House Millithor in the City of the Spider Queen II

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Velasta responds to Narcelia, "We should be safe enough here; the only enemy that will dare to attack the drow is the cold itself. On the other hand, its only a five minute walk back Szith Morcane. We should return to the greater warmth and security of Szith Morcane."

Uriel said:
Pulling Matron Ki'Willis aside (or as aside as her bodyguards will allow), Kripp will say ' To Crypts we must go,time not right,Reverend Matron,Kripp think. At Mid of Night, as surfacers reckon,He Who Swims In Darkness allow spells ,Kripp to change. Most horrible,have Kripp then, suprise for nasty Vampires...'

OoC:Referal to spell change after I 're-up' I have no idea what time it currently is, however...

"We cannot afford to wait that long. Our tactical advantage will disappear the moment the hunters return from their raid. If our forces are put against their united power we cannot prevail. We must strike them when they are divided. If our victory in the crypts is total we may even be able to surprise and overwhelm Dorina herself. We shall see."


ooc: In the crypts:

Ki'Willis motions for Kilcif to scout ahead, the rest of the group follows thirty feet behind.


ooc: I'm feeling a lot better right now so I'lll try to make up for lost time :) And yes, we take our mounts and everything we own with us into the crypts.
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Kilcif: Bugbear/Male (Barbarian/Ranger/Rogue)

Kilcif gives the Matron and the others a quick look over; his eyes linger over the vast blackness that is now the Matron’s eyes. He suppresses the cold shiver caused by the Matron’s eyes as he turns to proceed to scout the path ahead.

OOC: Search, spot, listen, quarter speed, and prayers to both Hruggek and the dice gods.
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Torellan responds to Velasta's praise with a respecting nod.

When Quertus is clearly intentionally neglecting his duty to pay Torellan back his magic healing, the secondboy takes on a look of, clearly fake, disbelief.
"But Quertus! You wouldn't be so rude as to deny your honorable house member what is rightfully his, would you? I would feel terrible if I had to retract that healing from you with my dagger."

Kilcif notices that a wall of hewn granite is set near the hole that leads to Szith Morcane.

The Wall looks to be recent construction (days? weeks?) and is very much out of place in the otherwise natural caverns.
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Narcelia nods once. "Let's go then; I prefer to be a moving target anyway in case your sister decides to come back." If Dariel has returned, she will look to him for direction, since he was scouting, and to Velasta, since she knows the area well. If Dariel has not returned, she will head toward where he went.

Kilcif: Bugbear/Male (Barbarian/Ranger/Rogue)

Kilcif stops the others and points out his observation and explains about the newer construction, "So how long has their been a vampire problem? They might have decided building a new crypt would be of better security cause less people would know about it."
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As Kilcif studies the worked stone wall, he guesses it is probably about three inches thick and the cavern probably continues on the other side.

Matron Ki'Willis and Carcelon think that a Wall of Stone spell might have created the wall.

While the others study the wall, Kripp thinks it is very cold in the Dodrien crypts and his mind begins to wander and think about hibernation.
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Kripp shakes the cold from his mind. Kripp not like moving out like this, he wanted to wait until he was able to properly prepare for the Vampires.
Well, if the Drow Clerics were toughing it out, so wouldhe. After all, he was a servant of He Who Swims In Darkness, who was as a great fish to the Drow Godess's little crab.

Kripp takes a moment and extracts as Wand, casting Resist Elements(Cold) upon himself to alleviate the Cold of the crypts.

Shifting to the form of a Hobgoblin, so as not to draw direct attacks as himself, Kripp withdraws another Wand (Cure Mod Wounds), ready to either Smite an Undead or heal his companions as need be.

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