I don't blame Piratecat

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ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
Okay, WHAT ON EARTH is wrong with it this time?

Offended that I'm telling the world that it's not PirateCat that has me addicted to these boards?

Or offended that I'm telling them that it's the HIVEMIND that has me addicted?

Or are we back to "dont' target anybody by name" again? Even IF it's positive?

I'll go bury my head in the sand and delete the sig pic.


HellHound said:
Note that I am not indicating WHO *I* blame, only who I do not blame.

I am merely offering a nice indication of who COULD be blamed!

Man, again I misunderstand you, I must be doomed to that ;)

Because your sig says "Don't blame Piratecat blame the [HIVEMIND]", I don't see an indication of who could be blame, I see it a suggestion to blame hivemind. Nor that I mind, because blaming the Hivemind is blaming Piratecat, but anyways, I have a problem misunderstanding you :D :D

Anyways, if you blame us of getting you addicted, I glady accept the blame ;)
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ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
No, actually, I've dropped blaming the Hivemind for getting me addicted.

Suddenly I'm blaming myself for being foolish enough to LET myself be addicted.

I'll just stand clear of the Hivemind stuff for a bit, obviously it's causing problems.

Darrin Drader

OK, I confess, I'm having a hard time understanding this hivemind business and why some would blame Piratecat (or not blame him as the case may be). I'm sticking to blaming society and circus folk.


ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
The original BLAME PIRATECAT was about blaming him for being addicted to the ENworld forums. Since Eric Noah pointed the finger at PirateCat in the ENworld Addiction thread, people have been "Blaming Piratecat".

But in my case, Piratecat is NOT what addicted me to the forums, something else did. So I was blaming that other entity instead, although my singling it out as the reason I was addicted has seemingly offended other users.

Darrin Drader

Ah, but that still doesn't explain the Hivemind.

Or why my own ENWorld boards addiction is getting worse. If I'm staying up past my bed time, I should be spending it writing rather than helping to feed addictions.

Its a trap! (Insert picture of Admiral Ackbar here --->)
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ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
Well, unfortunately, every time I mention the group you asked about, I seem to get into some kind of deep trouble with some users on the boards, so I won't even consider trying to explain it to you.

Voidrunner's Codex

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