D&D 5E Homebrew: How to modify Shield spell?


Not really, the +5 is slightly better mathematically, but only a tiny bit. It would prevent you from stacking Shield with things like Dodge, Silvery Barbs, or Blur. You would lose out on the reliability of the spell, since you couldn't wait to see if you get hit at all before using it (unless you reworded it's effect to force a reroll of the d20 that hit you, but even then, you could still be hit). These might be good things for your game, personally, I don't care if someone wants to use resources to avoid hit point damage; it's basically the same thing as using those same resources to heal hit point damage.

Really, my problem isn't with Shield, it's with the fact that at higher levels, you run out of good 1st-level spells to cast in combat. Right now, every Shield is one less Silvery Barbs or vice versa. My last character, a Wizard, did their level best to stay out of the firing line. I'd cast a Mage Armor as the start of day, and if something did target me, well, ok, I'd Shield it because there wasn't much else I had to work with at that level.

And on days when I didn't get targeted at all, I'd have open 1st level slots when everyone else is completely out of gas.*

*This depends on how your DM rules Magic Missile vs. Concentration- if it's three saves, there might be some niche use for the spell if you have to fight enemy casters.
I don't have a problem with shield, I was just trying to participate in the thread.

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I don't have a problem with Shield spell by itself but I do like to use Treantmonk's house rule that if you are wearing X type of armor (X = Light, Medium, or Heavy) then you can only cast spells from a class that has proficiency in X type of armor. This helps with so many problems with overpowered multi-class combinations, including Shield spell.


I don't have a problem with Shield spell by itself but I do like to use Treantmonk's house rule that if you are wearing X type of armor (X = Light, Medium, or Heavy) then you can only cast spells from a class that has proficiency in X type of armor. This helps with so many problems with overpowered multi-class combinations, including Shield spell.
this might put the completely horrible armor proficiency feats into slightly less horrible category.
if it would count for mentioned house rule.


I would leave it as a reaction. But i think that shield isn't that strong at tier1 levels where it matters most.

So i would keep it as is and add
-use bonus action and make DC10 check using casting mod to extend shield duration until the end of your next round, for every round you extend it, DC goes up by 5.

So wizard with +4 int can hold it for about 3 round in average, 4 if he gets very lucky


I'd make it 8 hours to match mage armour. I might not include an up cast bonus. I'd maybe include an ability that dismisses the spell but prevents all damage from a single hit, something to give the spell an active ability.
I'd make Mage armor 12hrs duration for the same reason.
when you add several Short rests, you work day is about 12hrs. Then you can use another slot or sorcerers metamagic to have you nightshift covered also.

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