Another discussion spawned this thought. For me, as a player, I have a campaign completion rate of about 15%. IOW, about 1 in 8 campaigns that I've played in over the years have actually come to any sort of conclusion and not fizzled half way through. How about you?
Granted, as a DM, my completion rate is much higher. I've been pretty good for the past couple of decades and most of the campaigns I've started as a DM have come to a satisfactory conclusion. Some haven't, but, most have. But, as a player? The number of times I've actually completed a campaign I can count on my hands.
So, slapping up a poll here to see if I'm just a really unlucky player, or if there's a trend here. Note, you can define complete any way you feel like. Did the campaign feel complete to you?
Granted, as a DM, my completion rate is much higher. I've been pretty good for the past couple of decades and most of the campaigns I've started as a DM have come to a satisfactory conclusion. Some haven't, but, most have. But, as a player? The number of times I've actually completed a campaign I can count on my hands.
So, slapping up a poll here to see if I'm just a really unlucky player, or if there's a trend here. Note, you can define complete any way you feel like. Did the campaign feel complete to you?