D&D General How many of your 5E D&D books have you used?

Core Books get used a lot. The only adventure I own is Saltmarsh, from which I ran the Sahuagin trilogy and used the town.

Edit: just realized this was general, not 5E. I don't have very many of my original books, keeping only the DMG and a bagged copy of the Tomb of Horror. I owned and used all the 1E books. I owned the core 2E books and a lot of adventures. I only owned the core 3E and 4E books, finding them to be lacking. I had a ton of BECMI adventures, almost all of which saw play, even the ultra high level ones (Maelstrom, Five Coins for a Kingdom, Vengence of Alphax, and Twilght Calling). The only book I got minimal use out of was the Rules Cyclopedia, since by then we'd stopped playing BECMI completely.
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Official 5e Books
PHB - 2 copies because my first saw so much use
DMG - used to read it all the time but less now
MM - almost as much use as the PHB
SCAG - read through it once, used it for a short adventure, and reference it all the time for my current Rise of Tiamat game
VOLO - ran a few-month long campaign using only Volo monsters, rarely read it now
XGtE - still use it regularly and currently have a war wizard so it gets use
MToF - great read but not as much use as I haven't DMed as much lately
TCoE - a lot of use lately
Rick & Morty Boxes Set - used it once, it wasn't worth opening again

Looks like I'm 9 for 9.

Let’s see - Used

Starter set
Curse of Strahd
Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Tales of the Yawning Portal

Not Used

Rime of the Frostmaiden (only because someone else is running the adventure)
Hoard of the Dragon Queen
Witchlight (haven’t had time to use yet)

12 out of 16 books I own, so about 80%? That’s way better than previous editions- I collected the entire Basic/1E/2E/3E line and my have used about 10%.

Core books, Volo's, Xanathar's, Mordenkainen, Tasha's, Eberron, Out of the Abyss, Rime of the Frostmaiden.

There are some I've only used a few things from, but I've used all of them.

(+)'s are ones I've used. (x)'s are ones I own but haven't used.

PHB (+)
DMG (+)
MM (+)
Starter Set (+)
Hoard of the Dragon Queen (+)
Princes of the Apocalypse (+)
Out of the Abyss (+)
Dungeon of the Mad Mage (+)
Rime of the Frostmaiden (+)
Tomb of Annihilation (+)
Curse of Strahd [own digitally] (+)
Waterdeep Dragon Heist [own digitally] (+)
Volo's Guide to Monsters (+)
Xanathar's Guide to Everything (+)
Tasha's Cauldron of Everything (+)
Ghosts of Saltmarsh (X)
Eberron Campaign Setting (X)
Descent into Avernus (X)

I've got a good number of books. The bolded ones are the ones that I have actively used as a DM or a Player.





Van Richten's

Dragon Queen
Frost Maiden

Starter Set
Essentials Kit

Not a bad ratio. Volo's and Mordenkainen's will likely get used in the next campaign I run. I may eventually get around to using the adventures (or not). Van Richten's I haven't used even though I'm playing in a Ravenloft campaign (our characters were already well established when Van Richten's dropped, unfortunately).

I've used all of the Core Rulebooks and rule supplements (TCoE, XGtE, MToF, VGtM), I've used most of the adventures that I've bought, have used adventures from the adventure compilations (GoS, TFtYP), and have used every campaign setting book that has come out.

The only ones that I don't think I've used yet are The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Candlekeep Mysteries, and Tyranny of Dragons. The others I have used, at least a little. Some more than others.

I have a shelf full of official 5E D&D books, but I have used only half of them at most (and I stopped automatically buying all of them about 3 years ago, choosing the ones I think I'll use now). Then again I have 10 x that number of RPGs total, many of which I've never had chance to play. That's OK -- I like reading RPGs!

How many official 5E D&D books have you got?

How many of those have you used?
Other than the core three, I have 7 adventures/compilations, and 4 supplemental books. I have used them all, or used them to plan adventures that my players chose other paths for, but I have only run two of the actual adventures (about to start on a 3rd). I have bought all of them either because I was planning on running that specific adventure or because I was mining it for background on a specific city/faction/dungeon.

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