D&D 5E How would YOU build Vecna?


Maybe not, but Vecna is referred to in some canon and lore as a god, or very near to one. He should be treated as such.
The version posted by WotC is specifically a non-deity version.

However, I do plan on making a statblock for him and I plan to do 2 versions.
  1. Archlich Vecna: A few tweaks to the Vecna posted on DnD Beyond. Add magic resistance, remove LR, add "unstopabble, more spells, and provide reaction protection. Maybe a few more if think about it.
  2. Vecna, God of Secrets: upgrade everything, add legendary actions (move some reactions to legendary actions), and mythic actions (probably CR30 w/ 2 mythic stages).
I will post them when I'm done.

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one of the best villians I ever ran was in 3e a level 6 noble (maybe aristocrat) against a party that first ran afoul his plans at level 8ish and he was still a thorn in there side by level 14... cause I never let them be in the same room as him
Aye. If I want a true villain(s) to stay as a constant in a setting they are best left in place not in direct view of the party of God killers

Strixhaven: The Lich That Shall Not Be Named
Eberron: Architect of the Mourning
For eberron I'd make him lady Illmarrow's father or something like that related to the house of Vol. Alternatively he could have the knowledge she is lacking to restore her mark.


Moderator Emeritus
The only "Vecna" I'd build would be one based on a character (PC or NPC) who succumbed to wearing the Eye and Hand and whose body is now host for Vecna's spirit. As such, I'd start with the abilities and form of the cursed figure and then build onto that with the powers of the Eye and Hand and some synergistic powers that come from having both.


I’d leave him as a boogeyman plot device. The worst thing D&D ever did was give stats to the gods.
No! That is what has inspired more than anything else. The 1e Deities and Demigods was foundational to my D&D experience. I don't know if I would still be playing D&D if it wasn't for that book and gods with stats in general.

EDIT: Though the 5e Vecna is not a god, so it doesn't fall under your no stats suggestion.


The only "Vecna" I'd build would be one based on a character (PC or NPC) who succumbed to wearing the Eye and Hand and whose body is now host for Vecna's spirit. As such, I'd start with the abilities and form of the cursed figure and then build onto that with the powers of the Eye and Hand and some synergistic powers that come from having both.
That's actually a good tactic to have one's god and lich it too.


I'll never tell.

And in this instance, I mean it. This is the God of Secrets and Deception. I might have Vecna be a big bad that is fought at the culmination of a major campaign, but even if that did happen, I'd leave that maddening ambiguity to make the PCs think that even in victory, maybe there was something they were missing.

In essence, there are certain figures that can't be what they are described to be if I make them fair. To that end, I try to keep them remote from the PCs and treat them more as forces of nature than entities.

A similar example for me is the Tarrasque. I do not use the Tarrasque in play, but there is a lot of lore about it and it is discussed. If the PCs actually face it and kill it, then en legend is diminished and my world loses some of the luster that keeps it attractive - so I do not place thr Tarrasque before the players. They can hunt it down, and I'd allow them to find it with reasonable approaches ... but putting it live into the game just takes it from meing mythic to being Encounter 132.

Voidrunner's Codex

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