Yep, currently running three 1e AD&D campaigns set in Greyhawk, and also just submitted events for the Virtual Greyhawk Con that runs from 30 Sept to 2 Oct 2022: Virtual Greyhawk Con 2022
TYVM for posting this Allan!Yep, currently running three 1e AD&D campaigns set in Greyhawk, and also just submitted events for the Virtual Greyhawk Con that runs from 30 Sept to 2 Oct 2022: Virtual Greyhawk Con 2022
Me too.Greyhawk is my preferred default setting for D&D.
GH is kinda meat and potatoes but also has its own flavor too. Its sword & sorcery, Fritz Lieber with a bit of, well, what we would see as The Witcher, and some Lovecraftian elements, especially coming off the Wars era into Living Greyhawk.
Totally agree with the parts I quoted.It's pretty generic, but the essence of D&D. Where the setting shines is when you expand outward beyond that and look at the classic adventures. They're iconic for a reason. … If anyone could get Greyhawk right I think it would be Goodman Games (I'm such a shill).
Back in my teenage 1E days....Back in my sweet sweet 3E days.