D&D General "I have Played in or Run a Campaign Set in the Forgotten Realms" (a poll)

True or False: "I have Played in or Run a Campaign Set in the Forgotten Realms"

  • True.

    Votes: 258 84.0%
  • False.

    Votes: 49 16.0%

I did a 5e campaign in the realms set in the Moonshaes around 940 DR, so during the second Trollwar, before Waterdeep was established. I liked playing 500 years before current events, as it opened up everything. I was free to play with gods, cities, technology levels, nature of threats. I had the island in the early stages of the invasion by the Illuskans, and since it was a sandbox, the players could do whatever they wanted - fight the Illuskans, bolster the borders, play politics, go monster hunting, explore the mostly unexplored center and western parts of the islands, etc. Rumors galore, towns and villages established and lost, or ignore it all and go to the mainland. I had a more medieval, dark ages feel, which worked well in the setting.

It ran for about a year online, the players got to about level 6, but we ran into the "the monsters need to be so powerful to threaten the characters, it gets a little ridiculous", and the gritty feel was all but gone. It devolved into kitchen sink/high fantasy DnD...

I'd love to re-run that campaign setting in Old School Essentials Advanced...

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I should note that for the first time ever* I am truly interested in a running a Realm campaign, using Doomed Forgotten Realms.

*except maybe when the 3E book came out. it is such a good book it even made the Realm interesting.


True... but only because I'm currently running LMoP as is. I have no intention of continuing in FR after that, and will happily head back to Greyhawk next for Ghosts of Saltmarsh.


Guest 7034872

I mean, we started in the Forgotten Realms (in a probate lawyer's office), so I guess so, yeah. Didn't stay there, though.


Victoria Rules
Hmmm - for me this one's both true and false at the same time.

For one of my big campaigns I used FR as the base, then chopped out and completely homebrewed everything north of Waterdeep and west of the Anauroch; along with homebrewing some other bits as needed. Most of the adventuring took place in the homebrewed parts which had nothing to do with FR other than I kept a few place names*, but sometimes they went to Waterdeep and even once or twice made it down to Baldur's Gate.

So, it both was and wasn't a FR campaign.

* - kept the names, but changed the places - Neverwinter, for example, was moved way inland and its name became a joke, as it was nearly always winter there!


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
I’m surprised there are any votes for no. Even for someone who runs strictly homebrew settings or something, I would expect they would have played in another DM’s campaign at some point, and in that case I would expect the likelihood of playing in one that was set in FR at least once to be quite high.


Victoria Rules
I’m surprised there are any votes for no. Even for someone who runs strictly homebrew settings or something, I would expect they would have played in another DM’s campaign at some point, and in that case I would expect the likelihood of playing in one that was set in FR at least once to be quite high.
Oddly enough, the closest I've ever got to FR in any way is the setting-butchered version I ran.

Ignoring one-offs and con games, I have...

Played in: Greyhawk, Mystara/Known World (two different versions, I think), and a few homebrews.
DMed: homebrew, homebrew/FR, homebrew.

Voidrunner's Codex

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