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how to hit on girls without being creepy?

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First Post
Orblivia said:
I thought so after that. I shower daily it happens when I awke. I don't even think about it, I just get into the shower.

You guys don't get to cons much, do ya? :lol:
It's funny how disruptive it is when you turn on that inviting hot water in the morning and find that your hot water heater has cancelled the invitation.


First Post
tarchon said:
You guys don't get to cons much, do ya? :lol:
It's funny how disruptive it is when you turn on that inviting hot water in the morning and find that your hot water heater has cancelled the invitation.

Actually I have. The RPGA area now has a rule people need to not be running for stankpants of the year. They now reserve the right to turn the filthy away.

And yanno what? A quick cold shower happens. I don't own the stankpants.
Invigorating, your now wide awake to go play!

No need for coffee!!

The Shaman

First Post
Orblivia said:
Actually I have. The RPGA area now has a rule people need to not be running for stankpants of the year. They now reserve the right to turn the filthy away.
Am I the only person that finds disconcerting that the RPGA needed to make a rule for that?

:eek: :confused: :\

It's like the big sign that reads "No Picnicking" at the National Cemetery in Arlington.

This thread is by turns hilariously funny and deeply disturbing.

Chaos Grrrl went by the name of Sherri when she blew through my life, BTW, and thank you very much for bringing back THOSE memories.

:eek: :confused: :\

Hida Bukkorosu

First Post
Teflon Billy said:
Ahh, so it is rudeness that you value.

Do you honestly not see how that's rude? the case for Asperger's gets stronger and stronger.

Oh, and by the way, later that day the boss gives you two weeks notice. If that.

then i get a different job working for a boss who's not the kind of imbecile who's going to ask me every question twice.

yes, it's rude, but i got rude because he persisted in bugging me with something i have no opinion on. to me, guys don't "look good". i don't care what kind of toupee they wear or whether their brad pitt or some other celebrity that the media hypes as "sexy". guys all look ugly to me.

It's time for a straight answer, Hida. Are you looking to get laid, or are you learning how to get yourself into a position where you're socially apt?

i'm looking to be able to ask girls out. eventually i would like to get laid. if i meet the right person, i would also like to form a close friendship with them in addition to the physical aspect. this would be called a "relationship".

"how do I hit on girls...what I'm doing is not working...help me".

actually that wasn't what i was trying to ask. this is what i was trying to ask.

"right now i'm too scared to try to approach girls because i'm afraid of making them and others think that i'm some kind of predator. i want to know how i can show a girl i'm attracted to her and find out if she might be interested in me without offending her. i'm not neccessarily looking for what "works" as far as success/failure is concerned, my idea is more along the lines of see if i can find someone who fits my taste for whom who i am fits their taste. i recognise that my dorky self is not what most chicks go for, and expect to be rejected by many, but i need to at least try, and i'm trying to figure out how to try."

it's not that "what i'm doing isn't working". right now i'm doing nothing. i'm trying to prepare for my final semester, and make a change so that i can at least attempt to talk to girls and ask them out.

I have a question Hida. Where are you trying to pick up girls? 27 year olds aren't that uncommon on a college campus, but your average girl is going to run the 18-22 range. And if you look your age, approaching a girl like that may automatically come across as creepy. Have you tried bars or clubs? Where are you going?

well, pretty much the girls in the 18-22 range tend to be the ones i'm attracted to. not all that into the girls my own age (though some of the younger looking ones my age are still hot.)


First Post
Hida Bukkorosu said:
i want to know how i can show a girl i'm attracted to her and find out if she might be interested in me without offending her. i'm not neccessarily looking for what "works" as far as success/failure is concerned, my idea is more along the lines of see if i can find someone who fits my taste for whom who i am fits their taste.
Where do you live? Where do you go to school?
i recognise that my dorky self is not what most chicks go for, and expect to be rejected by many,
Yeah. Yes. Yep. Until you shape up and stop thinking "Hm, that girl has probably a 16 Charisma, nice," then you're not getting anywhere. There are NO girls who think like that.

At least none I would want to deal with regularly.


Hida Bukkorosu said:
i'm looking to be able to ask girls out. eventually i would like to get laid. if i meet the right person, i would also like to form a close friendship with them in addition to the physical aspect. this would be called a "relationship".

Ok. You have your steps in the wrong order. You can ask girls out and get laid, but don't expect a close relationship afterwards, even if you like them. OR. You can meet someone, form a close friendship, and THEN enter into the physical aspect.

Hida Bukkorosu said:
the girls in the 18-22 range tend to be the ones i'm attracted to. not all that into the girls my own age (though some of the younger looking ones my age are still hot.)

I had written something here that was *honest*, but I thought better of it. I understand that guys are often attracted to younger women. And I understand that relationships with large age gaps can work. But I have to say that I find this statement kind of creepy. You wouldn't consider seeing someone your own age unless she looked younger? Would you date an 18 year old that looked younger than 18?

Your age specifications seem very superficial. And hippocritical, since you don't really seem to care about your own appearance.


First Post
If this is all about working up the nerve, just think two things.

First, what are the odds you'll have anything to do with her again? This doesn't quite excuse over-the-top things like asking her what color panties she's wearing or going from girl to girl in the same area, but it does mean that if the conversation goes a little sour you haven't lost that much. (Although keep in mind that if it's just a conversation, you probably have more give than you might think. If it's just a practice/confidence builder chat, you can get away with being kind of shy and nerdy. I even reccomend out-and-out admitting you're not much good at talking to girls at this stage; you can use the feedback and extra slack it'll get you far more than any loss of cool points will hurt you.)

Second, tying into the first, keep in mind that most people won't be paying you much attention. I'm twenty-five, I've chatted up seventeen year olds with nobody batting an eye; unless you look extra old or she looks extra young, people will kind of gloss over the difference in their heads. They're far too wrapped up in their own stuff to pop by and check ID's. And a faux-pas with a given girl, unless it's so severe as to cause a major scene, will not cause everyone in the room to regard you as a creep from then on; think how hard it is for you to notice any given conversation in the restaurant/cafeteria around you and realize that's how it is for everyone else too. (What causes major scenes? Well, if you've been paying attention here you've probably already stopped by your school's counseling office. They really do help. And they can help give you pointers if your social skills are that far off the mark.)

Once you get the hang of going up and saying hi, it gets fairly easy; I was able to go from dreadfully frightened to blase about it in a little over a month, myself. Just remember to keep yourself presentable. As for when you take a shine to one of these ladies and want to know how to come across better, well, this thread'll be here waiting for you.

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