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I wish Zhang Yimou had done the Star Wars prequels


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Lucas is great at coming up with the basic idea, but as a director he leaves a lot to be desired.

The prequel trilogy just never fit with the original trilogy. The OT was designed to be like the old serials. You had the classic archetypes, you had the broad storytelling not focusing on one character too much but rather the entire ensemble, you had a rather simplistic storytelling. Even Empire Strikes Back, which was much more character driven and focused, was still pretty simply in design. The execution was flawless, but the characters moved along as you'd expect for the most part. Return of the Jedi was the first more complex characterization we see in the movies, with Vader and Luke both struggling with their good and bad sides. But, it still wasn't too much and it still worked.

Fast forward to the prequel trilogy which focuses on the politics of the galaxy and the inner struggles of the characters. Obiwan struggles with being a mentor, Anakin struggles with being so powerful and wanting more. You have all this political intrigue going on. It just doesn't fit the style of movie that Star Wars is. In the OT you had a clear enemy, clear good guys, and everything worked from there. That is never the case in the PT. The end result is a story that is supposed to be heart wrenching in its tragedy but often comes off too comedic, too cheesy, and it not taken seriously enough.

If you watch the footage of the screen test for the original Star Wars you find something familiar, the really bad dialogue that is very much like that found in the PT. George didn't lose his ability to write dialogue, he just didn't have someone trimming out the fat and making his dialogue sensible when making the PT. Had Star Wars' dialogue remained the same I doubt it would have been as big of a hit. Star Wars dialogue has never been the most clever, but it wasn't as painstakingly bad in the OT as in the PT.

ROTS is a decent movie, but it has a lot of cringworthy moments of pure cheese. The Vader turn is one of these. That scene was not well done at all. When The Emporer spits out his "goooooood" line I laugh every time and that shouldn't happen in that scene. The PT as a whole just doesn't measure up to the OT in any way. Lucas basically decided to ignore so many things he did in the OT and treat it like an old toy that he doesn't really want anymore. The PT is front and center which is why we are getting so much media from that era as opposed to the OT.

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