics were known by races of antiquity and at times examples of the still active spell are unearthed, but they are rare, expensive, and prone to spontaneous dispelling. The reason for why this spell is unavailable in modern times is unclear, but there are persistent urban legends that a company (which one varies by storyteller) released a spell-virus when electricity was once more rediscovered and harnessed. The spell-virus slowly corrupted all versions of the spell and is thought to still be active, devouring even ancient spells. Whatever the true reason, modern spellcasters have been unable to reinvent or reverse engineer the spell.


First Post
Session 4: A Girl Named Mere

Dirk threw the unconscious ice dragon into the cage as Case Nine bent the mangled bars back into place. The rogue rubbed his hands on his jeans, "Well that's that. Let's take a breather and see if the gobo's come at us."1 They spent the next two days resting and repairing, vigilant for a retaliatory strike against the kobolds, but none came. Deciding that it was time to continue their trek, Case Nine, Dirk, and Meepo once more entered the goblin territories.

They moved quietly and slowly through the twisting hallways of the ruin, but found no sign of the goblins. The barricades they had once held lay broken and the fire pits were cold. Continuing forward, they worked their way back into the large room where they had captured Calcryx. Here there was a door that Meepo thought would lead deeper into the goblin area. Weapons at the ready, Case Nine gave the door a mighty kick, but it refused to budge, seemingly barred from the other side. It took the robot four tries before the door finally gave way, shattering inward. Beyond the door was a long hallway, ancient dragon-carved columns holding a high, vaulted ceiling. The hall was lit with flickering torches and the air was hazy with smoke.

Goblins, clearly awaiting the noisy invaders, jumped from behind columns and launched a barrage of javelins at the robot. From down the hallway, more goblins came running and screaming, javelins shaking in their small fists. Taking out crude maces, the nearby goblins surged the robot, pounding at his armor and overwhelming him. He responded in kind, his greathammer killing with every savage arc. Meanwhile, the halls reverberated with the thunder of Dirk's pistol, goblins falling in mid-charge.

As the goblins overran Case Nine to menace Dirk and Meepo, who had wisely set up behind the warforged, another shout was heard. Goblins as big as a human, dressed in studded leather and wielding long swords, appeared at the end of the hall and charged toward the Lud-Man. Case Nine shouted a warning, "Hobgoblins incoming." Dirk cursed as he dodged a goblin's mace.

The hobgoblins came in, blades flashing in the torchlight, brutally striking at Case Nine. His thick armor dented, he began to give off smoke as systems failed and smoldered. But even as he was beaten, his hammer swung relentlessly, and one by one the hobgoblins fell before the warforged. Behind him, Dirk had dropped his gun and had his short sword out, stabbing and darting, fending off the attacks of the goblins. Meepo skewered with his spear, managing to take out a goblin, but he was sent sprawling as another clubbed him with a mace.

A few moments later, the battle was over, as Case Nine killed the last of the goblins. Seeing no further reinforcements, Dirk and Meepo quickly looted the corpses of the goblins, taking bloodstained coins and several long swords, as Case Nine kept watch. When they finished they ran off and headed toward the kobold's hold, as they were too hurt and damaged to continue.

* * *​

"Hello? Hello? Are you out there? We need help!"

They were halfway back when they heard the cry. The voice was female and both Case and Dirk recognized the accent: New Lud. After a moment, they found that it was coming from behind a door they had ignored before. Dirk kneeled and had a look, determining that there was no sign of sabotage and he picked the lock with ease.

Gun in one hand, sunrod in the other, Dirk kicked the door open, the foul stench of unwashed bodies and excrement hitting him like a fist. The harsh chemical light of the sunrod revealed a terrible scene. Chained against the walls were five kobolds, all living skeletons, too weak to even lift their heads. Against the far wall was a great cage, a pale woman blinking in the light. Her voice cracked as she called out, "I am Mere Bertik. My family can make it worth your while to get me out of here."

