D&D General "I have played in or run a D&D campaign set in Greyhawk." (a poll)

True or False: "I have played in or run a D&D campaign set in Greyhawk."

  • True.

    Votes: 143 65.9%
  • False.

    Votes: 74 34.1%


My first two completed 20-level 3.5 campaigns, Wing Three and The Kordovian Adventurers Guild, were both set in a modified version of Greyhawk; in the first one, the PCs' headquarters was actually in Greyhawk City. Now I'm running a completely homebrewed 3.5 campaign of my own creation, but one of the players in that campaign is also DMing a 3.5 Greyhawk campaign called Ghourmand Vale, in which I get to be a PC for a change. All three campaigns are set on the same modified Oerth, the second campaign taking place roughly 20 years after the first and the third campaign talking place immediately after the completion of the second.


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My first two completed 20-level 3.5 campaigns … All three campaigns are set on the same modified Oerth, the second campaign taking place roughly 20 years after the first and the third campaign talking place immediately after the completion of the second.

I am currently running two campaigns in 3.5e in the same Greyhawk with different players. And a 3.5e campaign that end was in the same Greyhawk too, but with almost no overlap because it was Shackled City Adventure Path.


I'm currently running a 5e D&D game for a handful of new players. It is set in southern Keoland (potential to end up at Saltmarsh). I use the Greyhawk box set as my basis so my games are around 70% homebrew, 30% Greyhawk lore.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
To clarify, this means any ongoing consistent game set in recognizable Greyhawk using one of more of its setting products and or modules.

Only nominally. Back in the day, the first D&D campaign I played in was basically dungeon-hopping through the various official modules. A lot of hack and slash stuff, in which the world outside the adventure really didn't mean much of anything.


I couldnt answer either True or False.

I have played D&D 1e-ish. The default is too create ones own setting. But by using 1e races, monsters, items, one is to some degree utilizing aspects that are also the Greyhawk setting. We even imported the City of Greyhawk, but only the city itself.


If the Oerth setting of the City of Greyhawk updated to todays sensitivities concerning ethnicity, gender, orientation, and so on. How much of Oerth would survive scrutiny?


Krampus ate my d20s
True. 1E, 2E, 3.xE, and I am about to run my family through Lost Mines of Phandelver set in Sterich but starting in Keoland in Gradsul in place of Neverwinter. King Kimbertos and House Rhola are trying to expand the Empire again by helping their poor cousins in the March stabilize the war-torn, empty land. The Seekers are searching for a mysterious artifact and the Wyrd of the Silent Ones is trying to keep it out of mortal hands. Should be fun!


It's a long time since I've had a sustained D&D campaign in Greyhawk. But I've used it for a lot of Rolemaster, Burning Wheel and most recently Torchbearer.

Voidrunner's Codex

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