How did you convince your group to try something different?

Here's how I convinced them to try something different:

"Hey, sorry for the last minute cancellation but I can't DM tonight. So let's skip this week and plan to meet next Monday?"

Me: "How about I run a one-shot of this new game I'm into called Shadowdark?"

"Yeah, sure."

"I'm in."

"Sounds good."

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I didn't. I looked for another group of people that were up for the game I wanted to play and was lucky enough to find them.
If your group needs "convincing" to switch systems, maybe that's already starting off on the wrong foot and you're better off not to switch at all.
Many times, After the first, semi-coerced game, trying further is much more likely. Just don't waste the pressure for anything less than your best for the first couple.

I regularly offer to run one-shots with pre-generated characters focusing on genres that I think some of my pool of players will enjoy. I don't expect anyone to read the game rules ahead of time. I introduce the mechanics in play. In 40+ years, I don't think I've ever had a player say no because it wasn't their preferred game.

I've always been the DM for as long as I remember. I take interest in other games, I buy the books and prepare the adventures. The players don't generally get much of a say. The conversation ressembles something like "Hey, I bought this cool game and I'm starting a campaign in a couple of weeks. Who's in?" and they just jump in. I often start with a very short campaign of like 3-5 sessions just to get a solid taste of the foundations of the system. Sometimes the player will say that they really don't enjoy it and we'll stop it after these few sessions, sometimes they really enjoy it and we keep going a little while. In both case, the campaign eventually comes to an end and after a few weeks I'll come again and say "Hey, I bought another cool game, next thursday, my place."

What's the resolution mechanic like? Are there a couple of good selling points, or a primer video I should be watching?
It is a d6-d6 mechanic (Fudge-like).

You roll d6-d6, for a value of +5 to -5, and add your skill level (ranked 1-10). The Target number is also 1-10, based on either your opponents relevant skill, or based on "how hard" the activity is on a scale of 1 to 10.

It is also a player only rolling system. The DM rolls nothing. The players roll to hit, and roll to dodge in combat.

Not really meaning to necropost here, but our group has managed to try: 5e for two campaigns in prebuilt adventures, one campaign in PF2e using a prebuilt adventure, two homebrew campaigns in PF2e, all five of those with the same GM, each has run for approximately a year. Second player who GMs has run a Savage Worlds game with a my hero academia-inspired homebrew setting using supers rules, and is now running a PF1e homebrew mythic campaign. He GMs less often, only running for half a year so far on both games. Both of those GMs run once a week, one runs saturdays, the other runs sundays. About half of both groups go to both games, and half of each is only active in one game.
I give the first GM one day off each month by running no-prep dungeons using WOiN RPG on the first saturday of the month, using tools from Dungeon World to run the adventures no-prep. This group has also shown interest in playing Ars Magica, run by me, which will be starting after a while.

I've found the most effective way to get a group together with a new system in our group is to simply say "I'm running X, who wants to play?" and we are able to get a good group together. Each migration to a new system we've lost a player or two, but the friend group brings in more people as friends of friends, and the size of the group has kept pretty constant. The Saturday games have about 6 players and a GM, and the Sunday games have 8 players and a GM.

I know for some groups this wouldn't be much of an option, not everybody has a big enough social circle to keep bringing people in, but it works for our group, and I think that it might work for more than you'd expect. We've gotten a number of people who never did RPGs before into the games we play this way.

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