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[IC] JM's A Bit of Trouble (Book 2)

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"Ow, those beaks are sharp." the half-orc hollers when thin nose sinks between his ring links and through the padding underneath. The strange thing is the creature stays latched onto the cleric, and this he didn't like at all.

"Not going to drink me dry!" He yells coming in hard with the spike of his axe, as he turns towards the second creature. "Oh! And I haven't forgotten you!" he then takes another swing at the creature that followed Everett.

Move: placeholder if both die
EDIT: Question: Do you wish to use the Flanking Optional Rule on page 251 of the DMG? Will determine my move.
Action: Attack #8
Bonus Action: War Priest vs #5

AC: 16 (ringmail, shield)
HP: 04/10 HD: 1/1 (1d8+2)
Speed: 30'
Saves: STR +3, DEX +0, CON +2, INT -1, WIS +4, CHA +3
Features: war priest 0/2 (long), relentless endurance 1/1 (long)
Special Defenses: none

battleaxe +5 attack, 1d8+3 slashing, versitle (1d10)
mace +5 attack, 1d6+3 blundgeoning
dagger(melee) +5 attack, 1d4+3 piercing, finesse, light
dagger(thrown) +5 attack, 1d4+3 piercing, finesse, light, thrown, (range 20/60)
Spell Slots: 1st: 2/2
Cantrips: toll the dead, mending, light
Spells Prepared: divine favor, shield of faith, protection from good and evil, detect magic, healing word

torches 10/10
rations 10/10[/sblock]
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Zadolix turns back to the original bug and fails to hit it.


Surina takes out the critter that followed her onto the bridge.


With a sweeping slice the battle axe kills both of the creatures harassing Keth.

GM: Everett and Perin are up and only the one creature on Zadolix is still alive.

EB, I haven't used flanking against Zadolix this fight, so you don't get flanking here either. If you want to discuss including flanking in future fights. We can discuss it in the OOC thread.


With a wiggle of some fingers, Everett send a glob of acid at the remaining creature. It is caught off guard, the acid striking true and destroying the final critter.

GM: Combat over - But perception checks are in order

From the middle of the bridge, the eastern shore of the river is quiet. Several independent farms stand between you and the actual village of Leed's Crossing maybe a mile away.


First Post
"I appreciate the aid elf, ye not so harmless as ye appear!" quipped Zadolix to elven noble, observing the insect writhing in it's final moments from the acid melting it's body. "Looks like these poor sods had the juice sucked out of 'em, Torayana rest ye souls..."

Looking ahead to the eastern shore, Zadolix noticed the vantage point of the two towers at the end of the bridge and for a moment recalled days gone by at sea when he had climbed to the crow's nest.

"Well this ain't good for business at any rate! Any of you lubbers want to come up the tower with me to try and catch a better sight ahead?" And with that he began to wander over to the tower searching for an entrance.

OOC: I will wait to see who responds and then move together with them towards the tower to our left searching for a door.

Perception check: 1D20+4 = [14]+4 = 18



"It's not often I get to sling spells with reckless abandon. Glad I could be of some use. I think I'll remain grounded for now, but please feel free to get a better view of things from above." he says as he moves to look at a more intact specimen.

OOC: [roll=perc]1d20+3[/roll]


Relieved that the creatures have all been dealt with, Surina utters a prayer for those who have died. She attempts to look around the area carefully, but the adrenalin still pumping in her veins and her sorry for these poor souls who died distracts her. "Where's Perrin?" she asks.

Surina Perception Check: 1D20 = [1] = 1

If Perrin doesn't join the group near the bridge, Surina will go looking for him.


Rejoining the group as he wipes the ichor off his axe blade, Keth takes in the bodies of the villagers. "I think a few of us should police these bodies. We don't want to attract any scavengers or worse."

Listening to Zadolix he nods in agreement. "A lookout would be good. Someone good with a bow." he says solemnly, pulling off his pack and wondering where the best place to bury the dead would be.

OOC: Perception: [roll0]
Was just wondering on the options. Really don't want to get flanked for sure, and usually there are more monsters than PCs, haha.

GM: The area near the river slopes quickly downward (the brown splotches alone the banks). The area where Perin ended up at the end of the fight would probably be easiest to dig.

Those with perceptions above 15 notice a buzzing sound coming from under the bridge. It is higher pitched than the buzzing noise of the dead creatures.

Zadolix easily finds a way into the tower and climbs to the top. Looking west, there's nothing to see but your companions. Looking east, the town of Leed's Crossing proper is about a mile away, a collection of 12-15 houses on the dirt road. Between here and there are a few farms, each with a main house, barn, maybe a work shed. There are a fenced in areas and of course crops. Not a house in sight has any plume of smoke rising from it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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