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how to hit on girls without being creepy?

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Okay, I know this is picking something up from a couple of pages ago, but yeah, love how the avowed nonconformists of this world all have their groups of people within which they all copy each other. It's why one of my favorite commercials of all time is that Dr. Pepper one from the 70's. "I'm a Pepper, he's a Pepper, she's a Pepper ... wouldn't you like to be a Pepper too? Drink Dr. Pepper ... the most Original soft drink in the whole wide world." Yeah, be original, copy us.

And the whole "Be yourself, Improve yourself" thing is good advice for everyone on the planet, to point of being not just good advice but a good philosophy. No matter what is or isn't happening in your love life.

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Hida Bukkorosu

First Post
whyrph said:
If you can't resist opening the bags, then don't buy junk food in the first place. It can't be that hard to resist at the store, can it? Maybe if you don't buy any for a couple weeks you'll see how much money you save without the :):):):).

actually, i have literally driven to the store at 3 am just to satisfy a snack craving - even if i have snacks at the apt, i will sometimes get a jones for a particular flavor. it's like a junkie needing a fix.

Teflon Billy said:
let me tell you where it goes from there friend. it goes like this...

Why not?

How does your blunt honesty handle the situation now.

if personality: "well, we just seem to not be on the same wavelength as far as interests/values/goals/whatever they don't match up with me on"

if looks: "different people are attracted to different types of people. nothing against you, but i'm not attracted to you."

ways to be polite while still telling the truth.

"I'm not asking you for a date Hida, I'm just asking if you think it looks good on me. So....?"

"And i'm saying i don't have an opinion on the matter. ask someone qualified, since nowhere in my job description does it read 'fashion consultant'. now if you don't mind, i'd like to get back to being productive with my time here and doing the job you pay me for, i would think you would want to be getting your money's worth out of your employee doing his actual job instead of occupying his time with irrelevant non-work-related chatter."

when it comes to being "for sale" it's simply this. "dressing up" - ie wearing things other than what i want to wear - is an unpleasant task. so is working. but unfortunately, one needs money in order to survive. therefore, i sell my time (and since they own my time they can make me wear the required uniform) in order to eat.

going out with a girl is supposed to be fun. if i'm not having fun, she's not worth being with. if i'm having to hide who i am and be someone i'm not, i'm not having fun.

Torm said:
Legacy is a stupid, stupid reason to be worried about getting married and having kids - especially when there are so many other ways to have a legacy.

not looking to get married and have kids. looking for fun. i plan to use condoms if and when i do get a chance to engage in the more physical forms of fun. kids are too much of a responsibility.

(in response to various people)

one thing i'm not getting is why would i waste time showering if i'm not even going to leave my apt?


First Post
Hida Bukkorosu said:
one thing i'm not getting is why would i waste time showering if i'm not even going to leave my apt?

I forget who said this, but it bears repeating. Do you want to be you, or do you want to be the sort of guy who gets attention? You needn't change who you fundamentally are, but a person who's schedule is so empty that they can spend a day without going out is a little off-putting (and dull besides). Go find activities to be in so you have no days you won't leave the apartment.

Besides which, you don't want stank to permeate you. A few days of worn-in grime do not magically fade away with one quick shower.

actually, i have literally driven to the store at 3 am just to satisfy a snack craving - even if i have snacks at the apt, i will sometimes get a jones for a particular flavor. it's like a junkie needing a fix.

Since my first post here, I've advocated baby steps. I'm sure you can guess where this'll go.

Prepare some carrots/celery stalks/cucumbers/whatever you might like ahead of time. Have them easily on hand for when a craving hits. Try to develop a taste for healthier snacks. Once you get a good habit going, it tends to perpetuate itself.

And the same idea applies to exercise. Don't think you need a gym membership and solid resolve to get in shape; most people with that attitude end up using about a month of their year's membership. Just try to take baby steps. Find physical activities you enjoy, and try to build a habit. This ties into the "find more hobbies" suggestion; develop a walking routine, start byclicing more instead of driving, or even sign up for a martial arts course. Unique individuals like you seem to take quite well to martial arts, in my experience.

