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HM's Way of the Wicked - IC

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Jaylen moves to the heavy mace quickly, picking it up and testing its weight. Yes, it would do nicely...

He then hurriedly begins to don the chain armor. He needed a little more protection other than what he currently was walking around in. He also takes a heavy shield and another quiver of arrows just in case. Outfitted in his new armor and carrying a weapon he is more attuned to using, he hears the booming from down the hallway, asking, "More guards?"

OOC - Taking heavy mace, heavy shield, chain shirt, another quiver of arrows.

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Thy wounds are healed!
"I want to kill some more guards." Grumblejack states drawing out a sword. "And now I got weapons to do so. Come on!" the ogre moves from the armory and heads back to the doorway that was opened.

Shrugging most of the others (all but the PCs and Curz) follow.


Laria Korianna, Female Half-drow Elven Summoner


Laria (still barely as Tiadora) is a bit caustic in her tone and she snaps in reply to the idiot Sergeant, "Yes, an ogre. I think he is coming for you."

"If you are reasonable, perhaps I can persuade him to not kill you."

She doesn't change her position on the corner of the desk, legs crossed as she awaits the arrival of whoever is out there. She is still nonchalantly examining her fingernails waiting for the light colored skin to begin darkening.

Laria Korianna
AC: 13 (10 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 10 Current: 10
CMB: +0 CMD: 13 Fort: +2 Reflex: +3 Will: +2
Conditions in Effect: Disguised as Tiadora
Current Weapon in Hand: None

Summon Monster I: 6/6 remaining
Read Magic, Detect Magic, Guidance, Mage Hand
1st level Spells: 2/2 (Mage Armor, Lesser Eidolon Rejuvenation)[/sblock]


First Post
"Killing guard is small vengeance and it just raise our chance to get us killed before we get out of here. We need to find a way out." suggests Valeria to the ones remaining.


Joffaquich 'joffer' Dragontooth, Barbarian1

"I'll take one of these sturdy shields, a longsword, a long bow and arrows, and the glaive. Hey, Grumblejack, I'll kill me some guards for a way out of this hellhole and a crust of bread. I'll kill 'em all for some meat and porridge."

[sblock=HolyMan, oops]
Finally remembered that I switched class to barbarian and made the adjustments. I think my char sheet is finished now.[/sblock]

[sblock=Joffaquich 'joffer' Dragontooth, Barbarian1(completed)]
Human, Barbarian1, C/E

Human Barbarian1
Align.: Chaotic Evil
Languages: Common
Deity: Lamashtu (chaos, evil, madness, strength, trickery)

STR: 16 +3 (5 Pts, +2 Racial)
DEX: 16 +3 (10 Pts)
CON: 15 +2 (7 Pts)
INT: 12 +1 (2 pts)
WIS: 10 +01 (1 Pts)
CHA: 11 +0 (1 Pts)

HP: 15 = [1d12=12] + 2 (CON) + 1 (Favored Class = Barbarian)
AC: 21 = 10 + 4 (Chain shirt) + 2 (Heavy Wooden Shield) + 3 (DEX) +2 (Dodge)
AC Flatfooted: 16 = 10 + 4 (Chain Shirt) +2 (Heavy Wooden Shield) + 0 (N/A)
AC Touch: 14 = 10 +2 (DEX) +2 (Dodge)
Speed: 40 ft. [Extra Speed -- Barbarian Class Ability]
INIT: +3 (DEX)
BAB: +1 (L1 Barbarian)
CMB: +4 = +3 (STR) + 1 (BAB)
CMD: 17 = 10 + 3 (STR) + 3 (DEX) + 1 (BAB)

Fort: +4 = +2 (Barbarian 1) + 2 (Con)
Reflex: +3 = +0 (Barbarian 1) +3 (Dex)
Will: +1 = +0 (Barbarian 1) +1 (Wis)

Weapon Stats
Longsword: +5=+1(BAB)+1(Feat)+3(Str) / DMG=1d8+3(S) /, CRIT 19-20x2
Glaive: +5=+1(BAB)+4(Str, 2-handed) / DMG=1d10+4(Str,2-handed) / CRIT: X3
Long Bow: +3=+1(BAB)+2(Dex) / DMG=1d8 / CRIT X3

Racial (Human) Traits
+2 to One Ability Score: STR
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and whenever they gain a level.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high intelligence scores can select any language they want (except secret languages).

Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
Fast Movement (EX) -- +10 feet/round if med. armor or lighter and no heavy load

Feats & Traits
Human Bonus Feat: Dodge: +1 Dodge Bonus to AC
1st lvl- Weapon Focus (Longsword): +1 on attack rolls with the Longsword.

