I hate Christmas

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Joshua Dyal said:
Have you ever considered that the ph4t l00t you can haul in may not be the point of Christmas? :rolleyes:

Quick edit out the rolleyes before the mods get you...(just kidding Henry - I really couldn't resist - really)... ;)

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Storm Raven said:
You see, the thing is, I have told them that this is unlikely to work for me. I am very specific in my tastes. I know this, and I make sure to tell people who are intent on getting me gifts this fact. I suggest that they stick to the list. But they ignore me. The only thing I can suppose that they think that that I can't possibly not like Attack of the Clones if I like Empire Strikes Back. Or that I have to like Tommy Boy because I like movies.
Are you actually listening to anyone or just trying to repeat yourself over and over? You know what I want for this Christmas? Absolutely nothing except to watch my 19 month old son's face light up as he opens his presents and eats Christmas cookies. I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT WHAT I GET I JUST WANT MY SON TO BE HAPPY !!!!!!!!!!!!

Get it? It's not about you.


And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so?
It came without ribbons. It came without tags.
It came without packages, boxes or bags.

And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore.
Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before.
What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store.
What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.

- Dr. Suess


First Post
You've made it clear the phrase "I want" is central to your being, but try going through christmas without it, and see the gifts as the people giving them to you see them rather than through your jaded little reality filter. You might actually surprise yourself and enjoy it. Lord knows that if what you're projecting here is indicative of the real you, your family will certainly appreciate the change.


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While I think SR could perhaps phrase his statement to his family a bit more gently, I agree with his basic point.

Of course I generally only spend maybe a week or two per year around my immediate family (mostly at Christmas), so I don't necessarily know what latest things they are interested in (or already have) without a list.

Ah well... back to lurking...

Storm Raven

First Post
Warlord Ralts said:
Thinking about them involves: Spending money on them. Fighting holiday crowds to get them something. To box it up and drive to UPS to send it.

No, that's being a mail order deliveryman. Thinking about them means getting them what they actually want.

It's a gift. When choosing gifts, you chose something they wouldn't buy for themselves, not something they want but are too cheap to buy.

In which case I would likely return it and get something I actually wanted. Not what you thought I would want.

Maybe I can't afford what's on thier list? Maybe I think asking for movies and DVD's is trite and greedy. Maybe I thought you'd like a mug from Austria. Maybe I thought that 2 Pre-War Iraqi bills that I picked up from the wreckage of a building was something you'd find interesting. Maybe I thought that having a custom made fountian pen was something you'd never buy for yourself, but would look good on your desk.

No, I would not want any of those things. In point of fact, I have previously (before they bought the gift) said to the people who got me the pen that I do not now, and never will want a pen.

Yeah, look how selfish I am. I spent part of my hard earned money, I spent the time and effort to get the object, to wrap it myself, to add a card, to drive it down to UPS.

And wasted your money and effort on something I probably do not want. Now, I'm supposed to pretend I'm happy about it to make you happy. Sorry, I'm not going to do that. Maybe if I tell you I would like something from list next time, you would get me something from my list.

Yeah, $14. That's all you want, is cheap $14 CD's.

You mean like these items that were also on the list that you didn't bother to copy?

Serenity (Widescreen Edition) $16.98
Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars[/i] $13.99
Firefly: Original Television Soundtrack $13.49
Farscape: Music from the Original Soundtrack $13.98
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings Soundtrack $13.97
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Soundtrack $14.99

To tell the truth, I don't ever expect that I will get everything on my list. Or even the most expensive thing I list. I know the price ranges of the prople in my family, and make a list that encompasses those price ranges. Some people will buy on the low end. Some on the high end. Perhaps it would make you feel better know that the pen in question cost more than anything on my list.

Yeah, those ARE expensive. A $14 CD that you DEMANDED would be the ONLY gift you got, and I'm serious, if you were one of my relatives, I'd get your card, and that's it.

That represents 2 hours of work at minimum wage. TWO HOURS. Whose the selfish one now?

None of my relatives work for minimum wage. I know this. I know the price ranges they buy gifts in. My list is constructed accordingly.

It's nice to know that the person recieving the gift should decide what they get.

If you actually cared about them, then yes, you would get them what they want.


PowerWordDumb said:
You've made it clear the phrase "I want" is central to your being, but try going through christmas without it, and see the gifts as the people giving them to you see them rather than through your jaded little reality filter. You might actually surprise yourself and enjoy it. Lord knows that if what you're projecting here is indicative of the real you, your family will certainly appreciate the change.
Quoted for truth.

Storm Raven

First Post
Joshua Dyal said:
Have you ever considered that the ph4t l00t you can haul in may not be the point of Christmas? :rolleyes:

Yes. That is why I tell people not to get any gift if they aren't going to get me something I want. Don't get me a gift I don't want - it wastes your time and effort, and won't make me happy. No enjoyment will be generated by the process, so if you are going to do that, then just don't.


I got dice older than you.
SR, I'm sure you'll get what you deserve for X-mas, a lump of something. I don't think it will be coal, however.


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Storm Raven

First Post
PowerWordDumb said:
You've made it clear the phrase "I want" is central to your being, but try going through christmas without it, and see the gifts as the people giving them to you see them rather than through your jaded little reality filter.

You mean I should see the gifts as stuff that caught their eye when they were doing their real shopping and stuffed in their cart as an afterthought? Make no mistake about it, when someone buys you The Waterboy after you hinted that you would like the Fellowship of the Ring soundtrack, that's exactly how much thought went into the gift.

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