D&D 5E Hexblade advice - Teleporting into Darkness


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Hi folks!
So I have a planned character build for our game, and I want to ask you guys what do you think about it, what is needed to be changed.
Firstly I want write some info about a campaign. (Im not a native English speaker so please excuse my mistakes)

We playing in the 5e system, in a world that our DM made. This is the first proper D&D game that we participate in, (our DM ran a game for two players in the party before, but the rest of us are new players) and our DM ruled that on every Ability Score Increase we allowed to take the ASI and one feat (but if the feat gives you +AS , we don't get those). And the DM is cool with crafting, enchanting items for ourselves.

We are currently at lvl1 and waiting for the lvl up sessions.
So the I wanted to play a Hexblade, and my strongest inspiration was the Hexblades are Scary video.
Later when I inspected the spell list, I found the Darkness spell and wanted to be someon who can cast it, go in and do a lot of damage inside. And I very much wanted to do that with Maddening Darkness too (when we get there eventually), and I even asked my DM about it, he said that maybe we can come up some magic item, or something that can protect me in that. And a few weeks ago I found the Misty Step spell, while playing with Baldur's Gate 3.
So now I really like the idea to be able to cast darkness, and teleport to or from enemies in that. And then I came across this short video: The Warlock teleport hack #shorts

And I found this on reddit: Help with Maddening Darkness "Edit: Thanks for the comments. On further consideration, I could just take 2 levels of evocation wizard (I have the INT to multiclass) to just gain “shape spell”, simultaneously gain 3 level 1 spell slots for “shield” and only miss out on an ASI and level 20 warlock feature which isn’t all that great" So this way I and my party can safely be inside the Maddening Darkness.
So now, this is how I plan to play, (when we will be on that level that is possible) have a Bat familiar who grabs a crafted/enchanted ring with the Darkness spell. Have the bat to fly to an enemy and i will bonus action tleport to it in the darkness. And later the same method with Maddening Darkness.
And now this is the build plan:


So whats your opinions on it? It is any good? Should I swap out something? Im worried a little, that with the Darkness+teleport combo maybe i will block too much of the battle making the battles not so fun for the others. There are maybe thing that are "overlapping", so if you guys help me flesh out this build i would be happy. I know I can't get everything but I want to have fun, not ruin the fun for others, and want to dish out good damage.

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Welcome to the site, hope you find some good answers to your question.

As a DM, I am not sure I would allow teleport into darkness unless you had Devil's Sight.


First Post
Welcome to the site, hope you find some good answers to your question.
Thank you, I'm sure of it, there are nice people here, as I saw.
As a DM, I am not sure I would allow teleport into darkness unless you had Devil's Sight.
I will take Devil's Sight at 4th level, and the regular teleporting into Darkness won't happen until 11th level (WL lvl9, need to have level 5 warlock spell slot for that). And I'm planning to keep that invocation permanent.


As long as i get to be the frog
Normally a warlock will cast darkness on one of their items. Then they will walk or misty step to enemies (they have devil's sight) and proceed with the beatdown.

I don't advocate for this approach as darkness can also impact your allies (for example many spells cannot target enemies the caster cannot see). But if you are going to do it you almost certainly should stay staight warlock to improve your melee capabilities.


Hi, I'm going to do very similar character. I'll be Bugbear, so my reach with polearms is 15 ft :cool: But I choose way with sorcerer dip. With 2 reasons:
1) start as sorcerer gives me con save proficiency, so keeping concentration will be much more easy.
2) It's sorcerer, so Charisma based and no need of care about intelligence. Can keep focus on CHA, CON, DEX.
As sorcerer I get 2 first slots for shield or misty steps spells. Not much but still better than have just max spellslot.
As subclass I was choosing between Shadow and Celestial. Shadow have nice RP reasons, but superior darvision is much more benefit for eldritch blasters. And chance to don't get unconscious is good, but Celestial give me 2d4 bonus when it's necessary (con save, deliver heavy loaded attack with smite or so) and cleric spells (can cast bless as next increase of attack delivering chance and saves succeeding). So it won Celestial Sorcerer.

