FrontLine MeatShield
As Braiden follows the group he is startled out of his quiet refer "You ask the right questions, young ranger." Syndra says from behind him. Looking over his shoulder he sees four bare chested Chultans carrying the archmage chair and all. They hold onto poles which look to have been inserted into the chair, and they move at a slow gait so as not to tip the occupant off by accident. "Finding out the name of this artifact might not only be the key to finding it, but also in learning how to destroy it." the determination in her voice is sharp. "And going to Camp Vengeance before heading into the jungle is a good ideal, Wakanga and I have sent supplies ahead that an expedition can use in the jungle."
Upon entering the room everyone watches as the chair bearers sit Syndra down gently at the foot of the table near the hearth. "Please continue your story," she says politely. "I have found the tale of Ras Nis and Mezro fascinating, the magic the ancient city once held must have been staggering."
Upon entering the room everyone watches as the chair bearers sit Syndra down gently at the foot of the table near the hearth. "Please continue your story," she says politely. "I have found the tale of Ras Nis and Mezro fascinating, the magic the ancient city once held must have been staggering."