Spelljammer I think Spelljammer will be more like Ravenloft then Strixhaven


Book-Friend, he/him
There's not going to be a 1-to-1 correlation here obviously. There's a lot of influences involved, and then being mixed in unorthodox ways, including even 18th century chemistry, where pholgiston originates. But Ptolemaic crystal spheres are definitely a source that is being drawn upon...
Absolutely: I love the oddball originality of the eclectic combination of influences.

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My theory is "Councyl of Wyrms" will be a remake of Chris Perkins' homebred campaign "Iomandra", or at least this will be a great influence. I wonder about dragon PCs using "monster classes". What about no-core dragons? I imagine the setting as a demiplane within the elemental limbo. Maybe dragon lords could create their own domains, and I suggest to allow space to add all the canon dragons from all the editions

* The plane of the mirrors and the nerra (a mysterious humanoid race) are potentially interesting.

* After Baldur's Gate III and all DLCs I guess the next title will be Planescape 2, and then more titles will be published for the TTRPG.

* Today the RPG of Star Treck is being published by Mophidius, but I wouldn't be too surprised if after the end of the licencing deal WotC wanted it. Hasbro and Paramount has got a current partership, and I doubt a new Star Wars d20 but if it published by Marvel itself.


Great Old One
The thing is, Spelljammer isn't about the worlds, it's about traveling between the worlds. So there will be lots of stuff about ships, wildspace, organisations and peoples who span multiple spheres, etc. The worlds are in the other setting books.

This is a very good point. Although you could use a Spelljammer to travel very quickly to any location on a world, there is little interest about this.


B/X Known World
It could be a way to back-door put in a small setting like Council of Worms.

Btw when this comes out, the tractor trailer sized loophole about putting homebrew settings in DMSGUILD, become the size of a Crystal Sphere.

It just dawned on me that the inspiration for Crystal Spheres is a fantasy take on Dyson Spheres (techniquely a Dyson Shell I think, which folks commonly confuse with each other).
Not really, no. It’s based on older models of how the universe worked. The Firmament and the ether and all that.


Book-Friend, he/him
The thing is, Spelljammer isn't about the worlds, it's about traveling between the worlds. So there will be lots of stuff about ships, wildspace, organisations and peoples who span multiple spheres, etc. The worlds are in the other setting books.
To travel between worlds, you need destinations. Not too much info, necessarily, but a reason to be traveling.


To travel between worlds, you need destinations. Not too much info, necessarily, but a reason to be traveling.
There's plenty of stuff in Wildspace: asteroids (including the Rock of Bral), non-setting planets, random monsters, derelict ships, and so forth.

I've always thought Spelljammer should be a bit more Star Trek-y, where the goal is the exploration of Wild Space, not merely using it to go from Point A to Point B.

My theory is the market target is the sci-fi fandom who would like to create a mash-up version of their favorite franchises: Star Trek, Star Wars, Flash Gordon, Andromeda, Galactica, Babylon 5, Mass Effect, Star*Gate, Scarface, Halo, Starcraft...


Dragon Lover
My theory is the market target is the sci-fi fandom who would like to create a mash-up version of their favorite franchises: Star Trek, Star Wars, Flash Gordon, Andromeda, Galactica, Babylon 5, Mass Effect, Star*Gate, Scarface, Halo, Starcraft...
I would love to see something like the Mass Effect biotic vanguard for a Barbarian or the biotic sentinel for an Artificer. Plus new alien races.

Voidrunner's Codex

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