D&D General "I have played in or run a D&D campaign set in Greyhawk." (a poll)

True or False: "I have played in or run a D&D campaign set in Greyhawk."

  • True.

    Votes: 143 65.9%
  • False.

    Votes: 74 34.1%

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I'm running part of a game in it right now (they're visiting for a nostalgic addition to the game), but before that it has been almost 30 years since I last played there.

Li Shenron

Mmm... I voted 'yes' but then noticed you mentioned 'ongoing', the poll sounded like any time in past, which one did you want to know?


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Nope. It's not a setting that the people I grew up around and introduced me to D&D were all that connected to, and thus I haven't brought it to any the various campaigns I've run for the folks I've brought into the game.

I'm currently running two separate Greyhawk games, with very small parties, one based in Sterich, the other based in Furyondy.

Both are using the Greyhawk Boxed Set, and Greyhawk: From the Ashes as the starting point. War has just ended. Sterich is free of enemies but fighting continues near the mountains, but most of it is empty and ruined. Furyondy is beginning to rebuild its defenses as the Treaty of Greyhawk settles in.

In Sterich, the party is going to go explore the Crystalmists to find out why the giants attacked Sterich. There are lots of ruined outposts/keeps and battlegrounds to traverse, as well as empty villages.
In Furyondy, a Paladin has been sent from Veluna with troops to reinforce the front against Iuz. The Paladin is currently travelling along the front between the two nations, then will likely travel across the lines into Iuz's newly taken territories to wreak some havoc.

Both are sandboxes (both also using Old School Essentials, though Sterich started in Beyond the Wall).


My 80s campaign was set in Greyhawk after I bought the Folio and AD&D modules. It made sense. After that I preferred creating my own settings. But I kept borrowing from it.

My last fantasy campaign, in 2021, was set in Greyhawk, but with the Fantasy AGE system. I put Freeport on an island near the Amedio Jungle. Last time we played they were in the Principalty of Ulek looking for a corrupted druid in a weird forest near the fortified city of Thunderstrike. I might go back to it in 2023.

Voidrunner's Codex

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