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I turned a friend on to the SONG OF ICE & FIRE series (SPOILERS)

Dr Midnight

Some time ago, I passed my copy of the first book, A GAME OF THRONES, on to a friend. I've been buying copies to give people for birthdays and holidays, but he's the only person who's read on my recommendation. Anyway, he sucked it down and bought the next two books. Tonight he was waist-deep in A STORM OF SWORDS and signed on and assaulted my AIM window-thingey. I knew he was coming to this section soon, and was just waiting for it... I told him someone from the ENboards threw the book across the room out of shock and anger at one point in the story, so I'm always asking if he's "thrown the book" yet. Here it is...

I warned you before, but SPOILERS BELOW. Jerk.

ME: why so?
ME: Why would you say such a thing?
HIM: the wedding is over
ME: And there you have it.
ME: How was it for you, there, in that one paragraph where Kat touches the guard's arm and she feels the chainmail underneath?
HIM: I want to hit someone
ME: For me, I was thinking "Hey, fun, I can't believe it, but now we'll get to see Rob fight his way out and win the twins for hisself. "
HIM: but no
ME: Then, wait... (more paragraphs go by)... wait... is this a dream sequence?
HIM: they have to be all treacherous.
HIM: stupid roose bolton
HIM: there is no emoticon for what I am feeling
ME: You have "thrown the book".
HIM: yeah
HIM: throwing it may actually make me feel better
ME: Ahhh, I love those ****in' books.
HIM: I don't really have a decent place to throw it at
ME: For the one hundred billionth time, I wish I could wipe it out of my memory and read it again.
HIM: yeah
HIM: and then do it again
ME: Just keep doing it. **** other books, to hell with other stories, styles and authors.
ME: when's that bastard going to publish the next book, dammit... He's still got it as "unfinished" on his site.
HIM: I'll kill him
HIM: so what is the hound going to do with Arya now?
HIM: he sure won't be getting any money
ME: I shan't say
HIM: and of course now jon is king in the north, untill they find bran
HIM: unless he blew up in that damn tower
HIM: these books are so good that I hate them
ME: I have to get one of the Targaryen shirts.
HIM: choke on it
HIM: I hate you George
HIM: I love you george
ME: Suck it, George. Suck it and die. But not really. You bastard.
HIM: I never want to read another page, I can't wait for the next book
ME: Well put.
ME: remember- That's it until sometime much later this year... so savor it all.
HIM: I am

I like having passed it on to someone. He's in turn been recommending it to everyone he talks to... I know GRRM doesn't need the little support I've drummed up, but I like that I've shown someone else books full of hours and hours of excellent reading. I picked them up myself on recommendation from you guys here at ENworld, so- my thanks.

I bought a copy for my dad, but in the two months he's had it, the bookmark hasn't moved past the prologue. Le sigh.

Someone buy me this.
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First Post
Great Series

I work in a book store and everyone I check out with a SciFi/Fantasy book I ask if they read a lot of Fantasy, if they say yes I recommend ASoIaF. I've had several people come back to say thanks and ask when book 4 will be out.

I too did not like the prologue but by the end of the first chapter I was hooked and couldn't put it down.
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Eosin the Red

First Post

I am the book thrower - but I walked to my patio and threw it into the back yard.

I have had 3-4 friends read it. One called me on the phone at 800 am sunday morning to ***** me out after he read the wedding.

Something that rarely gets brought up...After I finshed Dunk the Lunk, thick as a castle wall - it took a looooonggg time for the true impact of the story to hit. Then it tore my own emotions up. I hated Dunk and wished that he would have just let them execute him..........Strange. I think I sat quietly on the couch for two-three hours just thinking about what the story meant.


First Post
Bah, fool. Even if Breakspear HAD gotten the throne that no good son of his would have fouled things up... It's like Dunk said, who's to say if the whole realm might need that foot some day...? (And it obviously did, mind you--Ser Duncan the Tall is a legend remember...)
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First Post
Yeah, my fanaticism about the series has managed to convince two friends to read the books and become fanatics themselves. The world and characters crafted by Martin are so fantastical, and yet so realistic, that the books are by far the most emotionally impacting fantasy I've ever read.


This really happenend btw
Some time ago, I passed my copy of the first book, A GAME OF THRONES, on to a friend. I've been buying copies to give people for birthdays and holidays, but he's the only person who's read on my recommendation. Anyway, he sucked it down and bought the next two books. Tonight he was waist-deep in A STORM OF SWORDS and signed on and assaulted my AIM window-thingey. I knew he was coming to this section soon, and was just waiting for it... I told him someone from the ENboards threw the book across the room out of shock and anger at one point in the story, so I'm always asking if he's "thrown the book" yet. Here it is...

Well I had lend it to a good friend of mine who was going on a long holiday to Spain... When he came back he gave me a brand new copy... because he had seriously thrown it out of the window of his appartement...which happenend to look out over sea :p
So for all you die-hard GRRM fans out there with books from which the covers peel away and the sweat stains of hours of intesive reading cover the pages... Give it to a good friend you know... you might just get a new copy for free :D
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We've managed to get 2 more members of our group to start the series. It's a great feeling when you recommend it to someone and they are totally blown away by it.


First Post
I think Tyrion Lannister should be one of the top 10 sci-fi/fantasy characters of all time.

Boy howdy, is this series good.


Dr Midnight

Dunk the Lunk? I don't remember anything about him from the three books- is he from the Hedge Knight story that I haven't read because I haven't been able to find it anywhere? If so, wheee! I now know he's got something to do with an execution...



Yep, he's from the Hedge Knight, doc.

Somewhere there's a compilation of fantasy stories from about 9 different authors (Pratchett, Jorden, etc) and the "Hedge Knight" is in it.

Find it and read it, Doc. Your one true king commands it. ;)
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