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how to convince people that D&D is not evil


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OK, Here is the deal,
I don't want this thread to break down on religious views, but how do you convince people that D&D is not evil.
I have numerous friends and family who either completely do not understand rpg's or are convinced they are evil. I have hidden my hobby for years, but I want to be able to rationally say this is not evil, and I don't want to use the it is just a game argument, cause it seems like such a cop out. If I commit an act of horrid violence in a game, I believe I have done something wrong, although much less wrong than if I had done it in real life.

In my mind D&D is a tool, it can be used for anything. D&D can spell out the world in black and white terms, making it easier to make moral judgements when faced with shades of gray. It can also be used to spread fellowship and creativity. It can also be used (if someone really wanted to) as a gateway to try and use "real" magic. All of these are dependent on how you use it.

In my mind it is like a hammer, you can use it to build something, or to knock someones head off. That doesn't make the hammer evil, it makes it a tool.

What are your thoughts


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if you really want to hear it,
my rents had someone in the apartment above them who played using "real" artifacts, and trying to cast "real" spells right when they were married. Making it very difficult for them to justify it.

I basically think if people can understand it they will be more likely to try it and less likely to judge it.



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Isn't there a bibilical based D20 game out there somewhere? I was considering picking it up for my boardgame group at church and running them through something. I think it would be rather neat to be Moses, facing down Pharoh with the Lord on your side.

Yeah, here it is, I knew I saw it somewhere:


Now, argue that roleplaying games are the work of the devil.


I think it's better to identify what they consider the "evil" aspects and debunk those with facts on a case by case. In the end, if there are aspects they do consider as "evil" or against their religion, then there's really not much discussion on the point to be had. It either is, or it isn't.

First things first: Are you an adult, or are you still a dependent? (re: you calling the parents your " 'rents"). If you're still under their roof, there's really not much to say, as I'm not about to tell someone to go against their parents' wishes.

If you're an adult trying to justify to the folks what they've always seen as a "Devil Game", then there's not much to do other than to find their most objectionable points and find the facts on the parts they believe. Two sites that may help:
http://www.theescapist.com/ - Run by William Walton, another forum member here,

and CAR-PGa, a pro-roleplaying games group that's been around for almost 20 years now.


The above link is on the escapist, but is the best contact to CARPGa that I know of.

Good luck, in either case!


First Post
You could always try to emphisize the role playing aspect... Kids have been playing cops and robbers/cowboys and indians for centuries....
Role playing is also used in modern day psychology....
As mentioned above, give them a book (PHB?) and have them read it... let them see for themselves....

However, in my experience, you can't force anyone to believe a certain way... if someone has made up their mind about something, they have to make the concerted effort to open their mind to see what is and isn't.... If they choose not to, there is nothing you can do about it....


First Post
The sad truth is that some people you cannot convince that D&D and gaming isnt evil. Maybe this isn't the case with your parents, but it is with alot of people. ITs like trying to convince Jack Thompson that video games arent training you to go kill people.

The thing I did with my mom is I sat her down, and explained to her what the game was...what we do and how no "real magic" is involved, and offered that she could whatch us play sometime (when we finally get around to it -_-)



You live in Kansas, one of the most religiously conservative states in the nation. If you do don't go to church all day Sunday and Wednesday nights you'll be labelled a satanist! :confused:

Seriously, sometimes you can't convince people. Take my mother-in-law, please. She had a former student who robbed and killed a couple back in the late 1980s. He played D&D, so this came up as one of the mittigating factors to the jury. He's still rotting in prison and there's no convincing her that D&D is nothing but a quick road to ruin.

I love her dearly, but its just a conversation that neither of us will have because we're both polite people. I know how she feels because I've heard it second hand from my wife.

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