D&D Movie/TV I just watched the whole D&D Cartoon Series for the First Time, review.

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Heh, I was nine when it first aired and had no experience with the game. As a kid, I hated Uni, Eric, and Presto. Still, I enjoyed the show. I haven't seen it since way back (I never picked up the DVDs), but it's something I should pick up at some point.

You didn't listen it, but in the Spanish edition they added a song. The syntheticer gives it now a lot of 80's vibes, but it is also epic. One of the best songs for a children cartoon.

Lyrics translated:

We arrived to a fantastic world
full of strange beings
the dungeon master
gave all us powers.
you the barbarian
you the archer, acobrat,
wizard and the knight.
Dragons and dungeons
an infernal world
hidden in the shadows
the evil forces.


I was living in Germany when the series came out and didn't get to see it until 1985 when I moved back to the United States. That's when the last season aired, so I've only actually seen a few episodes. I remember enjoying the show, but then I also enjoyed Thundercats and when I tried watching that as an adult I couldn't finish a single episode. AD&D was not a kid's game, so looking back it does seem to be a bit odd for this to be marketed towards children under the age of 12. But then it wasn't that long before cartoons based on Robocop, Rambo, and Chuck Norris came out.


Its weird how Eric is a coward and a twit, but only when no one's counting on him, when they are he always comes thru. The why of that could have used some extra explaination. Its like high stakes force him to get out of his own way of his potential.
Producers of cartoons were under some pressure by standards and practices to ensure that their shows had some sort of educational content. That's why at the end of He-Man and GI Joe there was always a little lesson to impart so producers could say they were meeting that requirement. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

Anyway, this might be apocryphal, but Eric's character was written to be contrary in nature and shown to be wrong to push the message that the individual should conform to the group's standards. i.e. The group is right and the individual is wrong. Not a great message overall I should think.


Anyway, this might be apocryphal, but Eric's character was written to be contrary in nature and shown to be wrong to push the message that the individual should conform to the group's standards. i.e. The group is right and the individual is wrong. Not a great message overall I should think.
FWIW, my understanding is that the writers also tried to subvert this as much as possible by giving Eric reasonable complaints...


A suffusion of yellow
Anyway, this might be apocryphal, but Eric's character was written to be contrary in nature and shown to be wrong to push the message that the individual should conform to the group's standards. i.e. The group is right and the individual is wrong. Not a great message overall I should think.
valuing teamwork and collective responsibility is always a good message, especually in a dangerous world where wondering off alone can get you attacked by shadowdemons and eaten by dragons

Voidrunner's Codex

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