D&D 5E I Need Feywild and Shadowfell World Maps

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Great Old One
Another adventure to look at is 3e Cormyr: Tearing of the Weave which includes a trip to the Shadowfell "echo" of one part of the kingdom. The comparison between Material Plane and Shadow Plane will help you build your own maps.

Only the Plane of Shadow is not the same thing as the Shadowfell (except where, of course, the FR have tried to steal everything cool that ever existed outside of them and tried to integrate it in a horrendous mish-mash that is not only inconsistent with itself, but also devoid of anything original and with personality). The Shadowfell is, IMHO, much more interesting than the Plane of Shadow ever was, although it was already a favourite plane of ours in AD&D.


Only the Plane of Shadow is not the same thing as the Shadowfell (except where, of course, the FR have tried to steal everything cool that ever existed outside of them and tried to integrate it in a horrendous mish-mash that is not only inconsistent with itself, but also devoid of anything original and with personality). The Shadowfell is, IMHO, much more interesting than the Plane of Shadow ever was, although it was already a favourite plane of ours in AD&D.
The Shadowfell was a 4E evolution of the (Demi)Plane of Shadow. If there was theft, 4E designers stole from Ravenloft and the Demiplane of Shadow. They incorporated it into the 4E lore, but so does every setting now as it is core design for the game.

Th mentioned 3E module is likely a major influence in that 4E decision. The adventures enter a Demiplane of Shadow location that is a dark mirror of the Material Plane. The module came out a year before 4E, IIRC.


Great Old One
The Shadowfell was a 4E evolution of the (Demi)Plane of Shadow. If there was theft, 4E designers stole from Ravenloft and the Demiplane of Shadow.

Not at all. Ravenloft originally had the mists, not shadow, and if I'm not mistaken, the ravenloft domains of dread was initially in the ethereal plane, not the plane of shadow. As for the Plane of shadow, it existed looong before 4e.

It was there in the AD&D Unearthed Arcana (1985), with already the properties of being parallel to the Prime:
  • Druids could enter the plane of shadow at 22nd level
  • But especially shadow walk allowed illusionists to enter the plane of shadow at any point, showing that it was coterminous to the Prime, and travel at great speed there, to reenter the prime where they wanted. It also allowed the illusionist to travel to other places coterminous with the plane of shadow.
It was only named a demi-plane in the AD&D manual of the planes, but this is posterior (1987) to the above.

They incorporated it into the 4E lore, but so does every setting now as it is core design for the game.

I would not agree there, it's not design, there are no mechanics based on the shadowfell (whereas there are some based on the ethereal and astral plane for example). But it's a very cool concept indeed.

Th mentioned 3E module is likely a major influence in that 4E decision. The adventures enter a Demiplane of Shadow location that is a dark mirror of the Material Plane. The module came out a year before 4E, IIRC.

It might be, but the (demi-)plane of shadow had been in existence for a very long time before that,

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