"And i'm saying i don't have an opinion on the matter. ask someone qualified, since nowhere in my job description does it read 'fashion consultant'. now if you don't mind, i'd like to get back to being productive with my time here and doing the job you pay me for, i would think you would want to be getting your money's worth out of your employee doing his actual job instead of occupying his time with irrelevant non-work-related chatter."

Do go some research on that Aspergers condition. Really. If you can't see how rudeness like that tends not to bode well for continued employment, you need severe remedial training before chatting up girls is even remotely feasable.

Ironically, there are methods of misdirection one can use to avoid lying while still not hurting feelings. They tend to resemble brutal honesty in the same way that my computer resembles a llama. One needs social grace and tact, both of which you admittedly need to work on, and even then the truth has to get bent a little.

when it comes to being "for sale" it's simply this. "dressing up" - ie wearing things other than what i want to wear - is an unpleasant task. so is working. but unfortunately, one needs money in order to survive. therefore, i sell my time (and since they own my time they can make me wear the required uniform) in order to eat.

going out with a girl is supposed to be fun. if i'm not having fun, she's not worth being with. if i'm having to hide who i am and be someone i'm not, i'm not having fun.

Advanced logic here:

Wearing clothes you don't like subtracts a certain amount of happiness.

Going out with a girl you like adds a certain amount of happiness.

Add the two values together. There are legitimately times when all the hassles and pressures a girl puts on you can be greater than the benefits you get from it; that's when you kick her to the curb. However, to put this into gaming terms for you, you sound like you're explaining keeping a +1 longsword over a +5 mace because you don't want to lose your Weapon Focus bonus. If you can legitimately say that you'd be happier alone in your own clothes than spruced up on a date, there's no point to this thread for anyone involved. You have to answer for yourself whether you find the potential happiness rewards worth the up-front costs.

(You also have to keep in mind that the girl is running very much the same equation in her head. It's incredibly foolish to expect her to bend over backwards to make you happy while you exert no efforts on her behalf. You've avoided answering how you, Hida Bukkorosu, are going to make this worth her while/enjoyable for her. Give at least some thought to that.)

not looking to get married and have kids. looking for fun. i plan to use condoms if and when i do get a chance to engage in the more physical forms of fun. kids are too much of a responsibility.

...And here you jump all over the place.

It's time for a straight answer, Hida. Are you looking to get laid, or are you learning how to get yourself into a position where you're socially apt?

If it's the former, prostitution's your only real answer. I know this'll hurt your pride, but if you see "physical pleasure" as being the primary function of a woman, she has a right to ask for financial compensation in return. Yes, I know that she might also get pleasure out of the deal; you have to accept that the cute girls can get far better than you if they're just looking for a quickie. So payment or some really desperate/jaded/ugly girl are the extent of your chances here.

If it's the latter, realize that you're going to have to work on some personal growth before relationship/sex issues are even remotely feasable for you. You've clearly changed before; calling yourself a former fundamentalist christian kind of implies that. So you have to put your pride on the line and ask yourself if the up-front costs in effort and "happiness" are worth the potential rewards down the line.

And remember. Nobody's telling you that you have to give up things you love, take up things you hate, or pretend to be your polar oposite. All we're saying is to experiment with growing in certain directions, picking up new hobbies/habits, and seeing how well those take.
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Jonny Nexus

First Post
Hida Bukkorosu said:
actually, i have literally driven to the store at 3 am just to satisfy a snack craving - even if i have snacks at the apt, i will sometimes get a jones for a particular flavor. it's like a junkie needing a fix.

Well at the end of the day, it comes down to your willpower. If you want to be the sort of person who doesn't over-consume snack foods then you have to stop over-consuming them.

Saying that you don't have much willpower is an explanation not a justification. It's like someone saying that they don't give any money to charity because they're an uncaring person. They've explained their behaviour, but they haven't justified it. People listening to them, who'd previously been disapproving of their meanness, aren't going to hear that and then say, "Oh well that's okay then. It's not your fault, it's just because you're uncaring."

