Pathfinder 2E I need help to convert a Flaming Sword from D&D 5e to Pathfinder 2e, please!


Hi everybody: I'm trying to convert an adventure for one PC and one DM/GM from D&D 5e to PF2. The adventure is for 1 1st level PC. A GM NPC, an ally of the PC, wields a Flaming Sword, a Sword that is activated with a bonus action and that deals if I'm not wrong, 2d6 (1d8 in a revised version of the adventure) fire damage in addition to the regular 1d8 slashing damage. This GM NPC is 1st level too. I want to run this adventure with Pathfinder 2e. My problem is that in PF2 the Flaming Sword (with a Rune of Flaming, I mean), if I'm not wrong, is an 8th level or so magic item, i.e. considered way too powerful for 1st level characters, as the PC and the GM NPC are: how could I adapt this magic item? Reducing the fire damage to 1d4 and removing or nerfing the persistent fire damage effect on ciritical hits?
Many thanks for your advice!

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I'd make it +1 (because all magic weapons are +1 at least) and one of the following:
  • Semi-permanent (activated but no duration or limit) +1 fire damage on a hit. This has the advantage of feeling like a flaming sword all the time, but the disadvantage that while neat it's kind of just there.
  • 1d8 extra fire damage on a crit. This makes crits feel better, but it's out of the control of the wielder.
  • Let the wielder activate the flames for a round at a time, dealing +1d6 fire damage for one round. I could see this either be a mostly unlimited ability if it costs an action, or a 3/day ability if it's a free action. I'd lean toward the latter, because melee types generally don't have actions to spare.


I want to run this adventure with Pathfinder 2e. My problem is that in PF2 the Flaming Sword (with a Rune of Flaming, I mean), if I'm not wrong, is an 8th level or so magic item, i.e. considered way too powerful for 1st level characters, as the PC and the GM NPC are: how could I adapt this magic item?
You can use the Smoldering Sword from the beginner box.

Voidrunner's Codex

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