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[IC] Calibration - homebrew gng.


OK. We lost the last few pages in the crash. So, Romeo Delta Whiskey is on the ground. Alpha is clustered around the church, Bravo is inside. After a little insight into the minds of the characters, we will pick it up.

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Iron Captain

First Post
Arthur joined the Marines because he loved Batista. He admired his father a man who made a great name for himself as a marine and for Arthur serving your country and protecting it from all it's threats was a great honour. His fianceé Mary had shed tears as he left their little home town to board the Imperial Cruiser Resolute Decision, even as he tried to clam her and tell her everything would be alright and he would soon return to wed her.

He quickly adjusted to life aboard the vessel. He was surprised and a little disappointed that not everyone shared his fierce patriotism, sense of duty and discipline but all in all he is quite happy with the life aboard the ship. He spent his evenings reading great batistan novels and trained hard during the day to increase his stamina and combat skills, eager to put them to use in the name of the Queen.

With the new Captain aboard the ship came discipline and a mission. Arthur and his Company under the command of Lt. Martin were to inspect a small island village that had lost contact with the outside world. The trip aboard the toad had been long and uncomfortable and Arthur was eager to get his feet back on solid ground. As the Toad touched down in the empty little village, a feeling of uneasiness and a sort of paranoia set in with Arthur.

As Bravo entered a battered church and Alpha was told to guard the outside he swore he spotted someone in one of the empty houses with open swinging doors.

The ground was still wet from the rain and Arthur shifted his weight a little.
Arthur looks around the empty town square. He keeps his eyes on the house where he thought he saw some movement tightly gripping his rifle shifting from one knee to the other.

I don't like this. Not one bit.
He looks to Sgt. Ross and then to the open church door.
No. Not one bit.

He strains his eyes trying to catch another gilmpse of the shadow he saw before.

OOC: Notice +6 if necessary.


First Post
"Ifin it ain't one thing, then its another," thought Corporal Strathmore as he contorts his face into a grimace. The interior of the church, broken and battered, mirrored his past; a trail of wreckage, physical and moral, dogged Bad Bill's steps from his early, turbulent years as a street tough, to the rest of his life in the Marines. Rootless, the Corporal found and continues to find life aboard ship a perfect way to keep moving one step ahead of past trouble and one step from the next scrap.

"Never let 'em git their claws in you, sez I," silently muses William as he looks for a sign from this new officer. Unsure what to make of this one, he shrugs noncommitally, just as he shrugs off much of the responsibility that he has been saddled with from time to time. With a wry chuckle he nods his head in agreement with himself "Been a full serjeant, been a buck private, been tagged with a medal or two, been slammed in the brig, but they still don't have me domesticattered cause I'm always slipping the bit." He balls his gnarled fingers into a fist and seems to want to shake it at the world at large. Instead the Corporal merely peers around the vicar's chamber looking for some clue.

With the air of the perpetual pessimist Strathmore did not complain about much aside from everything. "What next?" he mutters in a hushed, hoarse voice.


--- The Village, 1005 hours ---

- Bravo -

Alpha moves through the door and into the small annex beyond. This is where the priest changes into his robes, obviously. There is a wardrobe in the corner. The robes lie untidily on the floor.

On the other side of the room, there is another door. It is slightly ajar. Beyond can be seen the interior of a house. A stale, slightly unpleasant smell comes from within. All is quiet.

- Alpha -

Outside, the village remains quiet. Arthur sees no more movement from the empty house, although he keeps a close eye on it.
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First Post
Corporal Strathmore sifts through the wreckage and debris. As he looks for clues as to the cause of this destruction, his face starts to redden. With each step William's complexion takes on a darker shade of red until his visage in deep crimson. Still keeping his temper in check, his anger looks like a boil that only the faintest of pricks will lance.

Looking at his squadmates, Strathmore beckons them to follow him deeper into the sacristy.


First Post
Martin moves into a covering position, his carbine at the ready, and silenty motions Strathmore toward the door.

His face is a blank mask of professional disinterest, an expression bred into his family by generations of military service. Were any of his intimates to see him here, however, they might notice a a tightness in his shoulders and a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth.

He snaps his weapon to his shoulder and prepares to fire at anything hostile.


--- The Village, 1010 ---

- Bravo -

Bravo move through the door into the house. It is in a state of disarray. Clothes and personal items lie scattered on the floor in the bedroom, books litter the floor in the study, opened and casually tossed aside by the looks of it. Pages appear to have been torn from many of them. I the fireplace are the remain of what appear to be a couple more books. Most seem to be of religious subject mattter. In the kitchen, the team discover the source of the bad smell; unwashed bowls and plates litter every surface, together with opened tins of food and rotting perishables.

Outside the village square is filled with the sound of engines as the lifter returns.


First Post
Strath is somewhat out of his element; the perplexed look on his face shows that to be true. "Show me an enemy and I'll take care of 'em," mutters the corporal in a low growl of displeasure and frusteration. Provided there is nothing that jumps out to his eye, he will continue to lead the squad into the next rooms to gather whatever addition information they may.


--- The Village ---

- Alpha -

The village square is filled with the roar of engines as the lifter settles to the ground. It settles on its wheels and the engine begins to slowly engine down. Captain Harris clambers out and after lighting up a cigarette, strides over to Alpha. He glances around.

"So what's happening? Where is the Lieutenant?"

- Bravo -

Bravo continues its search of the house. In the study in a locked draw they find a small bottle of a clear fluid. It had been carefully tucked away in the back of wrapped inside a handkerchief. In a corner of the room the there are a number of empty shell cases under a chair. Stuffed in the back of a wardrobe is a small bag of jewellery, most of it woman's. There are, however, no other signs of a woman living in the house.

By now the noise of the lifter's engines has dropped to a low rumbling.
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Iron Captain

First Post
"The Lt. is examining the church with Bravo. Haven't heard anything for a while." He looks over to the Sgt. a slightly worried expression on his face.

Voidrunner's Codex

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