So it's like the advice they give to alcoholics: the only person who can make you stop drinking is yourself, and you have to want to stop. (Except that in your case it applies to snacking).

Hida Bukkorosu said:
one thing i'm not getting is why would i waste time showering if i'm not even going to leave my apt?

Well for me, I take a shower or bath each morning when I get up because if I don't I feel a bit dirty and unclean, and afterwards I feel all fresh and refreshed. To me, not having a shower because I'm staying in all day would be a bit like not eating breakfast or taking a piss because I'm staying in all day.

Teflon Billy

Hida Bukkorosu said:
..."And i'm saying i don't have an opinion on the matter. ask someone qualified, since nowhere in my job description does it read 'fashion consultant'. now if you don't mind, i'd like to get back to being productive with my time here and doing the job you pay me for, i would think you would want to be getting your money's worth out of your employee doing his actual job instead of occupying his time with irrelevant non-work-related chatter."

Ahh, so it is rudeness that you value.

Do you honestly not see how that's rude? the case for Asperger's gets stronger and stronger.

Oh, and by the way, later that day the boss gives you two weeks notice. If that.


First Post
Hida Bukkorosu said:
one thing i'm not getting is why would i waste time showering if i'm not even going to leave my apt?

Let's fast-forward this a little bit. You make small talk with the girl...she likes you and you like her and after some period of time, she agrees to come over. You are about to leave for the movies and she asks to use the bathroom.

When is the last time you cleaned your bathroom? With Lysol and Windex and a mop and the whole thing?

Cleanliness and keeping yourself and your place clean is not another chore. It's a way of life and a part of who you are as a person and it doesn't really matter whether you think so or not, because others will...

You don't want to change who you are, how you behave, how you interact with other people, and yet you started this thread with "how do I hit on girls...what I'm doing is not working...help me".

Do us a favor and figure out what it is you really want and then get back to us.


Liquid Awesome
msd said:
Do us a favor and figure out what it is you really want and then get back to us.

I'm pretty sure that I can answer this. I don't mean to put words in to Hida's mouth so, please Hida, let me know if I'm off base here:

What he truly wants is for us to tell him some super-secret, ninja pickup technique guaranteed to make chicks want to screw his brains out without him having to do much of anything at all.

And, let's be honest, that would be a pretty cool thing to master. I'll further mention that it is very easy to do, provided that you have one of two things:

1) Brad Pitt's looks


2) Donald Trump's money (That's the theory. In practice, I think you could get away with Brad Pitt's money.)

The other method that has gotten good results is the "Be a Jerk" schtick, most capably demonstrated by Teflon Billy. But it is NEVER going to work for Hida because it requires you to be Cool and Confident. He is neither and probably won't be because he doesn't want to change.

The final resort is what many of us have done and that is simply to try to be a decent, admirable person most of the time. But I don't think this is much of an option for Hida either. Most of the threads I've seen him start have been about how he can obtain something for himself in a way that requires the least amount of effort. He wants to live a life of hedonism involving copious amounts of yummy food, good gaming and hot chicks. But it would be preferable if he didn't have to do anything to get them.

There is nothing intrinsically wrong with this attitude and I think we've pretty much all experienced a phase of it. But we mostly outgrew it when we were 8 to 10 years old (if not before).

Thusly, my final bit of advice is this: If what other people have told you in this thread seems too hard, Hida, then your best bet is to play the lottery and hope you win.


I have a question Hida. Where are you trying to pick up girls? 27 year olds aren't that uncommon on a college campus, but your average girl is going to run the 18-22 range. And if you look your age, approaching a girl like that may automatically come across as creepy. Have you tried bars or clubs? Where are you going?


First Post
Droid101 said:
He's got to be trolling now... right?


This may be the best TtP ever.

I thought so after that. I shower daily it happens when I awke. I don't even think about it, I just get into the shower.
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