D&D 5E How to Adjudicate Actions in D&D 5e


Lowcountry Low Roller
Some folks want to help others learn how to play the game as it is. Others want to complain about the game in nearly every post.

I choose the former.

Wait a sec? Am I the complainer??!! I like to think I strike a healthy balance :)

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Expert Long Rester
I quickly scanned the original post, but failed to understand what the problem is that motivated such a long and complex treatise of something that simple and natural.

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Simple and natural is often a result of experience.

For some changing the oil in car is simple and natural. It is after all the most basic of car maintenance. Someone with experience can just walk up to the car, pop the hood, find the cap, find the filter, and start draining the oil pan.

But for those who have never done it would it be simple and natural? They might have to find the owner's manual (or even discover the existence of an owners manual), or google videos or a write up on their particular Year/make/Model of vehicle. Even with those aids they are likely to mess up, spill some oil, forget to put the cap on, or forget to put the drain plug back on the oll pan before adding the new oil, or forget to replace the filter at all.

This thread is one of the best write ups on the changing the oil for new D&D grease-monkeys that I've read.


Simple and natural is often a result of experience.

For some changing the oil in car is simple and natural. It is after all the most basic of car maintenance. Someone with experience can just walk up to the car, pop the hood, find the cap, find the filter, and start draining the oil pan.

But for those who have never done it would it be simple and natural? They might have to find the owner's manual (or even discover the existence of an owners manual), or google videos or a write up on their particular Year/make/Model of vehicle. Even with those aids they are likely to mess up, spill some oil, forget to put the cap on, or forget to put the drain plug back on the oll pan before adding the new oil, or forget to replace the filter at all.

This thread is one of the best write ups on the changing the oil for new D&D grease-monkeys that I've read.

Maybe I am stupid. I dunno. I have played a long time. And frankly, the idea of checks in 1st AD&D were not as systematized as they are now. Which is OK--to pioneer D&D was brilliant regardless of shortcomings. Nevertheless, I felt inspired reading this. I do not know that I would run things in exactly the same way but really appreciate the review of group checks as well as passive checks.

How is this? I am usually a player but feel more capable of DMing after reading this. I think that is about the highest compliment I could give a thread of this nature.


Go in and create multiple folders for different types of threads (maybe by rule system, maybe by topic, etc), set your notifications to no, and then subscribe to the thread and put it in the folder you want.

Thanks you!!! I'm sure I was testing my computer's bookmark capping capabilities before this ;)


Expert Long Rester
How is this? I am usually a player but feel more capable of DMing after reading this. I think that is about the highest compliment I could give a thread of this nature.

Indeed. Likewise I was struggling as a new DM when I found this thread. I used the DCs straight out of the adventures, and if you failed, nothing happened. My games would drag on and players got frustrated that the were never trying the "right" approach, you know the one in the adventure.

Breaking that habit really caused my games to speed up and my players to trust me more, as I listen to what they are having their characters do and accomplish. I think about if it succeeds or fails, or if it needs a role. If so I assign a DC of 10 or 15 (really just those two numbers) and whether they get advantage or disadvantage, and then lay out what happens on a failure. I still struggle with that last bit a lot, but even with that weakness I would say our game has improved.


Lowcountry Low Roller
Maybe I am stupid. I dunno. I have played a long time. And frankly, the idea of checks in 1st AD&D were not as systematized as they are now. Which is OK--to pioneer D&D was brilliant regardless of shortcomings. Nevertheless, I felt inspired reading this. I do not know that I would run things in exactly the same way but really appreciate the review of group checks as well as passive checks.

How is this? I am usually a player but feel more capable of DMing after reading this. I think that is about the highest compliment I could give a thread of this nature.

That's exactly the feeling I got too. Suddenly DMing seemed a lot more fun and a lot less scary. If this had been a chapter in the DMG it would have helped a lot!


Even with those aids they are likely to mess up, spill some oil, forget to put the cap on, or forget to put the drain plug back on the oil pan before adding the new oil, or forget to replace the filter at all.

Also. Cross-thread the new filter. Or over-tighten it, thereby increasing the DC of your next oil change. :.-(

On a more serious note, add me to the list of those who consider the OP a highly valuable contribution.

Voidrunner's Codex

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