Syndra seems to stiffen, as if ready to defend her host, when a deep voice full of mirth says from behind the group, "I will get what I always do, Mistress Hale." Everyone turns to see a middle aged Chultan dressed in elaborate robes, followed by a hook nosed dark haired man carrying a large book.
Prince O'tamu walks over to stand beside the chair Syndra is in, a large smile on his face. "Sorry I'm late to the party, but it was hard to drag Amitiel away from the library." At this he waves an arm to the dark man in the doorway, "Come in, come in." he says to entice the scholar to join everyone. "Its not like he hasn't been locked in there for the past two days."
Casting about the room he takes in everyone, the smile never leaving his face. "So we are all here now, please allow me to introduce everyone." (Sense Motive DC0) O'tamu seems to be enjoying himself, as if the theatrics of this is well rehearsed. "I am Prince Wakanga O'tamu, dealer in knowledge, lost lore, and of course information."
Resting a hand lightly on Syndra's shoulder he continues, "And this is Syndra Silvane of The Emerald Company. Her exploits are known far and wide..." "Wakanga..."
Clearing his throat a bit embarrassed the merchant prince indicates the man who came to the parlor with him. "My friend there is Amitiel lately of Waterdeep. Which is why he didn't come by the same route as the rest of you, but will be joining in this expedition all the same. And now Syndra to introduce you to your rescuers."
"The only female in the group is Lizzy Hale. Expertise in traps and delving underground. The polar opposites are Braiden Masterson and Enanthil of Vesve. Scouting and survival, although with all that armor on I don't think the elf will last very long. And the great one horned tiefling is known as Kargadan the Rhino. I'm sure his skill set is obvious, although I've been told he has greater potential than the eye reveals."
Pointing and counting to himself, Wakanga looks surprised when he sees Obah, "Oh and our newest member and guide for this venture. My countryman Obah Jideofor. He will see that these Coast-Landers come back out of the jungle alive."