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HM's Carrion Crown AP - OOC

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
I registered three times, and it still wouldn't let me login. I finally rolled an init as a guest. Are we going to be using it for our die rolls? The En one is easier than flipping back and forth and pasting.

Any problem with each player using his preference? I much prefer IC; I'd rather see my rolls as I'm posting descriptions than post, roll, edit post (and sometimes repeat that process several times depending on the actions).

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I was assuming it was going to be player's choice having played with HM before. I too prefer IC for the same reasons as Mowgli.

As for colors: Gold. No problem.

I just looked at the Campaign Traits. It means you have to incorporate Prof. Lorrimor into your history somehow. Since I took Reactionary in AGP for the Initiative Bonus, I will probably take Chance Savior to replace it so I can pick something else from the AGP (Probably Focused Mind).

I just remembered that I have more work on my background yet anyway. I forgot to mention locations in Golarion. But now with Ustalav being in the picture, I can finish it up. From the look of things we really will need a Cleric.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
perrin, since we're both looking at Chance Savior what would you think about Firvin, Halal and the Professor all being at that chance encounter? No more shared history than that, but having that one meeting would give a little more bond/RP for the group.


1st, congrats on passing 7000 posts. :)

Funny you should mention shared histories, I just finished revising Firvin's right now to include the event. I can adjust it easily enough after you have read it and tell me what you have in mind.


Thy wounds are healed!
HM, I thought about cavalier again but I'm not sure I want to be saddled with a mount.

Do you wish to hold off on the mount to get a monstrous one when you are at a higher lvl? I don't know the adventure so I can't tell you if it would be helpful or not. But having a mount that could go out hunting or take care of itself while you were underground/indoors could possibly work.

I was assuming it was going to be player's choice having played with HM before. I too prefer IC for the same reasons as Mowgli.

Dice roller is players choice. When the attacks per round get to be more per round I too will switch to IC as that is easier.

And it sounds like the PG is exactly what this game needed. Can't wait. :D



The Player's Guide mentions mounts will be problematic in certain areas because they are urban or dungeons. I think the companion a ranger gains at 4th would be more manageable so I think I'll stick with ranger. Though that will end up giving us three companions in the group at 4th...


OK, I posted in the CT. I used the same style from my normal IC combat posts. Though when we have an IC thread, are we splitting the posts into both threads?

I plan to work on different things so perhaps replaying some of these combats might not be a bad idea. I am not really needing to learn how to use my spells at 1st level, but I am more interested in working out group tactics to see how we can work together instead of just acting individually willy nilly like a bunch of pikers. :p

Also i think we should try the alternate method of handling Initiative. For this one we are following individual initiatives for players. What about the opposition, all on one Initiative count?

For the next combat (or a replay of this one) can we try complete group initiative (us vs. them)?

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
I'm surely willing to try different things for initiative. Mainly I'm just happy to be here! :cool:

My favorite - though it's a little harder to keep track of and does take a little longer - is individual initiative for all combatants. Not only is it more realistic, it also makes the party think a little more about their tactics. Occasionally it opens up some options for the group (or closes some off) that aren't available if we know the bad guys are all always going on the same count.


Thy wounds are healed!
Let's see. I normally do init in various ways to keep the players on their toes.

I will do individual for small groups of monsters normally 4 or less. And for 6 or more I like to break them up into two or more groups and roll for each.

We can try different things but you should fight a little "willy nilly" to start because your characters don't know each other than after a few fights you should act more like a well oiled machine.

OK, I posted in the CT. I used the same style from my normal IC combat posts. Though when we have an IC thread, are we splitting the posts into both threads?

No there will be no posting in the IC thread during combat you should post normal and when the combat is over I will recap in the IC (probably more than once if the combat is long). For an example let's say that the OOC for now is the IC and after the fight I will show you. ;)



Okay, I think I get it now:
1. The CT thread is an IC thread for combat only and our actions and mini-stats will clutter it in spoiler blocks.
2. The IC thread is meant to be free of OOC comments and just be IC content only. Are we going to roll dice in the IC thread or use spoiler blocks? I would suggest if we are going to try to keep it clean as possible, everyone use Invis castle so they can hide the rolls. Or we can put the dice rolling in the OOC thread, maybe
3. The OOC thread will be used routinely for other stuff.

re: Initiative.
I have seen and used all three methods as a player and as DM.

With 5 people (gotta count the DM too) individual initiatives can work, but I don't think HM's posting frequency makes it attractive to me (no offense meant HM, just being honest). To be done properly the DM needs to provide results almost after every player then. Afg makes it work because he practically lives on-line and can focus on the games he is running to ensure it doesn't slow down. Even I cannot dedicate the frequency to do it in my own LPF game as DM. But I would agree there is an appeal to do it, and I have one game with only two players where it works well.

But if the bag guys are all on the same Initiative count, I have found that it is better to use a group initiative for the players too. Here's why:
- With all of us spread over different timezones we can all post our turn during our own 24 hour cycle without needing to wait.
- Easy to delay and keep track of whose turn it is.
- Combat rounds can be completed 1 round per day.

True it takes away something of the realism, but in PbP it is a sacrifice for keeping things moving.

When I run group initiatives, I still roll everyone's initiative individually. I average each side to determine who goes first. If the losing side has individuals (like those with Improved Initiative feat) who beat everyone on the winning side, they (and only they) get to go first still.

I also prefer the DM to roll initiatives. Once combat is going to start it just makes more sense to me to have things actually start rather than wait a whole day for everyone to just roll a dice.

Voidrunner's Codex

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