I feel like right now we may be at one of those inflection points in history where a lot of stuff is about to get reassessed.
But tangentially I think I have come to dislike the quote, "Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it," because the truth is that there is absolutely no conceivable way not to be ignorant of history as there is a lot of history and our knowledge of it is infinitesimal by comparison. I mean, the quote is true, so to speak, but the way it is usually used gives the mistaken impression that there is some contingent of people that are not ignorant of history.
But tangentially I think I have come to dislike the quote, "Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it," because the truth is that there is absolutely no conceivable way not to be ignorant of history as there is a lot of history and our knowledge of it is infinitesimal by comparison. I mean, the quote is true, so to speak, but the way it is usually used gives the mistaken impression that there is some contingent of people that are not ignorant of history.