I want to keep watching "Bones" but it is bugging me.


First Post
OK, maybe being ex-law enforcement blah, blah.....but
His laid back attitude about having "Bones" go with him into dangerous situations....
Ex sniper using a revolver?????? Even I had a semi-auto.
The fixation of trying and get them hooking up.
The fact that she is all hot and dolled up for the commercial break things and tomboyish in the series.
I will try and keep watching but this series may not make it in the "watching the whole season" of my dvr section.

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First Post
Ya, its okay and has some interesting things...but my concern is they are going to run out of ways to have a unidinetifiable corpse for her to play with.


Do people really talk like they do in real life? My "turn the channel" meter started beeping. I don't know if episode #3 will make it or break it for me.

Hand of Evil

It is a hit and miss for me, I don't like Bones nor attitude (best term I can come up with) of supporting characters but as there is nothing on before House I may continue to watch.

Mad Hatter

First Post
The constant music montages in the first episode kinda spoiled it for me. Her lab crew annoy the living daylights outta me and what's worse is that the FBI/cop types put up with it! I did get annoyed with the plot hook of getting Bones and Booth together. They could have done it better. But as mentioned before, there's really nothing on before House.


Epic Commoner
I hate the lab crew also. And I think they are going to run out of ideas soon enough as well.

Also the 3d computer thing bugs me. I always though these shows try to go for a semblance of realism, that is Star Trek tech or maybe Tek War.


First Post
*puts on a t-shirt with a bulls-eye target on it*

I actually enjoy Bones and for many of the same reasons I love House. What I suspect many are complaining are annoying I'm finding fun. Its entertaining. Ep 1 I admit was better than 2 but it was still nice in my mind. I love the exchanges they have between the characters or about the characters.

I conceed that I dont know how they'll be able to keep the show interesting all the time but I think its got potential. its not as good as House but I'm gonna still watch it and not just because theirs nothing better on before House.

*takes t-shirt off and runs like hell*

Mad Hatter

First Post
Zephyrus- I can see the charm that is 'Bones'. What I have are nitpicks that are inconsequential. ;) It will probably get more entertaining. And to keep it fresh as long as it's CSI-like, then it should do fine. The lab crew'll probably branch out, it's just that they are kinda annoying.

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