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D&D 5E [IC] Escape from Castle Illvithar


The doors on the western and norther walls are heavy stone sliding things. They won't budge very much without applying great strength. The door to the south can be jammed. There is no door to the east.

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Koregar awakens uncomfortable on a cold stone floor looking up at a table above. It looks like you've survived.

OOC: Presumably the party wants to long rest. I'll tell you right now nothing is coming by this area since the one patrolling thing was killed. Feel free to level.


Koregar opens his eyes, feeling every bit of those two hits from that durned bucket head's shovel. He looks around, seeing the thing lying in a puddle of its own insides.

His head swims, so he touches his hand to his side, feeling the magic flow into him (this is before the long rest, so I'll get this back after that), using half his store of power to help with the pain. He still needed a rest, but at least he could move around.

"Take that, ya durned idjit," he grumbles. He manages to lift himself up, seeing Whisper. "Well, we're still alive. Where's the durned elf?

Forged Fury

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Cradling her wounds, Whisper pointed toward the body lying near the middle of the room. "Didn't make it," she rasped. Walking over to the body, she rifled through his gear and took his arrows, the book the group had recovered from the bedchamber, and the Wand of Secrets he had been carrying. The bow was too big for her, but she had no intention of taking it in any event. The drow had been acting even more odd ever since he picked it up. "I don't think he'll be needing these," she rasped before changing subjects. "You've been out for about three hours, I think. Not a peep from anywhere. We may be able to rest up here."


Koregar checks his backpack, making sure the Book of Vile Darkness was still there. It was.

"Probably should rest a bit. Heal up. We're gettin' picked off one at a time, and I don't like our chance of gettin' out o' here."

Forged Fury

First Post
"Good call," Whisper replied, "If the rest of the guardians of this cursed place are as tough as that, we should probably do our best to avoid them from now on."

The halfling settled in to rest. A pessimist, it was unsurprising that despair had started to creep into her outlook on things. With two of the four members of their captive crew dead, she didn't pin hopes on getting out alive either. Reaching into one of her coin pouches, she started to roll a gold piece across her knuckles to try to calm her nerves. It was a habit she had picked up as an urchin on the streets. After a dozen or so trips across her hand, the gold piece fell and rolled across the ground. Cursing, she leaned forward to snatch it up, but missed. Irritated, she watched it roll several feet away. As she began to stand up to retrieve it, she wished that it would just come back to her. Her eyes went wide when the coin floated off the ground and to her hand. Looking at the dwarf, she rasped, "Are you seeing this?" as the coin floated into her outstretched hand.

Whisper had known a few thieves in the guild who developed minor magical powers. It appeared that she, too, was capable of some small tricks as well. Thinking back, she recalled a few of the tricks those gifted thieves had used. Standing up, she walked over towards the remnants of the caretaker and rooted around, coming up with a small bit of copper wire. Holding it, she pointed toward Koregar and whispered, "Can you hear me?"


"I can hear ye," Koregar said, looking down at the dead elf. He didn't know why it was affecting him so. He didn't like the elf. Still didn't. It wasn't the elf that was dead in his mind. It was his family. His kin. He couldn't take it anymore. The evil in the world had to be stopped. And he was past the point of caring if that was right or not.

He had not taken a vow as of yet. He had spent countless nights wondering what kind of vow he should take, what kind of Paladin Moradin wanted him to be. Now, the words came easily to him.

"I vow," he began, feeling power flow from the words, as he spoke the vows he would be held to for the rest of his life, "to always fight the greater evil. To show no mercy for the Wicked. To destroy them by any means necessary. And to help those harmed by their misdeeds."

The power settled over him. It was done.

He looked up at the halfling, seeing her in wonderment over her newfound power as well. "Well done, little one." he said. "That'll help us get out o' here for sure. Now let's get some rest. We're gonna be needing it, I imagine."


Buckethead's possessions seem minimal and mostly burned. The metal plate mask is recoverable, as well as the large shovel. The mask can serve as a shield with a little work. The shovel... more like a greataxe or maul.

Forged Fury

First Post
Whisper watched impassively as Koregar sifted through the remains of the defeated undead. She checked the drow's body one last time and took his rations, splitting them with the dwarf. She idly wondered if the human mage's possessions were still intact after the blast of frost. His rations might still be salvageable, if a bit frostburned.

OOC: Not sure if we want to try to head back to the bedroom, since the only way we know how to get out is through the underwater tunnel. If we don't, Whisper[/i] is going to keep her eye out for glowworms, phosphorous, or wychwood so she can have the components for Dancing Lights.

Voidrunner's Codex

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