D&D 5E "I would play in a 5e game with no caster classes at all" (a poll)

I would play in a 5e game with no caster classes at all.

  • Yes

    Votes: 119 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 45 26.5%
  • Eric Noah is my half-fiend love child.

    Votes: 6 3.5%

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Moderator Emeritus
Sure. Though I can imagine it being pitched in a way that would make me skeptical - but that is not about the premise, but about the DM running it.


Depends. For a one-shot or a short campaign, sure.

For a long campaign, it would depend what you'd replaced the casters with - four classes just aren't enough if they're non-casters. But something like an updated Iron Heroes could work.


Sure. I'd only take issue with it if it were for more than one campaign. For a single campaign every now and again, that could be a fun change of pace. As a regular thing, I think it would lose most of that charm.

My group actually (mostly) did this in a 2e campaign. The DM told us to make non-caster characters. The reason I said mostly is because one of the DM's friends nagged him until he let the guy play a wizard. But after a few sessions that wizard died and the player created some variety of warrior. So it was a mostly casterless campaign, and it was quite fun and memorable.


Oh, definitely. I change up rules every campaign I run, so I didn't even think of the idea as a regular thing.
In the campaign that I mentioned, I recall that the DM created his own custom weapon specialization rules. I don't recall anymore exactly how it differed from 2e specialization, but I think at higher levels of specialization you had a chance to parry attacks and such.

It obviously doesn't need to be weapon specialization, but adding new options unique to such a campaign might help it to be more readily accepted by reticent players.


I have to vote no!

However, with the right DM and the right setting and the right campaign, it might be fun. I wouldn't enjoy it, either as a player or DM.

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