Dirk surveyed the room, his eyes lingering on the Bertik & Company logo stamped on the shaft of his sunrod. Jackpot. "Case, see if you can get those kobolds down. Meepo, give them some water. I'll see if I can get the lock on the cage." The robot obliged, snapping the rusting chains off the wall and lying the feather-light bodies to the ground, while Meepo carefully gave each of the prisoners a sip of water from a dented canteen.

Dirk walked over to the cage and flicked his gun toward the back of the cage. "Take a step back, I need some space." The girl did, holding up ghost white hands to show they were empty. He holstered his gun and took his lock picks out his jacket. Glancing up at her, he took in the woman. She was dressed in dirty jeans and a poncho several sizes too large. But her face was everything Dirk needed to know. Sharp nose, dark eyes and hair, pale skin.2 She was New Lud all the way.

Looking up from his work to the woman, Dirk nodded at the cage, "How'd you end up in here? Far way from New Lud." She looked at him, "I was part of exploratory crew for the family business. I came seeking a certain mystical apple with healing properties." She shook one of the iron bars that held her, "But we were ambushed and I was taken prisoner by the goblins. I managed to convince them that I was a witch and my people would be willing to barter for my safety." She looked at the robot as he worked, "Who are you? Are you adventurers or treasure hunters?"

A loud click could be heard as Dirk finished with the lock and swung the door open, "Nope. Private investigation outfit out of Asheril. Name is Dirk Chance. The robot is my partner, Case Nine. The kobold is Meepo." He tucked his picks back into this jacket, "You really a witch?" She stepped out of the cage, "No. I am acolyte of Boccob the All-Knowing, but his name is not known to the goblins. My magics were enough to dupe them and also provide sustenance during my imprisonment." Looking at the others, than back to Dirk, "If you are investigators, who are you a looking for?"

Dirk took out the creased photograph of Braford and handed it to her, "Warrior Priest of the Cult of the Seven Lords of Light. His name is Isaiah Braford. Got lost out a holy pilgrimage and this ruin is his last known location." Mere shook the photograph, "I have seen him! He and his companions were held here a while a go by the goblins. They were taken away and I never saw them again." Dirk took back the picture, "Let's get the kobolds and get them back to their people. Then we go top side and have ourselves a talk." He turned toward Meepo, "You want to come along?" The scrawny little kobold nodded his head furiously.

* * *​

They returned to the surface after dropping off the kobold prisoners, only to find the Orion '23 missing. Case Nine found it in a ditch near where it had been parked, a new dent in the front fender and the ignition crudely hotwired. They spent the better part of two hours getting it out and undoing the damage of the would-be thieves. The sun was well past its zenith when they finally rolled into Oakhurst.

In town, they resupplied the necessities with some of the loot from the ruins: bullets, canned foods, hard-rations, alchemics, smokes, a few watered down healing potions, and a new pair of jeans and boots for Mere. Chance had been hoping to spend the night in town, but he found that the townsfolk responded poorly to Meepo, who had done no more than peer out from the back of the Orion in wonderment at these strange new surroundings. So they roared out of town, raising a roostertail of dust in their wake, and made camp in a barren place between town and the ruins.

The moons were beginning to rise as Case Nine built a great fire, for the wastes grew cold when the sun set. Dirk cooked a few tins of food over the fire, as Mere and Meepo stared into the dancing flames. After dinner, Dirk lit a Belker and offered one to Mere, who took it gratefully. Sitting around the campfire, Dirk looked around, "All right then. It is time we talk." He nodded at Mere, "Why don't you fill us in a little more about what happened to you with the gobos."

The New Lud girl took a drag off her cigarette and exhaled, the smoke drifting into the clear night sky. "As I said, I was part of an expedition to retrieve a strange apple with curative properties. My family's business is in alchemics and we have an interest in various tonics and cure-alls. We had received a sample of the apple and tracked down its source to the ruins we just came from. I volunteered to lead the expedition, as I needed to get out of the city for a while." Her eyes grew distant as she said this and she paused for a moment.

