Tomb of Annihilation IC thread

As Braiden follows the group he is startled out of his quiet refer "You ask the right questions, young ranger." Syndra says from behind him. Looking over his shoulder he sees four bare chested Chultans carrying the archmage chair and all. They hold onto poles which look to have been inserted into the chair, and they move at a slow gait so as not to tip the occupant off by accident. "Finding out the name of this artifact might not only be the key to finding it, but also in learning how to destroy it." the determination in her voice is sharp. "And going to Camp Vengeance before heading into the jungle is a good ideal, Wakanga and I have sent supplies ahead that an expedition can use in the jungle."

Upon entering the room everyone watches as the chair bearers sit Syndra down gently at the foot of the table near the hearth. "Please continue your story," she says politely. "I have found the tale of Ras Nis and Mezro fascinating, the magic the ancient city once held must have been staggering."

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Braiden nods at Syndra and gives a weak smile. Being more accustom to the wilds this sudden compliment by such a powerful woman flusters him.

"Thank you Mistress Silvane."

Braiden follows the archmage and chair into the dining area. He takes a seat next to his brother and listens to Amil's tale intently. As the tale concludes he clears his throat. His mouth goes dry as all attention is drawn to him.

"Mistress Silvane stated we should research this artifact. Try to discover it's name and possibly how to destroy it. Master Amil you mentioned Mezro and it's vast libraries and knowledge. Do you think anything on this artifact could be buried in the ruins of the city? If you and your connections have been unable to determine the name of the artifact, we may need to look to forgotten lore hidden in ancient ruins."

"Mistress Silvane stated we should research this artifact. Try to discover it's name and possibly how to destroy it. Master Amil you mentioned Mezro and it's vast libraries and knowledge. Do you think anything on this artifact could be buried in the ruins of the city? If you and your connections have been unable to determine the name of the artifact, we may need to look to forgotten lore hidden in ancient ruins."

"That is why I am here. Regardless of whether we find the artifact, its name, or nothing about it at all, gods forbid, finding the lost library is worth it by itself."

"Yes, in Mezro you could find valuable information if not the cause of the Death Curse itself," Wakanga says as he takes a large carving knife to the roasted pig. "So now the only question is do you travel north to Fort Belurain first or set out for Holy Mezro straight away?"

Setting a piece of pork on a platter he passes it along and starts on another. "But first we feast and celebrate for tomorrow begins Na N’buso’s Haka! And a grand day it will be."

OOC: roughly translated: Na N’buso’s Haka = The Great King's War Dance


Chult/Port Nyanzaru/O’Tamu’s villa
Round 0

Lizzy listened to the discussion on how to get to this Mezro place. As a Luskan girl, she certainly preferred the idea of taking a ship. She’d served on pirate crews before, though she didn’t consider herself a sailor. Most of her work was done land side. But jungles were new to her, though avoiding paying the tribute again was always welcome.

Lizzy followed the others to the dining room, and the scent of roast pork made her mouth water. This merchant prince could certainly lay a spread. As she filled her plate, Lizzy listened to Amil drone on about Mezro. Sounded like her kind of place, to be honest, dripping with history and treasure. Her fingers itched a bit.

“Well, the fort and the ruins are in opposite directions, but if we went north first, we could stop back here on the way south, pick up anything we might have need of, or maybe grab the boat.


HP: 9/9
AC: 14
Init: +3
PP: 14

Bolts: 40
Arrows: 40
Healer's kit: 10 uses
Coin: 1 sp
Sneak Attack: 1d6
Dungeon Delver
  • Adv Perception/Investigation for secret doors.
  • Adv saves vs traps
  • Resist damage from traps
  • Traveling at fast pace doesn’t impose -5 on PP

"Wakanga and I could send supplies ahead of any route you choose," Syndra offers as she refuses a plate offered to her. "We have set up caches of equipment at both Fort Belurain and Camp Vengeance."

"I have had run-ins with the Flaming Fist before." Obah said with a dire tone, "It may be best that we try to establish a relationship with them, otherwise they can be problematic."

He looked at the merchant prince to see if he could offer any political edge, and continued, "If we buy canoes, we can follow the coast of the bay to the Fort, return, and continue up the River Tiryki."

"So we need to purchase canoes, bug repellant, rations, and potable water." Rhino remarks as he joins the feast. "Any other must haves?"

After loading up a couple platters with meat Wakanga puts down the carving knife and wipes his hands with a fresh towel. "The Flaming Fist, are a nuisance for sure, but cause less problems than they solve so their presence is like the spider in your attic." As he takes up a plate adding bread and cheese to the pork he adds, "The Fist claims the lands surrounding Mezro, so you will need their permission to explore the ruin. I know it sounds strange but, we have no standing army and cannot dispute their control of the territory. I have a few men in my pay who help maintain Fort Belurain, you would do best to talk to them about the Flaming Fist and the area of course."
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Chult/Port Nyanzaru/O’Tamu’s villa
Round 0

“Always best not to peeve off the authorities,” LIzzy said. She didn’t have any experience with the Flaming Fists, and Luskan didn’t particularly have much of a city guard. Each Ship took care of its own territory. The Magistrates were essentially puppets. “Sounds like we’ve got a plan, then.”


HP: 9/9
AC: 14
Init: +3
PP: 14

Bolts: 40
Arrows: 40
Healer's kit: 10 uses
Coin: 1 sp
Sneak Attack: 1d6
Dungeon Delver
  • Adv Perception/Investigation for secret doors.
  • Adv saves vs traps
  • Resist damage from traps
  • Traveling at fast pace doesn’t impose -5 on PP

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