Spelljammer I think Spelljammer will be more like Ravenloft then Strixhaven

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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
The thing is, Spelljammer isn't about the worlds, it's about traveling between the worlds. So there will be lots of stuff about ships, wildspace, organisations and peoples who span multiple spheres, etc. The worlds are in the other setting books.
This is a very good point. Although you could use a Spelljammer to travel very quickly to any location on a world, there is little interest about this.
Not really, no. It’s based on older models of how the universe worked. The Firmament and the ether and all that.

And I hate to bring it up, again, in yet another thread, but I think psionics is a huge draw for this setting. Sometimes on ENWorld (and Reddit, and elsewhere on the 'net where such things are discussed), requests for Spelljammer, Dark Sun, and Planescape-related are just shorthand for "what I really want is psionics, but only if they make it work a certain way..."

Personally, I want my psionics to be Dark Sun-flavored, and I've managed to play D&D for over three decades entirely without any telepathic squids from outer-space.

And I hate to bring it up, again, in yet another thread, but I think psionics is a huge draw for this setting. Sometimes on ENWorld (and Reddit, and elsewhere on the 'net where such things are discussed), requests for Spelljammer, Dark Sun, and Planescape-related are just shorthand for "what I really want is psionics, but only if they make it work a certain way..."

Personally, I want my psionics to be Dark Sun-flavored, and I've managed to play D&D for over three decades entirely without any telepathic squids from outer-space.
I don't recall psionics getting much of a mention in my 2e Spelljammer boxed set, bar the presence of mind flayers.

Really, no. I'm happy to bet you a million internets there will be not be any psionics rules in 5e Spelljammer,

And there will never be a WotC 5e Dark Sun.
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B/X Known World
And I hate to bring it up, again, in yet another thread, but I think psionics is a huge draw for this setting. Sometimes on ENWorld (and Reddit, and elsewhere on the 'net where such things are discussed), requests for Spelljammer, Dark Sun, and Planescape-related are just shorthand for "what I really want is psionics, but only if they make it work a certain way..."

Personally, I want my psionics to be Dark Sun-flavored, and I've managed to play D&D for over three decades entirely without any telepathic squids from outer-space.
Weird. I’ve never associated Spelljammer with psionics. They exist, sure. But it was never a draw for me. Dark Sun, absolutely. But Spelljammer? Nah. Take it or leave it. There’s a huge difference between telepathic squids from outer space that you fight and having psionics being a player option.

To travel between worlds, you need destinations. Not too much info, necessarily, but a reason to be traveling.
Which segues into an idea I just had.

We've been pretty much assuming if there's an adventure within this book that it will be just running around Realmspace. But, as you say, one of the main points of Spelljammer is going from crystal sphere to crystal sphere exploring. So, it seems possible, likely even, that this adventure would have a destination outside of Realmspace. Hmmm... what setting is also just about to open up that also has a history of Spelljammer travel? Krynn!

So, from the clues we've been given, we probably start out on what seems to be a regular FR adventure, with special appearances by Minsc and Boo. At some point, a particularly crazed tinker gnome kidnaps (hamster-naps?) Boo for research purposes, and escapes in their Spelljammer ship. We travel with Minsc to Lantan (if the adventure isn't already there) and follow in our own ship, through Realmspace, stopping at the Rock of Bral, and ending up on Krynn. After defeating the final foe, the adventure concludes with a statement that the characters can travel back home, continue exploring the Spelljammer universe, or explore this new world... which happens to have its own setting book out in a few months...

Which segues into an idea I just had.

We've been pretty much assuming if there's an adventure within this book that it will be just running around Realmspace. But, as you say, one of the main points of Spelljammer is going from crystal sphere to crystal sphere exploring. So, it seems possible, likely even, that this adventure would have a destination outside of Realmspace. Hmmm... what setting is also just about to open up that also has a history of Spelljammer travel? Krynn!

So, from the clues we've been given, we probably start out on what seems to be a regular FR adventure, with special appearances by Minsc and Boo. At some point, a particularly crazed tinker gnome kidnaps (hamster-naps?) Boo for research purposes, and escapes in their Spelljammer ship. We travel with Minsc to Lantan (if the adventure isn't already there) and follow in our own ship, through Realmspace, stopping at the Rock of Bral, and ending up on Krynn. After defeating the final foe, the adventure concludes with a statement that the characters can travel back home, continue exploring the Spelljammer universe, or explore this new world... which happens to have its own setting book out in a few months...

I never assumed it would just explore Realmspace, I believe a bunch of Crystal Spheres will be explored.

Voidrunner's Codex

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