Spelljammer I think Spelljammer will be more like Ravenloft then Strixhaven


A suffusion of yellow
I think one of the MtG settings is a Magitech Steampunk India, so there could be that.

I also think they'll do away with Crystal Spheres and the Phlogiston, as not too many people seem to be attached to the ideas of Ptolemaic Astronomy.
Kaladesh would be interesting - mages replaced by artificers as mages are rare and largely outlawed. I can easily see Spelljammer being used as a link to the MTG settings especially if the Weatherlight is presented as a Planesjammer

Personally I think the Ravenloft approach is a good one for Spelljammer and I’d want to see rules for Spelljammer design and Use, a Rock of Braal adventure and then a guide on world/sphere design

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Kaladesh would be interesting - mages replaced by artificers as mages are rare and largely outlawed. I can easily see Spelljammer being used as a link to the MTG settings especially if the Weatherlight is presented as a Planesjammer

Personally I think the Ravenloft approach is a good one for Spelljammer and I’d want to see rules for Spelljammer design and Use, a Rock of Braal adventure and then a guide on world/sphere design

Kaladesh is cool in some ways, like it's skyships and Aetherborn, but as a fantasy India is does a very poor job.

India influence wise it's just names and abit of art, sort of. Nothing from Indian subcontinent religious mythology, heck Kaladesh is almost completely unreligious, athiestic, compare that to India with it's countless Temples, Churchs, Synagogues, Mosques, Divinities, myths, Holy books, religious philosophical schools, monasteries, sacred sites, pilgramages,
saints, and different religions. It's the birth place of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, none Hindu indigenous religions, Sikhism, etc..., and world religions like Christianity, Judeism, Islam, Wicca, etc..., Hellenistic religion (Greek Gods).

I would prefer a new Indian subcontinent inspired fantasy setting.

I'm not against a Kaladesh return visit and the India light setting, but a heavier influenced setting would be cooler.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Kaladesh would be interesting - mages replaced by artificers as mages are rare and largely outlawed. I can easily see Spelljammer being used as a link to the MTG settings especially if the Weatherlight is presented as a Planesjammer

Personally I think the Ravenloft approach is a good one for Spelljammer and I’d want to see rules for Spelljammer design and Use, a Rock of Braal adventure and then a guide on world/sphere design
The Ravenloft approach is considerably better for Spelljammer than it was for Ravenloft.


A suffusion of yellow
Kaladesh is cool in some ways, like it's skyships and Aetherborn, but as a fantasy India is does a very poor job.

India influence wise it's just names and abit of art, sort of. Nothing from Indian subcontinent religious mythology, heck Kaladesh is almost completely unreligious, athiestic, compare that to India with it's countless Temples, Churchs, Synagogues, Mosques, Divinities, myths, Holy books, religious philosophical schools, monasteries, sacred sites, pilgramages,
saints, and different religions. It's the birth place of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, none Hindu indigenous religions, Sikhism, etc..., and world religions like Christianity, Judeism, Islam, Wicca, etc..., Hellenistic religion (Greek Gods).

I would prefer a new Indian subcontinent inspired fantasy setting.

I'm not against a Kaladesh return visit and the India light setting, but a heavier influenced setting would be cooler.
Yeah, having a better developed South Asia setting like Mahasarpa would be awesome and Kaladesh certainly isnt that. Of course India is big and historically cosmopolitan so getting it right might not be easy.

but I do like Kaladesh for what is is, using the aesthetic design but creating its own culture based on its own premise of aether crafting.

Yeah, having a better developed South Asia setting like Mahasarpa would be awesome and Kaladesh certainly isnt that. Of course India is big and historically cosmopolitan so getting it right might not be easy.

but I do like Kaladesh for what is is, using the aesthetic design but creating its own culture based on its own premise of aether crafting.

Well it's a fantasy india and you don't have to represent every facet of India, but I'm sure George will explore alot more then Kaladesh did.

If they ditch the stuff that made Spelljammer unique and cool (of course they will), I don’t see the point of them releasing it (besides nostalgia from us over 40s and a cash grab). But then they seem to do the opposite of what I want regularly, so it’ll be a generic mashup of Spelljammer and Planescape that covers both ideas, but doesn’t do either justice.
The big thing about Spelljammer is the elevator pitch. It's a setting that mixes fantasy age of sail with all that implies for trading, piracy, and having a home ship that you can make yours. That's the point of releasing it - it was an amazing hook in 1989 and is an excellent hook today.


B/X Known World
The big thing about Spelljammer is the elevator pitch.
Not really, no. It's so much more than that.
It's a setting that mixes fantasy age of sail with all that implies for trading, piracy, and having a home ship that you can make yours. That's the point of releasing it - it was an amazing hook in 1989 and is an excellent hook today.
I agree that it's a strong hook. No argument there. But Spelljammer isn't only that hook. It's so much more than that. Like Ravenloft isn't only gothic horror D&D. Nor is Dark Sun only post-apocalyptic survival horror D&D. They're so...so much more than the simple and reductive hook each presents.

Voidrunner's Codex

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