D&D 5E Humblewood: A New Third-Party Setting on D&D Beyond


Following November's inclusion of Dungeons of Drakkenheim and Lairs of Etharis, another third-party setting has been added to D&D Beyond. From Hit Point Press, Humblewood, a setting which features new birdfolk player races, made a million dollars on Kickstarter back in April 2019. You can buy it from DDB for $39.99

In the world of Everden, nestled between the mighty Crest mountain range and the vast marshes of the Mokk Fields, lies a mystical forest known as Humblewood that hums with the Great Rhythm of nature. Now the fires have come, and the Woods have been thrown into chaos. Even in these dark times, brave heroes can be found within the Wood. Will you answer the call?

Welcome to Humblewood, a campaign setting where you get to adventure as birds and other woodland critters. Come and discover the mystery behind all the forest fires, is it the Bandit Coalition or something even more nefarious? Explore the verdant forest within:
  • Embody the Great Rhythm of nature by selecting between 10 new playable Races and 4 new subclasses from within the D&D Beyond character builder
  • Empower your characters with 3 new backgrounds, 7 new feats, 10 new spells, and over 20 new magic items
  • Expand your DM toolkit with more than 50 new monsters in the D&D Beyond Encounters tool and 11 new maps for use with D&D Beyond Maps

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Humblewood being on D&D Beyond worked out really well for me! Not only do I very much enjoy Humblewood itself (the 10 races are all SUPERB!), but I also went and bought Heckna!, another setting book from Hit Point Press, and I am enjoying reading that, too! I suppose that's part of the appeal for 3rd Party Publishers, that people will check out their other products as well!

Humblewood being on D&D Beyond worked out really well for me! Not only do I very much enjoy Humblewood itself (the 10 races are all SUPERB!), but I also went and bought Heckna!, another setting book from Hit Point Press, and I am enjoying reading that, too! I suppose that's part of the appeal for 3rd Party Publishers, that people will check out their other products as well!
Heckna! isn't my cuppa tea, but . . . I got excited about the upcoming Humblewood 2 Kickstarter campaign! Hopefully that will land on D&D Beyond too!

I said in the past time ago DDB could be good for the 3PPs because that may be the best showcase to promote their titles, and I see Humblewood is the prove I am right.

What about the titles by Mage Hand Press? But I am afraid DDB will need time to get ready for new classes by 3PPs. Hasbro should be generous with "Roll for Combat" because the IP "Battlezoo" could be a "sleeping hit" at the same level than the videogame "Palworld" ( = the Pokemon with firearms).

Could be in the future "Anime 5e" by Dyskami Publishing? Otaku community could be interested.

Other possible title could be "Sandy Petersen's Myths of Chulthu".

Well, not Cthulhu because Chaosium has the rights. I treasure my original Deities and Demigods because it is the only official D&D book with the Cthulhu mythos.

Having purchased and run Humblewood I am glad to see this happening. I purchased the PDF plus the Foundry VTT module, and we ran characters out of DDB where folks have put the races, feats etc in as homebrew items. Downside for me is that (as far as I can see) there is no discount for anyone who has already purchased Humblewood so I can't really justify to myself buying it again just to have the character options as official content.
I backed the original KS for the Humblewood boxed set as well as the new Humblewood Tales. I agree - there should be some sort of discount. Still, I am tempted... would love to have it on Beyond just for ease of access

WotC could be interested into several 3PPs but they need to earn the trust by the other side.

And I suspect the software of D&D Beyond is not ready yet to add classes by 3PPs.

So the Dungeon Dudes talked a bit about this - they have a new class (the apothecary, it is very nice - it's basically "the alchemist done right, in all sorts of permutations" - the chemist (blaster), mutagenist (Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde), the reanimator...). And they are very keen for it to be on DnD beyond but ... they don't know, but the strong impression they got was that they have to "wait their turn" - DnD Beyond loaded their adventure, now they are paying attention to other 3rd party providers.

They also mentioned that it is far easier for DND beyond to load an adventure, vs things like a new class.

Like I said, you need to read this better - the are VR HMDs which have all of that and they cause just as much motion sickness as other ones. I'm not sure why you think they don't.

Why not read the actual articles? Serious question.
shhhhhh. as long as shareholder value is increased, it's all good, don't worry about it...

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