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D&D 4E How do you feel about 4E right *now*? (week of 1/21/08)

How do you rate 4E based on what we know at this time?

  • Thumbs up?

    Votes: 406 70.2%
  • Thumbs down?

    Votes: 172 29.8%


First Post
I'm going to have to say quite a thumbs up. There seems to be a lot of good things comming from 4e, including the new class structure, the merging of PRCs into paths (which I was initially very very very skeptical off, but now I'm set for), the simplifying of monsters (another thing that I was skeptical about, but once again looking like it's going to work), the empowering of the characters (I was sick of having to go back to camp and heal up after a few battles with 4 goblins against my 4 party adventurers), and the overall new feel of the fluff. I love the whole "desolate towns in a vast wilderness" idea. It was pretty dope.

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Lord Fyre

First Post
Tiberius said:
nMage can burn. I'd go with MRev crunch with M2nd fluff.

I do prefer oVampire, but I'd be willing to give Requiem a go.

Actually, it is not that bad. System-wise, the New Mage works better then then the previous versions. Fluff wise, it is a bit more complex.

Mage: The Awakening is based largely on 'post-Modern' ideas about magick. Mage: The Ascension is based on 'traditional' ideas about magick.

(I am also speculating that White Wolf wanted to downplay the religious aspects of Mage.)

It takes a fair amount of work, but Mage: The Awakening can be adapted to use more 'traditional' (and familiar to the players) magick practices.

Lord Fyre

First Post
Chuangel said:
Thumbs up!

D&D 3.5 was cool before I was married and had time to play for 8 hours at a time, but when you reduce that down to a three or four hour period, you can only get like three or four encounters in. When you're only playing once a month or so, a campaign can take years because each quest is like three to four sessions long. I'm finishing up a campaign now (as DM) that has been going on for a year and a half and each quest they gained a level from fighting three different battles (yeah, I had to like triple the experience, pretty lame).

Have you had any luck getting your spouse to play? Usually, if once can pull that off, it will open up more "game" time. :lol:

have to say thumbs down at this point ,i wanted to like what i have seen but it just leaves me feeling meh.well meh to wtf all depends on the info truth be told i cant find one thing i like so far so unless all the stuff i have seen has been wrong im gonna have to pass .


Thumbs down. I like most if not all of the mechanical changes I've heard about so far, but the fluff really repulses me. I think that dragonborn females having boobies was the breaking point for me, oddly enough.

Lord Fyre

First Post
Wolfspider said:
Thumbs down. I like most if not all of the mechanical changes I've heard about so far, but the fluff really repulses me. I think that dragonborn females having boobies was the breaking point for me, oddly enough.

Well, with my point on the nWoD post. ;)

If the system is sound, the fluff can be changed. If the system is not sound, the fluff does not matter. :uhoh:


Lord Fyre said:
Well, with my point on the nWoD post. ;)

If the system is sound, the fluff can be changed. If the system is not sound, the fluff does not matter. :uhoh:

Maybe so. It's not an entirely rational decision on my part, I will admit.

It's like if I found a really great laptop that had all the technical specifications I wanted. The only problem is that it is bright pink and covered in Hello Kitty stickers. I probably wouldn't touch the laptop, even if it was possible to remove the stickers (mostly) and maybe repaint the thing or something....

It just seems tainted to me.

Dragons with boobies...dragons with boobies...dragons with boobies.... :confused:
Last edited:


Thumbs down for me.

I like some of the "game-bloat" they've gotten rid of but that's about it. I like the promise of more balance between classes at different levels but have seen nothing to back that claim up.

Too little time between editions.
Too much $ invested in 3.X; unwilling to do so again for 4.X (especially if they're decreasing time between editions).
Lack of true specialist wizards (this was a real blow to me).
Was initially excited about the "more options" idea but is actually seems like we're getting less (e.g. no true specialist wizards). I see different options, not more.
Move towards the "contemporary rpg" model where the rules favor playing the game a certain way. And if you don't then you're, however indirectly, punished or made to do more work. When D&D stops being generic, it stops being D&D.
Not willing to wait till PHB & DMG 3 second printing to get things that I thought should have been there from the beginning; especially when it something thats already been around in the past.
Won't want to buy the rehash of 4.0 material when 4.5 comes out.
Not willing to pay $ for lots of fluff 'n stuff I won't use (Dragonborn, Tieflings, etc.) and that doesn't fit in my homebrew anyway.
No interest in paying extra money for things like DDI to get content I can't get anywhere else; especially as they've stated they want to increase the digital presence of the game.

I could go on but I'm not going to convince anyone here of anything at this point no matter what I say or how I say it.

I agree with Pinotage, I may take the things I like from 4E and incorporate it into my current world. That seems easier to me than a complete rehash.



I don't get the not enough time between editions complaint, the dev team stated that there were alot of problems with 3.x and it appeared to me that the more supplements they published the worse they got. WotC decided something needed to be done either an update or a new edition, and they went with a new edition. I for one am glad.


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