How many fantasy worlds are there anyways? Post one.

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223 NeoExodus 2007. Fantasy World with a lot of psionics, an empire either falling apart or into authoritarianism with a lot of secret societies and organizations, a history of overthrown previous superpower evil First Ones who might not be gone. By LPJ originally for 3.5 then Pathfinder 1e.

224 Ptalmanar (Twin Crowns) 2001. Living Imagination's fantasy 3.0 world focusing on analogue kingdoms, a pantheon of dualistic deities, a major empire that split into two rivals with some splinter kingdoms, an age of sails and exploration theme, and a magical ritual system using a magical resource that drives some politics to control the magical fuel.

226 Monte Cook's World of Darkness 2007. An alternate White Wolf World of Darkness modern post-apocalypse fantasy setting. Cosmic horrors induce an apocalypse and there are supernatural vampires, werewolves, and mages with a different cosmology from standard World of Darkness. d20 system with a lot of tropes of White Wolf's WoD.

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