D&D General Hexcrawl25, anyone else doing the challenge?


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
I remember hearing about it but don't remember seeing any completed examples.
Oh, gotcha. I think there was a thread around here where people were sharing their progress. And I’m sure a lot of people did so on Twitter and other social media as well. I’d be surprised if there were many people sharing their completed dungeons, since the challenge was never really intended to produce a product for publication, but for personal use.

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I crit!
I remember hearing about it but don't remember seeing any completed examples.

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
Maybe I could use this as an excuse to map the new age of my setting! Just started a Birthright-inspired game in it, and I need an excuse to get going anyway 😆


Roles, Rules and Rolls decided to do a hex crawl for Dungeon23. It eventually ran to 277 entries and was very impressive, not least inasmuch that he kept going for the whole year. It’s not a challenge for the faint of heart.



Unrepentant DM Supremacist

That's a good chunk of my bookmarks right there.

Here's some more:

It looks like an interesting idea, but I've got some ideas in my head about how I want to set up wilderness exploration and there's no way I'll have them all worked out by Wednesday. Right now, I'm puttering around on dungeon stuff.
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