How many fantasy worlds are there anyways? Post one.

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227 Umbrara (Castlemourn) 2006. Fantasy World where nobody knows the past more than 360 years before, just that a big apocalypse happened that might have involved memory erasing magic.


228 Mythe 2004. A d20 fantasy world where a massive natural disaster 10 years ago forced two nations uneasily together after killing off the bulk of the population and leaving a massive area uninhabitable but with lost ruins galore to explore. So conflict among the two people and lots of D&D dungeon type areas to explore. Originally a free PDF, later expanded to a bigger commercial setting.


230 XCrawl 2002. Reality TV dungeon crawling competitions. Emperor Reagan. D&D alt fantasy Modern. 3.0 d20, 3.5, Pathfinder 1e, Dungeon Crawl Classics.


232 Prometheus Rising 2002. A sci-fi setting with psionics. The background setting for Blood and Space, it started as a standalone d20 system setting sourcebook then Blood and Space picked up d20 Modern and ran with it.


233 Mortal Realms (Radiance) 2012. A d20 variant RPG system with a default fantasy multiverse with its own cosmology where the mortal realms were split into a mundane world with advanced tech and a magic world with spellcasters with few portals between the two worlds. Cosmologically there is a Creator, Chaos/Nature, and the Void that spawned good and evil gods and split the worlds.


234 Outcastia 2005 (?). A d20 fantasy setting by Nitehawk Interactive, the current setting says it is the 5th edition of the setting, I have a 2005 PDF that references the setting although I am not sure when it originally began.

Voidrunner's Codex

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