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I think a lot of these skills would get more use if you had to make a skill check to use the Help action.
I can describe how I leap across a table-top, then somersault down and slide between a person's legs and confound them as my ally smacks them in the face with advantage. That's the Help action. It requires no roll. I kind of miss having to do a roll for that kind of thing. 3e, the default rule to aid another person was 10. Or 5 lower than the task, depending on what was happening.
I would almost never use the Help action if there was an ability check attached to it. As a player, I'm trying to roll fewer d20's, not more of them!
Really. When I play, I love making rolls. You’d use a help action when your attack is ineffective, usually. That’s when I use the help action. So, if it’s between doing nothing effective or having to make an easier role (or do a role using a skill you are better at) to help an ally do something effective, I’d still choose to roll.
@isereth Yeah, I know that rule and if the dc is 10 and your skill is +8, then that applies. It might be that your skill is lower or the dc is higher though. I like the idea of chaotic battles having unintended failures. And once again, most players like rolling dice and when it comes down to it, rolling to hit or rolling a skill check is still one roll. I still make my players attack oozes even when they have an ac of 8 and the pc has an attack bonus of +6. Do you usually just assume they always hit? I Never really considered doing that before but it would speed up combat.