And now I'll offer some changes for higher levels:
What about second feat "heavy weapon mastery"? I will use darkness and hexblade curse, so many advantages, and high charisma with /take ASI + feat), so You can deliver next 30 dmg per round with 3 attack per round (and if anyone cast haste on you...)
What about Spirit Shroud spell? It add 1d8 on 3th spellslot and 2d8 on 5th, everytime when you hit. So If you choose keep concentration on this and use HWM you can deal on 9th lvl:
3d10 (by glave or etc) + 3*5 (Cha) + 3*4(Hexblade curse) + 6d8 (spirit shroud) + 3*10 (HWM) + 3*? (any magic bonus from weapon, at least +1 from improved pact weapon) + if you really want to see cry your GM, add eldritch smite for next 6d8 (12d8 if you crit and that is not so hard with hexblade curse)...
(16,5 +15 +12 + 27 + 30 +3) = average 103,5 dmg (before attack chance reduce) + 27 from eldritch smite (without crit) and on 12th level when you get life drinker invocation it's next +15 dmg. (And imagine what it will do when someone cast haste on you + bless for higher chance to hit)

And Eldrich mind invocation for advantage on concentration on spell will be really useful when you will be in first line. And you will use concentration spells.
EDIT: I have been thinking about maddening hex not maddening darkness. Maddening darkness is really cool, and now is giving reason for taking wizard. Madening hex cost you bonus action to deliver just 5 dmg tu enemy and few around. When you have polearm master feat, you have much better thing to do with bonus action.
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Normally a warlock will cast darkness on one of their items. Then they will walk or misty step to enemies (they have devil's sight) and proceed with the beatdown.

I don't advocate for this approach as darkness can also impact your allies (for example many spells cannot target enemies the caster cannot see). But if you are going to do it you almost certainly should stay staight warlock to improve your melee capabilities.
Yeah - I play sorlock (hex 3, sorc 12) and use darknes+Eyes of shadow combo just threetimes, and every use have negative respond from company. And from 8th lvl It's much more in use is twined haste on two from barbarian/paladin/monk/firearms fighter in party. When I do it, than offen I can sit, start drink wine and watch :D


As long as i get to be the frog
Yeah - I play sorlock (hex 3, sorc 12) and use darknes+Eyes of shadow combo just threetimes, and every use have negative respond from company. And from 8th lvl It's much more in use is twined haste on two from barbarian/paladin/monk/firearms fighter in party. When I do it, than offen I can sit, start drink wine and watch :D
Yea. One note is that Shadow of Moil tends to be more ally friendly and gives a similar fluff. Warlocks get it as a 4th level spell. For the OP I'd suggest focusing there if he really wants to be the kind of darkness.


Yea. One note is that Shadow of Moil tends to be more ally friendly and gives a similar fluff. Warlocks get it as a 4th level spell. For the OP I'd suggest focusing there if he really wants to be the kind of darkness.
very nice spell. I don't know it o_O . next concentration and it is for disputation if took this or spirit shroud. SoM give me constant advantage on attack and disadvantage to enemies if we are in dim light and when I'm hit it give 2d8... SS give 2d8 when I hit, but nothing to do with my defence. :unsure: hard to tell what is better


As long as i get to be the frog
very nice spell. I don't know it o_O . next concentration and it is for disputation if took this or spirit shroud. SoM give me constant advantage on attack and disadvantage to enemies if we are in dim light and when I'm hit it give 2d8... SS give 2d8 when I hit, but nothing to do with my defence. :unsure: hard to tell what is better
Doesn’t hurt to have both. If you cant prebuff then spirit shroud. If you can then shadow of Moil.


Doesn’t hurt to have both. If you cant prebuff then spirit shroud. If you can then shadow of Moil.
You don't have too much known spells as warlock... but yes It depends on every situation. Not every needs max dmg output. Sometimes you need survive :D

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