How Many RPG Books Do You Own?


How many painted minis do you have in your collection? I think I’ve seen you paint over 100 minis in the time I’ve been following your painted minis thread.

Well, keep in mind I have been collecting and painting miniatures since the mid-1980s. I do not have an exact number, but it's in the thousands of miniatures I have personally painted. Probably 70% of those are fantasy related with the rest being historicals (mostly Dark Ages).

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Doors and Corners
How does one cull their PDF stuff? Apart from a few PDFs that I've bought from now defunct companies, the rest I could delete from my computer and re-download from my account at a later date without any issue.
I have sooooo many PDFs of so many RPGs that I don't even know where I got them all. I'm sure some of them (a lot even?) are pirated PDFs that I got to see if I'd like a game before buying it and then never deleted it/them.

In fact, my PDF collection got so large that I was having troubles finding things and/or having multiple copies of a PDF because I forgot I had it and/or where it was at.

So I spent a weekend going through the Terabyte storage I have just deleting things. It didn't actually change things physically, but it made me feel better somehow.

This thread is making me want to do a detailed inventory of all my RPG stuff, plus reorganizing all my RPG PDFs. I have a crapload of physical books because I prefer those at the table, but my PDFs outstrip that by far, unless you don't include short stuff like you'd get on the DMs' Guild.

I'll have to do some counting tonight.


Staff member
Probably around 300.

Good bunch of guys to guard your stuff, no matter how many books you have,


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I've purged several times over my lifetime, giving boxes of games to friends or getting rid of obsolete versions. I've also helped a friend after a house fire. I usually don't exceed a tall bookcase worth.

Right now I have:
  • A shelf of RPG boxes, mostly old stuff, but it also include the old battletech/citytech/etc. as boxes so it's not just RPGs. (I have a milk crate for my old Star Fleet Battles, maybe I should move those to another one.)
  • A shelf+ of the 3.5 that I haven't found a home for yet. And the few 3.0 that were more setting so I kept. Actually, some of the 3.x setting material I probably won't rehome unless it's somethign people are explicitly looking for.
  • 1/3 of a shelf of 4e - after a while I got the subscription instead of trying to keep up to a book a month. Eh, also 1/3 of a shelf of WotC's Dungeon Tiles, don't know if that counts.
  • 1/3 of a shelf of AD&D 2ed including some classic modules.
  • 1/2 a shelf of Hero system, which includes multiple generations up to 6th though I have purged anything older then BBB. But I can't bear to part with my BBB (the binding is even good on this copy of it) after all the years of fun.
  • What would be 1/4 of a shelf of 5e if I took it the player-oriented books out of my gaming backpack. Basically everything except adventures.
  • A shelf of misc other, from 13th Age, Paranoia, Shadowrun, FATE, Star Wars, old World of Darkness, Warhammer Fantasy, and single books for a title I'm too lazy to list.


I think I've got about 5 shelves of stuff on a 1.2 m bookcase, so 6 metres worth: a mix of hardback and softbacks for a range of systems. I have close to complete collections for Rolemaster/Spacemaster (including most of the Shadow World modules) and D&D 4e, and of AD&D (1st ed) hardbacks as well as many of the classic modules.

I'm not sure how many systems I have books for - definitely more than 20, but I'm pretty sure fewer than 50.


First Post
Not as many as some other posters but enough to know that I don't want to actually think too hard about a specific number.

I have about 7 linear feet of bookshelf dedicate to gaming. Plus a few boxes full of old Dragon Mags (59-200+), Polyhedrons, and old TSR modules. I also have 3 feet of old boxed sets (from TSR and FGU mostly except for the 20 small original traveler books. But calling them books in this context seems off.)

I have about 7 linear feet of bookshelf dedicate to gaming. Plus a few boxes full of old Dragon Mags (59-200+), Polyhedrons, and old TSR modules. I also have 3 feet of old boxed sets (from TSR and FGU mostly except for the 20 small original traveler books. But calling them books in this context seems off.)

Yeah, I've got about 60 Dragon Mags plus 70 Dungeon Mags that I didn't count in my initial post. They add up really quick!

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