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I don't know how I ever managed to game as a kid

Mad Mac

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When I started seriously gaming, me and my little brother would write up our own rules before playing, mixing boardgame rules and pieces from Heroquest, Key to the Kingdom, the Wizards Tower, and others, with random rules drawn from various choose your own adventure books, like the one where you play Merlin's apprentince Pip, the one where you play Raistlin in the tower of High Sorcery, and one based on some Middle Earth Roleplaying rules. Our Wizards were like totally broken until at least 6.43 edition, where I started to realize that giving wizards 20 castings (each!) of stuff like lightning bolt and acid storm was a little over the top.

Having watched people talk about D&D once or twice, and maybe even flipped through a book, I'd add in little details I remembered. Stuff like the existance of a spell named Magic Missle, (And people think the official version is OP. Ha!) And Barbarians with rage ability. Of course, my Barbarians at first did double damage every round they raged...(stacking from the previous round) It sounds bad, but honestly, my monsters were even worse. I was statting up cannon fodder with 30-50 hps, and most of the tougher monsters I made up (Usually using a Key to the Kingdom Monster card picture as inspiration) were almost unstoppable.

Eventually, we realized that D&D books could be acquired from the library at which point, our gaming lives really took off. Shame about their being a 2nd edition DMG but no PHB, though. My most precious find was checking out the 1st edition Dragonlance Campaign setting book, and photocopying the precious monster/spell lists. At this point, our game was so advanced that I would routinely just make up spell effects on the spot by reading off the spell list. "Ice Storm? Well it's 4th level....some ice bonks the guy on the head and does xd6 damage. Fairy Fire? Eh...."

Was a very long time until we had a Player Handbook....
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Catsclaw227 isn't foolin....

Ok CatsClaw they might not believe you about your first DM, but I am here to VERIFY that he was and is a bit wacko! That was some 24 years ago for me and you man! ;)

I swear you all nailed my experiences, and why is it we all made rules on our own? I remember just rolling a D6 and a 1-3 was a miss and 4-6 a hit, with a 6 being extra nasty. The monster I flooded my little dungeons with was ROTGRUB! Man I loved throwing gold all over and eating holes through characters!

Later I met catsclaw227 and we actually tried to use the rules but we ran into all the problems listed here, so things didn't always run as planned......but those were some fun times! :D

I can't believe it's been 27 or so years since I got that darn boxed set!



Iron Captain said:
This is pretty much how my first gaming experience went:
Friend: "Hey have you heard of this cool roleplaying game called D&D? Want to try it out?"
Me: "Okay."
Friend: "Okay we don't know the actual rules and have never seen one of the books but we made up our own system."
Me (excited): "Okay!"

And man our fantasy combat system could be extremly lethal. I remember one rule in particular was "Roll 2 sixes in a row on a D6 and you immediately decapitate your opponent."

We used to make up tons of new RPG systems and I had never seen a real one before.
This is basically how it worked for me. Ah, those were the days. A friend of mine and I played characters that just beat the crap out of each other. I think he finally won that first fight, his fighter using his own amputated arm as a club (hey, he still had one good arm left) to beat my character to death with.

Ah, the good old days.



Damn, I've been channeled. :)

Sounds pretty much like how it was for me too.

My very first game was with my older brother and one of his buddies and the red box set. Swanky, we started with dice. We made six magic-users and all died under a flock of stirges in the Caves of Chaos. :)


Tewligan said:
God, I hope this is one of the true bits - it made me laugh a lot. I still am, actually. It's the specification "with a bo stick" that gets me, for some reason.
Here's the actual page from my DMG. Alas, it was actually "staff or (bo?) stick in stomach". I know that "N" on the table means "No", but I'm not sure what the "H", "C", or "A" stand for. "Heave", "Chuck", and... I dunno what.


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Henry said:
So in my recollection, what we played was about as related to D&D as "cops and robbers" was related to actual law enforcement. :)
I havbe a distinct memory of my pal Anthony and this other kid Andrew playing "D&D" on the playground in grade school a few years before I got Basic. They had some shoddily-typed list of "witch spells" and a ten-sided die.

Anthony: "I use my +80 fire sword!" :Roll:
Andrew: "Hit!"

The concept of dice and paper was there, but the whole "rules" thing was yet to be discovered.

I'm glad people are enjoying my post. I woke up the other day and just starting thinking back to those times, wondering how I ever managed to get from there to here.


catsclaw227 said:
He then told me "OK, name any monster you can think of."

Being a first time player, I said "goblin" and he then smiled and said. "Cool! You've been pol-e-morft into a goblin." And then I got killed by my only other PC companion because his guy hated goblins.

I loved it. And I been playing regularily since.
Oh, man... you win. :lol:


jgbrowning said:
I'm still a sucker for a good map... :)
I always started with a map. "Man, we're playing this weekend. I better create a whole new world and draw a map of it!" Actual encouters were secondary.


31 years ago I got a box with three little books for Christmas. I drew a massive map on a piece of butcher paper and my brother and I ran a characters through the dungeon many an afternoon - having no real knowledge of how the game worked.

I tried to figure it out, but those of you familiar with OD&D know it really is just a framework for the game.

My older cousin had showed us how to generate a d20 roll with a d6 and a d10 and as I recall we pretty much ran combat as a contest of d20 rolls. If the monster rolled high we lost a hp. If my brother or I rolled high the monster died.

It was not until a Christmas or so later that I received S1 Tomb of Horrors and suddenly realized the DM was actually supposed to NOT play a character and run much of the game in secret.

Voidrunner's Codex

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