Skill Ranks: 6 = [4 (Barbarian) + 01 (INT)] x 01 (LvL)] + 1 [human bonus skill pt per level]
Max Ranks: 01
Trained skills: Acrobatics 1 rank, Climb 1 rank, Intimidate 1 rank, Knowledge (Nature) 1 rank, Perception 1 rank, Swim 1 rank

Skills: () = class skill ^ = trained only
Total                       Stat Rank CS Misc ACP
+05 = (Acrobatics)            +03  +01  +3 +00  -2 DEX
+01 = Appraise              +01  +00  +0 +00     INT
+00 = Bluff                 +00  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+07 = (Climb)                 +03  +01  +3 +00  -0 STR
+00 = (Craft:_____)^          +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+00 = Diplomacy             +00  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+na = Disable Device^       +00  +00  +0 +00  -0 DEX
+00 = Disguise              +00  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+03 = Escape Artist         +03  +00  +0 +00  -0 DEX
+03 = Fly                   +03  +00  +0 +00  -0 DEX
+na = (Handle Animal)^        +00  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+01 = Heal                  +01  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+04 = (Intimidate)            +00  +01  +3 +00     CHA
+na = Know:Arcana^          +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Dungeoneering^   +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Engineering^     +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Geography^       +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:History^         +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Local^           +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+05 = (Know:Nature)^          +01  +01  +3 +00     INT
+na = Know:Nobility^        +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Planes^          +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+00 = Know:Religion^        +00  +00  +00 +00     INT
+na = Linguistics^          +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+04 = (Perception)            +00  +01  +3 +00     WIS
+00 = Perform:_____         +00  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+na = Profession^:_____     +00  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+03 = (Ride)                  +03 +00  +0 +00  -0 DEX
+00 = Sense Motive          +00  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+na = Sleight of Hand^      +00  +00  +0 +00  -0 DEX
+na = Spellcraft^           +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+01 = Stealth               +03  +00  +0 +00  -2 DEX
+00 = (Survival)              +00  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+05 = (Swim)                  +03  +01  +3 +00  -2 STR
+na = Use Magic Device^     +00  +00  +0 +00     CHA

Equipment Cost Weight
Scale Mail 0 gp 30 lbs.
Hvy Wdn Shield 0 gp 10 lbs.
Glaive 0 gp 10 lbs.
Longsword 0 gp 4 lbs.
Long Bow 0 gp 3 lbs.
(Quiver of -
20 Arrows) 0 gp 3 lbs.

Totals: 0 gp 60 lbs.

Treasure: 00 gp,00 sp,00 cp Gems: None

Carrying Capacity:
light- 100 lbs. or less
medium- 101-200 lbs.
heavy-201-300 lbs.

Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 237
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Tanned

Appearance: Joffer wears longish 'dirty blonde' hair with a copious beard of the same color. His beard grows high on his face, almost to his eyes, but he keeps his neck shaven. He is also left-handed, which among his tribe was considered the mark of demons.

Demeanor: Taciturn, gruff, not inclined to tolerate crap (and sometimes responds to it with what might be called 'overkill'), but quick-witted and jovial at times

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Thy wounds are healed!
As the ogre enters the doorway he is shock to find Larissa sitting behind the desk as if she ran the place.

"You! Your no guard," the monster says not wanting to venture in without backup. Then he hears Joffer coming up behind him, and he turns to warn the barbarian.

"Some woman in there. All dark and white at the same time. She's no guard."


Joffaquich "Joffer" Dragontooth, Human Barbarian 1

"So?? What's the matter? You scared of her? Think she won't die good?"
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Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Jaylen follows shortly after making sure his new gear is fashioned properly. Leaving openings in his armor would not bode well, especially with his wounds still fresh.

As he nears the duo ahead, he overhears the conversation. "A woman? Perhaps she's the one that set us on this journey."

He looks back to Anitol, with a questioning look. "Is this the one that started this whole thing?"


Laria Korianna, Female Half-drow Elven Summoner


Laria (still barely as Tiadora) looks up from examining her nails and then calmly rests her hands in her lap, "No, ogre, I am not a guard. Unless you consider that I am guarding the idiot sergeant that I captured."

On hearing a more human voice, not recognizable as Anitol's (or whatever his real name is), she still surmises that it might be one of his cellmates. His cajoling of the ogre to eat her brings a frown of consternation to her expression.

She calls out louder for the unseen man still in the hallway to hear, "Perhaps, you should send Anitol in first, he will know that you all owe me for helping you escape."

Laria Korianna
AC: 13 (10 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 10 Current: 10
CMB: +0 CMD: 13 Fort: +2 Reflex: +3 Will: +2
Conditions in Effect: Disguised as Tiadora
Current Weapon in Hand: None

Summon Monster I: 6/6 remaining
Read Magic, Detect Magic, Guidance, Mage Hand
1st level Spells: 2/2 (Mage Armor, Lesser Eidolon Rejuvenation)[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
"I think the ogre should go in first," Antiol says form the hallway. Grumblejack gives the man a snarl. "I'll be right behind you."

The ogre ducks through the doorway and goes to stand in the corner his eyes never leaving the woman behind the desk.

After him Anitol steps into the room and is hard pressed to hold in his gasp. "What? What's happening to you?" he asks holding a dagger at the ready.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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