"But we didn't get very far. We got ambushed by goblins just when we entered the ruins. I guess Meepo's people must have come in later, because there were no kobolds there when I arrived. Anyway, I don't know what became of the rest of the crew, as we were separated. I managed to convince the goblin leader that I was a witch and I was worth more alive than dead. I don't know how long I have been down there, but it has been a while." She paused and took a swig of water from a chipped glass Case Nine had dug out of the trunk of the car.

"I wasn't always alone though. Mostly it was kobold prisoners, but sometimes it was other people as well. Like this Braford you are looking for. The goblins got him and his two friends not so long ago. He said he was on a divine quest to slay an outcast Seeker3 named Belak, who from what I have gathered from the goblins and kobolds, lairs beneath the citadel. Isaiah said he was also to cut down a wicked tree that grew in the dark beneath the ruins and was tended by Belak."

Case Nine made a strange, unidentifiable sound, "I was not informed that Seekers would be involved in this mission." Dirk smirked, "Had a run in with an overly zealous bunch of them in Asheril. He has not been the same since." Mere nodded, "Anyway, Braford was in pretty bad shape when I talked to him, as were his companions, Sharwyn and Talgen. They had tangled with a great spider and lost one of their party. They were forced to retreat and the goblins got them when they were weak. They didn't stay long in the prison and the goblins took them away, saying that Belak wanted them. I never saw them again."

Dirk and Case Nine exchanged a look. They were going to need help with this job. Dirk spoke, "You know we can't take you back to Asheril right away. We have to finish this job." Mere nodded, "Yes, I know." She paused for a moment, "If you will have me, I would like to join your expedition. I too want to finish my job. This wicked tree Braford spoke of must be what produced the magic apple I seek." She paused, flicked the butt of the spent cigarette into the fire, and then looked up, "Besides, you three look like you could use a healer. While this is not a primary focus of Boccob the All-Knowing, he still maintains an interest in the area. In addition, I know of incantations that will repair a warforged much more quickly than the use of spells designed for flesh and bone creatures." Dirk and Case Nine exchanged a glance and it was Dirk who nodded at the woman, "Welcome aboard."

Stars and moons wheeling above in the vast dark sky, the group huddled around the fire and talked of many things long into the night.


1 Gobo is a common slang term for Goblins in Asheril.
2 Much of the look for Mere came from the artwork for the Healer class in the Miniature's Handbook.
3 The Seekers are a large, loosely organized, quasi-religious group that eschews many technologies and sorceries, instead striving to live in harmony with the environment. They live outside the cities in their own communes and are generally a peaceful group. There is great heterogeneity within the Seekers, with some groups living an extremely primitive existence, while others accept metalworking and other more advanced concepts. Their holy men and women tap into the primal forces of the earth and are the druids of the campaign setting. In Asheril, which they sometimes visit for trade purposes, they are mostly known for their dark, somber clothing and excellent farm products and handicrafts.
Last edited:


NPC Cleric? Or Cleric/Wizard? Or did you pick up a 3rd player? And what's with Mepo's ... kobold armor. Yeah... 'kobold' armor.

Excellent update, sorry I had missed the last one.


Penguin Herder
Just a side-note: the classic "He's ... / She's ... / They fight crime!" works because the different pronouns cue identity -- the two subjects are initially disambiguated, so the concluding plural makes sense.

You oughtn't do "He / He / They" because it is ambiguous. However, one of them is a robot -- you could do a "He / It / They" and that would be a novel twist on the classic.

Cheers, -- N


Needless to say, this Story Hour is straight BRILLIANT. I always love robot sidekicks (unless Dirk is the sidekick, which would be great).

I don't have eberron, but if this is any clue as to what eberron is...there goes another $40 down the drain.

Dr Simon

jezter6 said:
I don't have eberron, but if this is any clue as to what eberron is...there goes another $40 down the drain.

The only Eberron thing in this is the warforged. The rest seems to be Pell-Mell's homebrew campaign which, in my opinion, is way better than Eberron. It's sort of how Eberron could have been (with their 'pulp-noir magic-tech' concept) but it felt to me like somebody at Wizards chickened out of going that extra mile to mix modernism and fantasy.

Voidrunner's Codex

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