How do you handle rolling for HP?

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Heh, yeah 300 hp for a CR 8-9 was a bit much I will give you that, don't know what the hell was going in my head at that time O.o

d4 reroll 1s
d6 reroll 1&2s
d8 rr 1-3
d10 rr 1-4
d12 rr 1-5

HPs are the only random increase from level to level. We decided to take some of the risk out for the higher HD folks. Nothing like the Wizard picking up 4hps and 2nd level spells while the Fighter gets 1hp and no feat!

Erywin said:
Heh, yeah 300 hp for a CR 8-9 was a bit much I will give you that, don't know what the hell was going in my head at that time O.o
I know players who would have loved that encounter. They add up the whole damage their char caused during a campaign.

The big issue i have with rolling HP is that PCs are really expected to take hits.
Foes tend to deal a lot more damage this edition than previous editions and many big foes a rigged to beat anyone's AC.

Players in my campaign roll their hit points, and they can choose to have me reroll for them, but then they are stuck with what I roll. Last time they leveled, the warmage rolled a 2 on his 1d6, had me reroll, got a 1 instead.

The Blow Leprechaun said:
I like to employ a client-centered approach to hit points, so instead of assigning scores, I simply ask the players how their characters "feel" about getting hit in the face with a greataxe. If they say "not good," I usually stop the encounter right there and we all hold hands for a little while until everyone feels okay again.
Brilliant! :)

Best laugh I've had all day!


We go with Max HP at 1st and 2nd level, then 75% (rounded down) past that (so 3, 4, 6, 7, or 9 hp depending on hit die).

Even with when our tactics are good, it doesn't stop PC fatalities. The straight up barbarian almost kicked it a couple times with his buckets of HP.

First level = max
even levels = roll or take 1/2 hit die, choose option first
odd levels = roll or take 1/2 hit die +1, choose option first

I think PC's (and especially a party of them) while facing more danger than your average dungeon denizen, have more opportunities and tools at their disposal to face said dangers.

And I find when PC's die in our games (or come close to it), extra hit points or better shiny gear or better stats usually wouldn't have changed the outcome. It's almost always bad planning, tactical errors or a stubborn refusal to retreat, regroup and re-engage. But they're getting better.

The rolling option is there for old geezers (like me), people who feel lucky, or those who like the thrill of not knowing how much tougher their character gets upon leveling.

For my on-line games I roll. Let the dice fall where they may. Hasn't been an issue.

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