D&D 5E [IC] Creamsteak's Storm King's Thunder: Waterdeep


First Post
Willow nods and smiles when Davaros introduces her, and then hands the marshal the sealed message when the introductions are finished.

"It's about the giant troubles in the region lately..."

[sblock=Mini stats]HP: 45/45
AC: 18

Spell slots: 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 3/3

Spells prepared: Bless, Cure Wounds, Command, Guiding Bolt, Healing Word, Inflict Wounds, Shield of Faith, Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon, Prayer of Healing, Zone of Truth, Beacon of Hope, Revivify, Clairvoyance, Mass Healing Word, Spirit Guardians

Channel Divinity: 2/2

HD: 6/6 (d8)[/sblock]
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OOC: That sounds wrong, but whatever.

The High Marshall thumbs over the notes. "So this Vonindod is a threat, and the Black Network would rather see it pointed in our direction... this is a concern, certainly. We... had reports of fire giants in various sorts of activity, some less nefarious than others. And these other reports of giant activity... there was an incident last week near the bards college... but your story hints that the murderers may be in league with cloud giants..."


First Post
OOC: Oh, it read to me like we'd interrupted whatever message Harthos wanted to send here, so we were just taking care of his personal business to return his favor.

I'll edit my last post.


"It is not clear if these are all pieces of the same puzzle, or if there are multiple plots going on, with different sources.." Gul interjected,
"Given the danger involved in performing this intelligence gathering, we thought it wise to share with you in the hope that you may be able to build on it, and not be caught unawares should anything happen to us."


The Marshal seems to agree. "A few days ago we had an incident. There was... a performance at the bards college. A... puppeteer of sorts terrorized those at the show and killed a number of civilians. The situation would have been worse, if it weren't for the aid of a frost giant that showed up. The culprits escaped, but the giant's stories corroborate your own. He spoke of an Ordning being broken."


Oh dear, Bella was right! What was the name of that guy we were suspicious of?
And what town were we at where the bards got attacked? Waterdeep? Sounds very similar!!

Gul will comment as much, filling in the blanks and seeing if the bard's name is the same..

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Khada Jin's A Death in Four Acts!" blurts Bellalalalalinda as she starts rustling for the notice they had found. [[see post 390]].

Whistler, normally silent, vocalizes too short syllables.

"That's right," she says. "I blame Red Roco Cocho Ko as well."


The Marshall does confirm that playbills were distributed naming the performance Death in Four Acts and that the director would be one Khada Jhin. "We did arrest another man on suspicions he was related to the plot, but the frost giant and others gave him a solid alibi. He had arrived in town the night of the performance, and was seen entering the theater wearing clothes similar to the culprit who was wearing a mask, but Harshnag insists that Roco Cocho Ko was an intended victim of the performance. I'm inclined to trust him, or at least his intuitions, as he has a long-standing reputation as a... solver of problems... albeit not without destroying things along the way."

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Are you asking us to speak with Harshnag? We solve problems too, and we can destroy things." She lets that sit. "But this is not our concern right now. On what authority can we do anything?"


"I'm not asking you to do anything, just seeing if anything strikes your fancy. I'm afraid I've misunderstood you or been misunderstood. The state of Silverymoon is to remain neutral at this time. We have more pressing concerns, but we will take note of this Vonindod and the fire giant's desire to acquire such artifacts. As for authority... if you wish for it, I could grant you as much... if it was in the best interest of Silverymoon."

He gestures towards a particular servant to come forward with a small compensation. The bag contains five-hundred eclipsed moons, an electrum moon with a
darker silver wedge to complete a round coin. It is worth 5 gold pieces within the city, but only 2 gold pieces elsewhere.

"I have other matters to attend to, unless you have something more?"

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